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olivier in france

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Everything posted by olivier in france

  1. 49/50 8 miles in about 240 seconds i missed Tennessee,put it too much in the east
  2. sometimes America looks like one crazy exotic country... the Janet Jackson incident was just plain funny showing how prudish main stream America is, but this one is just ridiculous , open your eyes! there's about one naked woman back a minute on MTV ! you really have a problem with nudity, sex and pleasures of life people! Is that why you are so violent?! Sometimes i wonder if America just need a collective therapy... or maybe a week or two of french TV ! (i can tell you french producers would not have cut at the waist line!)
  3. probably here in the basque country! PM me , i'll be more than happy to meet you!
  4. just a few numbers: so far the Bills have completed this season 16 passes to their Tes and 9 to their FBs or second backs The Pats have completed 26 to their TEs and 30 to their FB/2RB The Eagles 39 to their TEs and 18 to their FB/2RB ....
  5. well maybe it has something to do with the fact we have no other good target... just 2 years ago we could put downfield Moulds+ Price+ Riemersma + Centers ....have you check the targets Bledsoe has this days?!!
  6. you're right ... it looks like the Bills franchise took a wrong turn one day (probably during the Music City "Miracle", the game when RJ was chosen for good ) and everything went wrong since that lateral pass...
  7. and you find posts about Drew Bledsoe going to the HOF?!!! what's next? Mularkey for coach of the year?!
  8. I saw the new Jeunet film Friday night, the french title is « Un long Dimanche de Fiancailles », it should be well distributed in the US after the success « Amelie » had. While « Amélie » was about a dreamed France of this era that no longer exists and that probably never existed, the new movie is about a past France that is still very present, at least in the soul of most Frenchmen. It made me think a lot about my own country and how important WW1 (the period described in the movie) has been for us. In a lot of aspects, and that may be a French originality , WW1 has been much more important in the building of Today’s France than WW2. You can find there a lot of the roots of the cultural differences between France, the US and/or England. While the US and the English « personalities » are mainly built on the WW2 victory (as the germans still deal with the defeat in their collective mind) , the Frenchmen are still deeply affected by WW1, a war without winners, a bloodbath. And much more than that, a war where the Governments, the Nations , the Patries showed how meanless and blind they could be. After the War department ordered the execution of thousands of young soldiers that did not want to be used as « cannon meat » anymore , the French have never been the same. So yes we do not trust the government, yes we do not trust the Army, yes we do not feel comfortable with patriotism, nationalism, and « great ideas ». We are cynics, « dodgers », « complainers », whiners irrespectful of almost anything. On our Town Houses they should write « Carpe Diem » instead of « Liberté , Egalité, Fraternité », cause we lofe life more than anything, as we love good food, sex and short weeks of work. We love to abuse the State, to go on strike, to foul our IRS and to put our money in swiss banks. We hate politicians, the military, the clergy and our bosses. And you can understand why we can hate a guy like GWB… I use to say to some of my friends they should read « East of Eden » by Steinbeck if they want to understand what America is. So for you, american friends, If you want to understand France go watch this movie. And go even if you don’t give a damn about France, it’s a wonderful movie !
  9. Allez les Alouettes! The natural choice of the Bills fans! After all this is where Marv started it all and Montreal shares its dislike of Toronto with Buffalo!
  10. Anyway it makes feel good to read there is still people reading an old French thinker like Descartes in today's America!
  11. Descartes (my high school years.... 11 years ago! time flies!) loved facts Sue and because of that i'm pretty sure he would not have said "i believe in Drew Bledsoe" as your avatar does... In those difficult Bills times when we need more than factual information to keep the faith i am not sure Descartes is a good read, try some heroic fantasy instead!
  12. Baseball season's over, the elections are done, Bills season is over, no NHL this year... this is gonna be one long winter people... at least there is some soccer and rugby here... 4 months till spring training...
  13. Kasper say what you want jealous guy! you'll never take that from us!! World Champs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. thanks T Bone!!! first time in my life i drink champagne at 6 AM a thursday morning!
  15. exactly! he thinks he can do it but he's not fast enough!
  16. One full page on Green in l'"Equipe" the all sport french newspaper , he's the star of the beginning of the basketball season here! Go Bonnies!
  17. Great week for me! Outside the Bills and Cuse all my teams won (french rugby, french hockey, french soccer, and of course the Red Sox!!!!), and i'm not too upset i have very low expectations for the Bills and the Orangemen this year!
  18. a lot of Red Sox fans are not from Boston , there's even a few Bills-Sabres-Red Sox fans like me....
  19. How i could watch yesterday's game and how i will watch the WS a little explanation: No french TV shows the WS , even if with 2 AM starts they 'd not lose much viewers showing them! One of my best friends , an other french red sox fan currently lives in Japan (good for him the starts are at noon for him!) and can see them on the japanese TV . so we use MSN Messenger , he put his webcam in front of his TV and here i go! that was fun to chat with him all game long last night! it's a lot better than to try to catch the US forces radio on the short waves as i used to do before internet time!
  20. well he benched Lowe because Lowe had pitched 3 days ago! Lowe has surprised everybody pitching that well for so long last night! the plan was to try to have 3-4 good innings from him then to give maybe the ball to Wakefield or Arroyo... now why has Francona called Pedro to pitch for the 7th? he probably thought he was the best available arm and in a 7th game that's what you should do but it backfired a little... anyway it was obvious it was just for an inning max as we need Pedro as soon as sunday night...
  21. he you all know it i'm the one who found it! i want royalties on all sales!!!
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