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olivier in france

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Everything posted by olivier in france

  1. i root for the card even if a Bos-Hous series'd have a lot of twists to talk about (Roger vs the Sox, Texan Bush's vs Kerry's team...)
  2. i could not care less. one thing for sure you will never ever take that from us and no yankee fan will ever have fun of me anymore. To 1918 we will always have 2004 to answer back whatever happens in the WS!
  3. Isn't Yankee Stadium, the House that Damon Destroyed, burning yet?!! i love you Red Sox! Thanks for everything!! What a wonderful feeling!
  4. as i read just the last page of this thread i really have to wonder how it has become one more time a place for messages of hatred toward the canadians and the french... you're amazing people sometimes! anyway you're not gonna make me mad today. it's even better than the Houston game, cause it has lasted 3 days! I love you Red Sox!! I can't wait for tonight! and after this i'm not even nervous about what could happen cause even if we lose this 'd have been one hell of a fun season! Go Red Sox!
  5. The 2004 Boston Red Sox team . thank you for this and much more. you don't know how much joy you're giving me.
  6. M Green the former Bonnie is doing all right in the french league, after 2 games and a beautiful W vs defending champ Orthez he's the 5th scorer and first passer in the league.
  7. maybe but at least we know how to speak english... something you obviously have not learned in Yankee Stadium...
  8. with all the definitive opinions i see here this morning: * a regular NFL season lasts 16 games. * MLB league championship series are best of 7.
  9. i'll see what i do once the Red Sox season is over till then i can handle the bills results...
  10. Cortland? i knew i should have go there in an other season! Only time i've been there i went out of the road sliding on snow about 2 miles before the town coming from 'Cuse (and i was going quite fast i could have died that day!). The snow banks were so high my car was intact after the Rosen and the local policeman who helped me was the coolest policemen i ever met!
  11. He Red Sox fans, whatever happens next, during those last two seasons i had more fun than during the 10 years before combined , this team is really something we'll remember for a long time. I love you Red Sox!!! 8 games to go!!!!
  12. The french league is not as good as the spanish or the italian but the level is quite OK, the top 5 teams are at the TOP25 NCAA level , Marques will play in a team that played in Div2 last year so he will probably be asked to do a lot and his team 'll probably lose more than win... i'll try to see him when he plays at nearby Pau-Orthez
  13. I've seen today that Marques Green from St Bonaventure will play for Roanne in the french league this season (Roanne is not too far from my hometown) . They say he's very small but a real player, can anybody here can give me more information about him?
  14. when i was 15 in august 88 i spent a month to learn english in a Cheektowaga family. That month basically changed my life. This was my first trip in the US and i loved it. I knew little about football before it (i was yet a baseball player). 16 years later i'm still friends with that great family (now leaving in Hambourg after several moves around the Buffalo area) and even if i have since visited more than 30 of the 50 states i still believe WNY is the best place to live in the USA.
  15. too many twists in the question .... how do you define "Mainstream"? how do you define a "band"? For exemple are Nirvana or Metallica really Mainstream? And as a big Boss fan i have to say that Springsteen has only done his best albums with the E Street Band so does that make it a "band"? Anyway looking at all your posts i was wondering: why the english and irish best rock performers are always coming in bands (Outside David Bowie and Joe Cocker i don't find any big solo ones) while most of the best american performers are solo acts (from Hendrix, to Dylan, to Buckley to Bruce to N Young etc....)?
  16. I have the same feeling i had since the end of training camp: This is gonna be a very long season . Now i hope the coaches will be intelligent enough to understand they have to give playing time to the rookies as soon as possible (and for Losman as soon as he's available). I think this Bills team is the worst since i follow the Bills back in '88.
  17. Of course i root for the Pats! They play the Fish!!!! and i'd not be too upset to see the Pats go undefeated they have way more class than those stupid 72 fishes we have to see each year celebrating the first loss of the last undefeated team in the NFL
  18. This is a very sad night for baseball. They leave Quebec where baseball was once a very popular sport , now losing ground everyday to football and soccer to go back to DC, an area where they have yet a team , so in terms of business baseball has basically lost a market. Tonight the people of Montréal is sad but they can be proud that they never accepted what too many citizens and taxpayers did in other towns: to pay with tax money for a private stadium. Even if a downtown stadium that may have saved the expos... This is gonna be a very long winter in Montréal with the NHL probably cancelling the whole season... at least the Alouettes are kicking butts! Professional baseball does not speak french anymore, Adieu base sur balles, coup de circuits et grands chelems!
  19. He Bob my post was not supposed to be serious!! And please don't start your post by Mr Olivier, it makes me feel like i'm 50!!!
  20. he it's like when the Bills win its 2 games vs the Fish, we won the season series vs the Yanks so this season is a sucess yet!!! Go red Sox!!!
  21. i used to like the Viks but i really hope the current Viks will never win a Superbowl i can't stand Culpepper and Moss... I think the Red Sox has the better shot.
  22. yes Congrats to the Braves. They won easily this year again while they may have only the third most talented team in the division , really impressing. Good luck for the playoffs... Those NL playoffs are really looking good with probably 4 of the greatest franchises in baseball (Cards-Braves-Dodgers-Cubs or Giants)...
  23. are you nuts BuffaloBob?!! what's next ? rooting for the Dolphins?!! I can tip my cap to a lot of teams i don't like once in a while but the Yankees?!!! Man i have pride!!!
  24. why wondering who might be good?! Just ask the Boss to sign them all! Isn't that the Yankee way?
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