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Everything posted by RJsackedagain

  1. Sorry Spicoli ...... I hope I didn't offend Nomar Garciaparra, too
  2. the World Champion LF!! 241611[/snapback] Nizon has a world series ring last time I checked ........AROD has NOTHING!!!
  3. Thanks for the lesson on how to name a thread, dude ------ I didn't know we had a thread Nazi on here.
  4. I read JP's horoscope today and it says he's in store for big things the rest of the year.
  5. So will TD bring his dream qb (Kordell Stewart) to town to replace Drew .......I hope not!
  6. The Bills are making a big mistake if they don't get a veteran in here to back up JP that has proven he can win in this league. .... You guys are right, the Bills are built to win now with the core of this team, and waiting for JP to play catch up might cost them that window of opportunity.
  7. Why hold a press conference to release Drew? ... I swear next to Buffalo Billy's paycheck, this might be the biggest waste of our season ticketholder money I've ever seen.
  8. Why would you want Fiedler here in Buffalo --- he sucks!!! ......... I think Mike McMahon would be a good fit here --- someone to push JP in camp.
  9. He stinks ... tackling dumby for TKO and company in camp
  10. Did Travis Henry take that picture of the Got Milk? girls ... they can't be more than 14 years old
  11. Except for Drew Bled-soe much he needed a tranfusion
  12. while you're at it ask him about that head of hair and which animal he killed to make it
  13. Golic is a dipstick ...... he might have played the game, but he knows nothing about player movement in the NFL. .... Clayton and Mortensen are the experts on that station
  14. Sorry to break the news to you, but those two guys know very little about NFL players and the behind the scenes stuff off the field. I'm not saying they know nothing about the game because they both played, but when it comes to off the field stuff they don't know anything. Mortsen and Clayton are the guys who get those types of scoopes --- the real journalists.
  15. He is a disgrace to the game along with Sosa, McGwire, Canseco and all of the other 'roid users. Unfortunately, baseball was very dumb to not ban steroids earlier than last year, so a lot of these guys got away with cheating.
  16. I guess if you follow TD logic then the Bills will either draft a running back, linebacker or a wide receiver with their first pick, which comes in the second round. ...... Not sure how you can sing the praises of TD just yet --- he's only had one winning season, JP remains a question mark and they have no trips to the playoffs under him. Granted the Bills were going to stink for a year or two while he cleaned up the cap mess, but TD also has the Gregg Williams hiring on his resume --- hiring the wrong coach the first time set them back at least a year.
  17. Did you share this story with Mr. Henry? Perhaps he was hoping to follow in your footsteps when he scored a young lady friend at the mimi mart after filling up with gas.
  18. I would have to say I would be insulted if a team took Brad Johnson over me if I were Drew. ...... Johnson was washed up 3 years ago and has stuck around.
  19. Apparently the Cardinals think Bledsoe is washed up!!!!!!! http://www.azcentral.com/sports/cardinals/...gambo07-ON.html
  20. Apparently you and Michael Jackson must be on the same page
  21. Once again nother NFL player feels the curse of chunky soup ......just ask Terrell Davis --his chunky soup deal ruined his career
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