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Everything posted by RJsackedagain

  1. for a second there I thought we were having a discussion about Darius Rucker. ....... Coming next week --- Anyone see Gary Coleman on Celebrity dating??
  2. Only if he spends some quality times with Doritos .... Big Pat has about 50 pounds on Edwards and he also lacks Williams' boiled egg physique
  3. Dude, what kind of lifestyle are you living that you can't get by on $2-3 million even with a family? If these guys were smart enough to invest some of this money instead of buying more cars and gold, they would be set for life regardless of whether they played another game.
  4. ARod is a loser dude!!!! I am soooooo glad he never came to Boston. ARod is what's wrong with sports today --- he's a me-first player who only cares about the money. The jerk had a good deal in Seattle and he bolted for a bottom-feeder team in Texas so he could be baseball's highest paid player. It's funny how Texas suddenly became a better team when he left.
  5. Coors Light = fag swag I'd rather drink a Gennie Cream Ale than Coors Light. Too bad about Killian's and Blue Moon
  6. Just remember that nobody likes a company rat either
  7. Sorry junior but I happen to be a Sox fan and a Bills fan
  8. This post is very confussing ... I can't figure out if the letter on here is from Weiler or the other mark. Which ever one wrote it, they need to learn to spell.
  9. Mark must have read it on someone else's website and decided to pass it along to the readers. He's not real bright and usually asks a lot of dumb questions that piss off the rest of the media at press conferences.
  10. Thanks .....I found some more stuff online as well last night. I just didn't get from the SI article anything about a stroke
  11. Trey Teague and Coy Wire will be next Good to see the Bills still have Drew on the roster this morning ...must be waiting until the 22 to make the online change too http://www.buffalobills.com/team/roster.jsp
  12. I don't understand how you get he's having a stroke based on the SI link
  13. Perhaps 5 years ago ..... Bledsoe, Glenn and Keyshawn have all seen better days. I'll give you Jones and Witten = wish the Bills had a TE as good as Jason
  14. I'm thinking the Bills would be wise to not allow any other QBs wear No. 11 ....for that matter, don't let anyone wear that number again. RJ and Todd Collins both had one good game and then one bad game ---- they were so freaking damn inconsistent it drove me nuts.
  15. Oh so according to you, everyone who hasn't run since last August should have a gut today. .... Thanks for the update Dr.
  16. How do you like the GABP? I went there in summer of 2003 and thought the ballpark needed some breaking in or seasoning to it.
  17. You are correct sir! And I thought Donald Fehr and the leaders of the MLB players union were jerks
  18. Would you want to back up a guy with little experience when you have been a starter for almost 12 years in the league? Uh, the answer is NO! Cut Bledsoe some slack .... at least the dude wants to earn his paycheck even if his skills are declining and the game is too fast for him now to be an effective starter. After the whole mess with Flutie and Johnson and the Todd Collins Experiment, the Bills could have done a lot worse at QB the past 3 years.
  19. Is that Sr. or Jr. Griffey? Looks like Kenny has been working out as a football fan all winter with those 12 oz curls and hearty bowls of Skyline Chili.
  20. I'm not a real big hockey fan, but it's no wonder the league is in such bad shape ------ Bettman and Goodenow are dipsticks. No wonder the two sides had a bunch of meetings without the two fearless leaders. Both of them should be replaced ASAP. I haven't seen such incompetence since Todd Collins was the QB in Buffalo.
  21. Sorry dude, I don't consider someone great because they have a lot of cash and can hit a baseball.
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