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Everything posted by SectionC3

  1. This is legitimate point about state taxes that apply to fuel brought to market. Still waiting for the other guy to offer his insight as to the federal policies that have stymied the supply of fuel to the market.
  2. Lots created under the Biden administration. Market is going up. Inflation forecasts going down. Looks pretty good to me. So good that MAGA has yet to come up with a marginally believable hoax as to why it’s bad.
  3. Hoax. You said that the government is responsible for high gas prices. I said we operate in a free market economy, so unless there’s some government policy choking the gasoline supply, you’re out to lunch. Then you expressed your belief that there is such government interference. You also responded with a link to an opinion piece in the Washington examiner that whined about “regulations” and speeches and some other usual Trumpy tripe. I responded by noting that domestic oil production actually had reached an all time high under President Biden, and now outpaces the daily output of Saudi Arabia. At that point, you engaged in some more babbling about an unidentified policy. I politely asked that you point to a specific policy that has choked the supply of gasoline to domestic markets and caused the price of that fuel to rise. That is, I asked for support for your core point that the Biden administration has hampered the transmission of gasoline to market and caused fuel prices to rise. You then turtled and have since refused to answer. And here we are. Yet another “conservative” hoax.
  4. it was an opinion piece, not an article. I think it was your obligation to point to a specific policy or policies of the Biden administration that has or have raised fuel prices. Apparently there are no such policies.
  5. He did, and he was denied. Which means the bills had no measure of control over him. Which means he can publish stuff like he did today.
  6. a couple of additional thoughts: 1. I bet Bills PR really regrets not credentialing Ty Dunne. 2. Ike McKenzie did a lil’ dirty on Mc D today. Wow. 3. This is a far bigger PR catastrophe than the Doug Whaley presser. It may follow McD forever.
  7. I don’t think one stupid anecdote is a fireable offense, and I firmly believe that part will blow over, but one has to be pretty exhausted/dumb/social moron to think using the work of the terrorists who conducted the 9/11 attacks as an aspirational or motivational device is a remotely acceptable thing.
  8. McD is totally right about the friends part. However, if he saw where Chad lived (think Paulie Walnuts) and compared that to his own home (think Tony Soprano), then maybe he would have been a little gentler about it.
  9. No way for most of us to determine whether it’s true. The Pegulas, however, can conduct such things as exit interviews and get people to talk.
  10. McD has what one needs in a football coach. Smart enough to do the job, and dumb enough to think it’s important.
  11. The 9/11 anecdote will pass. Give it a week and people will be talking about something else, whatever it might be. Don’t forget, at one point our owner was accused of making a pretty incendiary racial comment. Nobody has brought that up in awhile. The bigger issue is whether, 9/11 and Niagara Falls malapropisms aside, McD has lost/exhausted the locker room. If the answer to that question is yes, then it’s time to either change the players or change the coach.
  12. Wouldn’t be any better there. Actually more rich d-bags at places like Nichols and Canisius. Now, for a football guy, St. Francis might be an attractive place to send a child.
  13. From what I understand he had a son who was horribly bullied at OP High School. Times are different and I’d like to think that wouldn’t fly now. But I never would put up with that ess either if I was him. Life is too fragile and too short.
  14. You want your team president to be detail-oriented, not banging the staff, and have enough smarts to get stuff done. Like the new stadium that already has an estimated $300m in overage costs. Nobody cares about idiotic stories and style points in that context. He really is the perfect type of person for that role.
  15. Mularkey left in significant part because his kids were treated like crap at school because of their dad. Not cool.
  16. Here’s an outside of the box idea. McD is nothing if not detail oriented. A good human, from all accounts, too. And trusted by the Pegulas. He’s be the perfect type of guy to be say, team president, and make sure that stuff like this new stadium thing gets done right when Terry’s out of town.
  17. I gotta tell you - I hear about some of the stuff that happens around here and I wonder how these guys could be so stupid and irresponsible. I’m sure it goes on everywhere, but for whatever reason I feel like there’s been an extra layer of dumb over there lately. In an odd way, it makes me respect McD a bit more—it has to be hard to capture the attention of a bunch of rich kids, many of whom are not exactly the type of person you’d want to do your taxes, day in and day out for years. I read it as Leslie’s still on the payroll and Bills PR used him to plant the story. Maybe I’m wrong, but that was my impression.
  18. The bet here is the team aged and a bunch of young guys and mid-level free agents got a little less desperate to prove themselves, a little (too) comfortable, and a little tired of the wound-too-tight guy in charge.
  19. There’s too many weeks like that lately. Diggs is a volcano ready to erupt. Allen went through his largely self-inflicted nonsense last year that seemed to carry over into the spring. The Araiza situation last year. Nuking the OC in the middle of the year. Von Miller strangling (allegedly) his pregnant partner. I don’t think it’s just Sean; on a whole, there has been a mountain of drama around that team in the last two years and they seem like they either need to get angry and win some games or get a breath of fresh air. Another reason why I’m on the Daboll train if they make a change. Make it fun.
  20. I haven’t read it—just the free parts—but I had a similar thought. There are a lot of guys who have been in that building with McD who were all too happy to throw him under the wheels of a semi. I wonder how many chimed in—and how many may pipe up—to defend him. From what I gather this piece is humiliating. And, this conversation makes me wonder whether he’s lost the room, and I think we’ll get a good sense of that in the coming weeks.
  21. So the gist of it is rhetoric, the usual tripe about boogeyman “regulations,” and whining about the cancellation of certain permits for drilling offshore and on federal land. Meanwhile, in reality, American oil fields are producing at record highs and actually generate more barrels per day than Saudi Arabia. Enjoy! https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/01/business/energy-environment/us-oil-production-record-climate.html#:~:text=The United States Is Producing Historic Levels of Crude Oil&text=Chart showing millions of barrels,13 million barrels per day.
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