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Everything posted by SectionC3

  1. If data eventually supports the theory, then we may have finally found an instance in which smoking saves lives. Amazing. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-8246939/French-researchers-plan-nicotine-patches-coronavirus-patients-frontline-workers.html "You weren't called!"
  2. Fake news. The human and economic costs of COVID are far worse than the presence of new people on an Internet message board who challenge your misguided political positions. I think you forgot that the Emoluments clause is "phony." Trump said so himself. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/10/21/donald-trump-mocks-constitution-emoluments-clause-phony/4055162002/
  3. More name-calling like that and you'll get yourself on a list sooner than later. I had the same thought. It's OK to be worried about a link in the supply chain, but still confident in the chain in its entirety. There is sound logic to that point. I'll qualify my support for that post. Good for Australia. Bad for Sabres fans. I've been punished enough.
  4. Fake news. The only thing that was validated here was that you belong on the Washed up Psycho and snowflake lists, among others. Hoax. He believed he had the authority. He was just wrong about that. Among other things. Fake news. I have never made a three page argument in this setting.
  5. not watching now. Birx to explain, or Birx to figure it out?
  6. How he knows that remains a mystery. Me too. But he’s talking out of his posterior again. Just like he was on the miracle drug thing.
  7. No argument there. But it is kind of like the guy who called the thing a hoax having “absolute authority” to run the show. Two bad ideas.
  8. Still waiting for his answer on how he knows the virus will not come back. He was asked the question twice. He could have summed it up in two appropriate words: fake science.
  9. Hoax. Also, comments like these are why you were placed on the snowflake list and why I have now placed you on the “Washed up Psycho” list with Deranged Rhino. Hoax.
  10. Well said. Whether we agree or disagree with what's being done, those are some heavy responsibilities.
  11. Fake news. Such is to be expected from someone who also is on the snowflake list.
  12. Yup. That’s why you’re on the hoax list. You’re right about investments. It’s not trumps fault I like to use a vanguard S&P index as a core component of my portfolio. But it is telling that he evaluates his presidency with that metric, and that, inspite of his tax gamble, the thing is basically flat since he took office. That, sir, is not winning, regardless of politics.
  13. I think you had a typo in the first sentence, because that phrase definitely makes no sense. I'll assume that it's "immeasurably worse" that's in play here. y way of example, compare Greece (not that bad) and Germany (pretty bad) to here (really bad). Although we know that early action would have improved matters (see, for example South Korea, Taiwan, and Greece), it's impossible to measure how much worse Trump made the situation through inaction. Ergo his failings in this respect are "immeasurabl[e]." Hoax. Comments like that are why you're on the Washed up Psycho list.
  14. Agreed on both counts. He's the king of vague double-talk, e.g., we set guidelines to reopen the economy, but the protestors are cool, too. The constitutional one is going to be a tough deal for him for the reasons you said. And you're right, only the brainwashed will buy his attempt to blame the governors if the pandemic explodes in areas of early reopening and spread from those areas.
  15. Yes. I dislike how he has divided the country through inflammatory rhetoric. I dislike the tax giveaway to the rich. I dislike the fact that, dividends aside, I've had dead money in index funds for the past 3.5 years. I dislike the fact that, instead of attempting to improve healthcare, he pursued a strategy of repeal without a plan to replace. (Ultimately, of course, that strategy failed.) I dislike the fact that, instead of pursuing meaningful border security, he castigated people opposed to his foolish and static sea-to-sea barrier. I dislike the example he has set for our country. I dislike the tarnish he brings to his office. I dislike Depression-era unemployment. And I really dislike his cavalier approach to the pandemic, which made what would have been a difficult situation significantly worse. You forgot to mention that it's his constitutional "absolute authority." Let's hear from the rule of law crowd on that one -
  16. I dunno. All of the pols I know aren't doing it for the money, that's for sure. At least not on my side of things. But glad that you're happy and that you've found success in life. I can't speak for everyone else, but my disdain for Trump lies principally with his disdain for the truth, his erraticism, his shallowness, his divisiveness, and his unpreparedness. Those are matters of his own creation.
  17. What Pete left out is that his boss belittled the virus and twiddled its thumbs for about six weeks after it knew or should have known of the danger and made what would have been a bad situation here immeasurably worse. So if we're going to play the blame game we may as well spread it around properly. "Higher standard." Thank you. Me too. It's about time somebody used that phrase.
  18. It's a joke. I like Buffalo. I (generally) like what I do, and I didn't make a play for the big money early in my career. (I get it, everyone likes to say that they could have been more or could have done more but chose not to, but in my case there's an element of truth to it.) So now my investment activities are limited to securities. But development, and development in NYC, seems to be where it's at these days. Or maybe was before the pandemic. It's hard to get started in something like that now, even at a small level (buying a few rentals in Buffalo and moving up from there, for example) with the constraints of the profession and the status of the securities portfolio. In short, my time has passed. The Examiner is a right wing rag, but there is some truth to what is written there. It's hard to take the piece seriously, though, when the author castigates the left for calling Trump authoritarian when Trump himself said that he has "absolute authority."
  19. That is obviously the saddest part of the whole thing. We could see 9/11. We can't see this, in significant part because we can't get cameras and reporters into ERs and ICUs (obviously with good reason). This struggle is a lot of different things to a lot of different people, but one thing that might be lost if we don't have a loved one in a hospital is the extent of human suffering and loss that is occurring. I try to make a point to remember that every day when I think of my own problems, and I need to do a better job in that respect.
  20. Now that's not very nice. More behavior like that and you're going to be on the Washed up Psycho list with Deranged Rhino.
  21. Mostly the liberal media. But I also have an affinity for Buffalo, and at least had an affinity for my chosen profession. So that played a little bit of a role, too. Good catch. I think you're on the hoax list, too. Hoax.
  22. I haven't heard the word manifesto in awhile. Not since the Unabomber days. That was a good reference. Fake news. You are on the fake news list, right Foxx? I seem to think so but I can't recall off the top of my head. You and me both. I probably should have been a NYC real estate developer.
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