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olivier in france

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Everything posted by olivier in france

  1. lol! can't wait for my next summer US trip! God save the Euro!
  2. not a bad idea (i wonder what you'd do with Jacques but do as you want!) , i'm sure we could use Travis in my french league rugby teeam....
  3. the movies were fine but the best thing they made me to do was to make me read the books again (15 years later!) and they are truly fantastic (and not only the trilogy, i love the "unifinished tales", there is some incredible strories in those books that could make fantastic films by themselves)
  4. since the US have officially started a new presidency i'll give american politics a chance! You never know , the debate with Bush 2 and his supporters could be more reasonable and fruitful than the sterile ones with Bush1...
  5. hooo i should be upset by this , should i?! i know lot of gay people, one of my cousin is gay, in my former job in the luxury business maybe 15% of my colleagues were gays and you know what? Those guys are very very NORMAL. Sometimes french society drive me nuts but i'm happy this is a place that is tolerant toward them.
  6. that's all the problem of living in a society, you have to deal with different opinions, and keep in mind your own children will be in contact of different opinions some that you don't like ... and that some opinions that you don't like will become laws...
  7. he Bill read my post again did i say it was the conservatives that made the society as it is today?! Bush has just find that the best way to be reelected was to use that. I'm not sure anyway that the liberals 'd ban more things than the conservatives... they'd ban different things that's all.. i 'm a libertarian, i'm pro choice and pro guns, i'm for the responsability of individuals not for the dictature of the majority. I see some jai-alai but you know it's a little the "tourist version" of basque pelote, the real basques (i am not but i understand why now that i saw most of the pelote versions) prefer barehanded pelote.
  8. [ I don't want them growing up in a world where they think being gay is an option and normal That's your opinion but it is not mine.
  9. Fire him ???!! this guy have sent 4 of his teams to the AFC championship without having ONE championship caliber one. He never had a great QB. He's done an incredibly good job.
  10. glad to know your kids are locked home and that you banned sex from your life!!!
  11. This is so typical of our modern societies where everybody look scared about everything all the time! (and usually the more "scared" are the ones with the smallest chance to be hit!) Car accidents (ban speed!), heart attacks (ban red meat!), international terrorism (ban foreign people!) , local terrorism (ban lunatics!), pedophils (lock your kids home!) , violence (ban guns!), lung cancer (ban cigarettes!), homosexuals (ban SpongeBob!), foreign movies (ban sex!) , AIDS (ban sex again!), those scary looking guys next door (move to Alaska!). You know what? Life is very very dangerous!! some say you can even die for living! so why not banning it?!! Well that's what 'll happen pretty soon, compared with once we could do, our lives will pretty fast look like deadmen lives! And don't think our leaders will do anything to change this! If there is just on thing in common in GW Bush and J Chirac it's the fact that both have been reelected thanks to the same slogan "with me our country 'll be safer".
  12. well the Dutch freed themselves from a very distant spanish rule , the american way it can be said... for the british what do you call a bloody road? the Cromwell episode? the bases of the parlamentary monarchy were there before it...
  13. There is no answer to the "who started it all?" in terms of liberty and modern democracy. The ideas of the "Sciècle des Lumières" of Voltaire, Rousseau or Diderot were inspired themselves by older events form the Antic Greece to the Magna Charta. Washington, Franklin and Jefferson were not only inspired by the "french ideas" but they found a few themselves that people like Toqueville or Lafayette brought back in Europe and it goes on like this forever. It is true than in Europe the french revolution has inspired a lot of others, but are revolutions the better way to built a true democracy? A lot of the oldest and best democracies in the World have been built without a bloodbath (England, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands....) and in fact the French revolution even killed or try to kill a few ones (like the democratic organisation of the Bearn region in SW France or the invasion of Switzerland...). in fact I consider the French Revolution as a very dark page of French history. The proof that good ideas can bring the worst . (something today's America can relate to i think...) . Some english historians brought the theory a few years ago that in fact the french revolution was the end of the French domination on the World and that it made England the leader. Before the revolution it was France that was leading the pack toward industrialisation, that had the cultural, scientific and organisational edges. It took about 40 years for France to recover from the bloodbaths, the divisions, the wars and the mess the Revolution brought, by that time the English was ready to make the real Revolution that made our modern world, the Industrial one...
  14. Talking about "what ifs" my favorite one is "what if Louis XV had actually cared about the french american colonies and sent there about the same forces the King of England sent during the French-Indian war?...."
  15. when you think those guys have helped to the reelection of GWB, the Guy who want to save the World! please GW don't save me! http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/n...fe_spongebob_dc
  16. Real Football 2 - Circus 0 That's the real score of the day!! Congrats Pats and Eagles! that's what football is all about, winter game in the NE, the team with the biggest cojones win! Take that Dome teams!
  17. each time i see a restaurant somewhere in the world with some "Buffalo Wings" in the menu i try it... and they're never good! Only place in the world outisde WNY where i found great wings was at a place on Washington Square in SF (but that was 12 years ago!)
  18. i'm sick of those dome teams and their aerial shows, i can't wait for next week when they meet REAL playoffs teams. Go Pats, Go Eagles! And don't worry the Pats D maybe on one leg but the colts D has made no progress this year , Brady's gonna make short pass after short pass like last year.
  19. just some fast facts about the 3 unbeatens: USC: 4 Top 25 W 4 close wins (reachable by a score): 31-28, 23-17, 28-20, 29-24 Auburn: 5 Top 25 W 3 close wins : 16-13 10-9 and 21-13 Utah: 2 Top 25 W No victory by less than 14 points (vs Air Force 49-35) i think Utah deserved to at least play a game vs one of the top 3 teams, and that the "cupcake" argument for Auburn is stupid, Auburn has beaten more top 25 teams and has done it with less difficulty than USC.
  20. The BIG 12?! Of course the SEC is better than the Big 12! Outside Vanderbilt all SEC teams can compete in the conference, outside OU, Tex and Tex Tech the rest of the Big 12 is way below the average SEC team.
  21. i really don' t understand those "there's not doubt who is number 1"! How can you NOT doubt it when NOBODY has beaten two other teams?!! It should be USC and Auburn AND Utah.
  22. this is not fair and you want to know the truth? Utah 'd probably kick Texas butt!
  23. Realignement? No way! The fish rivalry is all care about those years when we are not competing.
  24. in the modern NFL you don't know who is really good before game 5 or 6 so let's forget about knowing it before the draft!!
  25. Usually the end of the Bills season means the start of the Sabres season for me...now all i have to do is waiting for baseball season... WNY college basketball teams'd better have a great season or it's gonna be lonnnng till april!
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