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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Yeah, LGB...you suck...you too Corky...but be safe! You and your families will be in my prayers.
  2. Im just pissy because Im not going to the Opener....AGAIN. But I stand by everything I said above.
  3. The Pats are God, the Bills suck, 1918!!! GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I admire and like the Pats a TON....just like the way they are coached and play the game....and I like good young QBs eat up the field. Doesnt mean I dont root against them to win when necessary. If conducting an impartial anaylsis of another team and enjoying watching another team for no other reason than because they are GOOD, makes me less of a Bills fan, than so be it. Im confident enough in the level of my loyalty to the Bills to allow myself to enjoy watching and admiring other teams...especially good ones.
  4. "From now on, you will refer to me as 'IDIOT', not 'YOU CAPTIAN'!!!!"
  5. Nice talking points, Mike. Now give the kid his hat back.
  6. BIG !@#$ING DEAL What has he done lately? Since....oh....1973??!!??
  7. Wait one second...by not considering these allegations as true right now and reserving judgement until they are proven to be real or bogus, we are giving YOU (meaning the Left and the Kerry Campaign and CBS) the benefit of the doubt! How is that hypocritical??
  8. We all know that there is nothing more true than the fact that people like myself would LOVE for those docs to be bogus and for Kerry, CBS, McCauliffe and the entire Democrat party to go down in flames over this. But as much as Id like to see that, there is no way that I cannot be skeptical about whats going on and what "MY" party is capable of. Havent we seen enough dirty pool to question things, especially now? To take this issue in its current state at face value is reckless and just plain stupid.
  9. BRH wants to not even THINK of the fact that they MIGHT be forged...wants to completely ignore even the remote possibility they might be bogus....doesnt even want to question whats going on. But WE...the people who have not taken whats going on as fact, but are just raising the issue and are waiting to find out the truth are "mindless". Right.
  10. Im really not understanding how people here are downplaying the Pats. It completely smacks of ignorance and myopic thinking. DROP THE POM POMS. KNOW THINE ENEMY.
  11. IF these documents are indeed forged, the Kerry campaign and the DNC's current leadership are DONE. FINISHED. TOAST. If this story really has wheels, then it will make the Swiftboat thing look like childs play.
  12. Such as the author of the letter's wife and child? Id slow down on that "liar" claim a bit if I were you.
  13. CNN has picked up the story. Ive reserving judgement until its PROVEN they are forgeries.
  14. I know, Im not down on Our Boys. I just wish we were as good as THESE teams.
  15. Honestly, Im not crazy about the Bills' chances and this is definitely time for Donohoe to get it right or get out. But that article was a hatchet job. Blasting the Magahee pick NOW is just plain stupid. That article and its tone would be just fine if God forbid its three months from now and the team is under .500. But writing something like that NOW? Way out of place.
  16. I swear to GOD, the whole credit/FICO system is a complete joke. Too many credit cards, your score goes down. If you only have one or two cards, your score goes down. If you use your cards too much, your score goes down. If you dont use them enough, your score goes down. If your credit limits are too high, your score goes down. If you limits are too low, your score goes down. If your limits are high, but you carry a low balance on the account, its a sign youre a risk for overspending and lenders are reluctant to offer you additional credit. If your limits are high and you have built a significant balance on the account, its a sign you have overspent and are poor at managing money and lenders are reluctant to offer you additional credit. Oh, and by the way...to find out how screwed up you are, its going to cost you at least $10 every time you want to check your score to see how you rate. Its enough to make your head spin and IMO, one of the biggest anti-consumer rackets out there.
  17. Yeah..thats all well and good. But I didnt say all Muslims are animals. I said all the insurgents and Al Zarqwari's thugs are animals. There is just a SLIGHT difference there, pal.
  18. WHY are they being removed? Could be a valid reason.
  19. This group Texans for Truth are just a bunch of liars, funded by the DNC and the Kerry Campaign who do not have a SHRED of REAL evidence to substantiate their claims. Do any of them have any POSITIVE evidence that Bush wasnt there? Did any of them serve on the same aircraft as he did? Did any of them SEE him leave? This group of liars must immedialy pull their ads. John Kerry must then condemn them IMMEDIATLEY. And any media outlets or book stores that carry the message this group is putting forth should stop IMMEDIATELY or face LEGAL action! Right?
  20. An aquaintance of mine has the Prius and its cool as anything. Really high-tech head to toe. Not very powerful though and not much for the driving enthusiast at all. So if a car is anything BUT a means from point A to point B, these cars are a little "light" in the "fun to drive" dept. But since the guy I know who has one is a test pilot and instructor for an aircraft manufacturer, he MIGHT have some OTHER toys to "play" with!
  21. France and Germany have been playing "Lucy" to our "Charlie Brown" since the Allies pulled their troops from Europe. But John Kerry is going to change all that. Right.
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