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Everything posted by linksfiend

  1. I'm hoping the Dutch Bavaria Brewery Girls show up again today
  2. This one says it's HD capabale http://www.amazon.com/Brite-View-BV-2500-W...r/dp/B0026FCGLI
  3. This one doesn't specify the output. But the last time I checked (last summer), I could only find ones that transmit a 480p signal at 30 frames per second. So they were fine for a tube TV but not HD.
  4. Agreed. Absolutely. If I get to watch the important Champions League games, the Euro Cup and World Cup in HD, I'm pretty happy with the level of interest in the USA. Now I do remember having to watch some qualifying games on Telemundo 2 or Univision 2 so maybe I'd like a little more growth. But overall I'm relatively satisfied. I was away for the holiday and couldn't watch any of the games. But I did DVR the Germany-Argentina match and watched it last night even though I knew the outcome. I have to say I'm sure glad the Argentinians (or is it Argentines?) are gone. I couldn't stand the way they were protesting every call, every perceived injustice, and even outright faked injustices. And with such vehemence. I don't know how the ref didn't start carding players left and right. Adios. I'm not sure what Bill Simmons is talking about with no Jumbotrons. Wasn't that a big issue with the Mexico-Argentina offsides call being replayed on the Jumbotron? Otherwise a very good article. But I have not grown accustomed to vuvuzelas as much as ESPN/ABC has made the necessary accommodations. I thought they were way worse at the Confed Cup last year. I don't know if it is better sound insulation in the booths, or better noise filters, or both, but I haven't minded it as much. However, if I was in the arena where there is no sound insulation or noise filters, I would probably been jailed for "hooliganism" by now for administering severe beatings with said vuvuzelas. And I sure enjoyed the comparison of English fans to Buffalo Bills fans. Finally, I wasn't expecting much from Germany after the loss of Ballack and the lackluster club seasons of Schweinstieger, Podolski and Klose. So I am definitely surprised (and obviously pleased). Forca Germania!
  5. I'm usually all for a difference of opinion. But yeah, when you disagree so fundamentally with this place that you disparage the Constitution then head elsewhere - Haiti, Cuba, wherever. Just go.
  6. Stereo Advantage carries the Panasonic line http://store.stereoadvantage.com/pan-tcp50g25.html
  7. I notice that YouTube today has a little soccer ball in the lower left corner of the player where you can toggle on/off a vuvuzela background noise
  8. "Look me in the eye as I tell you this from the bottom of my heart. F You!" Forca Germania!!!
  9. This? http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=5348284 Kinda looks like a well timed run. BTW - I love how fast espn posts the highlights
  10. At least you got it. I was confused. Bart sent me the answer to Game #1. Then I understood and got Game 2.
  11. My interpretation is all 4 pair need to be the same color. Not just any 4 pair. I could be wrong.
  12. That really sucks for Frank and "the other member". Not only did they lose out on their share but they are also losing their jobs. But hey, you gotta be in it to win it. Anyhow, I know exactly where this place is. I spent several years visiting a fab shop just around the corner from this place on Benedict Rd West.
  13. ?????? on Puzzle 1. You stumped me here. How any of those 5 terms are related has me baffled. Puzzle 2: 19. Worst case - pull the 4 red - then if you pull 15 more you'll either have 8 blue or 8 green Puzzle 3: The Man in the Iron Mask, Arsenic and Old Lace, Ulee's Gold, Silver Streak, Platinum Blonde, Tin Cup
  14. I wonder if Officer Sugartits responded.
  15. My personal preference was for Lux, but I found Palmolive had a nice, piquant after-dinner flavor - heady, but with just a touch of mellow smoothness
  16. Ditto - I came up with the same
  17. Right. I feel bad for him. He must be poor now.
  18. Heard a new proposal today to stop the leak: put a wedding band around it and it will quickly stop putting out
  19. First of all, we did not win the Confed Cup. We lost. Brazil won. We couldn't hold on to a 2-0 lead. Secondly, I doubt Shawn White is in the Top 50 in the US in earnings including endorsements - and almost unknown worldwide. But this is getting way off the topic of the future of the USMNT. Now Donovan, Bradley and Davies are all solid players, and may even be good enough to make Brazil's roster, but none probably crack the starting lineup. Finally on the rest: meh. We beat Spain in a tournament that noone cares about. And we beat Portugal in a group stage match. Besides, I would put Portugal a little below an elite team. They have never won a World Cup nor a European Championship. We did play a hell of a game against Germany that year and deserved to win. But that would've gone more in the occasional win category. We played Italy to a draw but again that was a group stage match. Hell - we weren't even favored to beat Ghana - it was even money in both the sportsbooks I checked. I think you underestimate what it will take to reach the next tier. But I do hope I'm wrong.
  20. Please - these are all niche sports with niche athletes. In what country would you consider any of these sports the preeminent sport where a vast majority of athletic boys might regularly participate? Additionally, individual sports aren't really a fair comparison to team sports. I never said soccer was dying. It's probably growing. And with the changing demographics in this country, it might grow even faster. Maybe 100 years from now, it might grow more popular than football and basketball. But right now what percentage of high schools even offer soccer? Do places like Bennett and McKinley, that have football and basketball teams, even offer soccer? It's just not popular enough to bring us to a level where we do not lose twice to an impoverished malnurished country of 23 million. We may get a rare win now and again against a powerhouse, but I don't see us rising to an elite level in the next 30 years.
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