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dry martini

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Everything posted by dry martini

  1. Despite the fact that Kelly's offense looked a lot like a sandlot team, "Marv's" offensive team of the 90s thrived in old Teddy's "system." Too bad Walt Corey didn't have a system (o.k., a good system) or we might have a few SB banners hanging at the Ralph.
  2. This completely undercuts your point. The Redskins hired a guy with a great defensive track record, built off a great system. He comes in and transforms an average defense into world beaters, not by buying talent, but by getting the players to play his "system." Five year ago, the Redskins tried to build a defense based on talent, specifically Champ Baily and Lavar Arrington. This past year the Skins finally got that great defense, but Baily was gone and Lavar on the bench. The only great talent is Taylor, but if you know anything about a Gregg Williams defense, you would know that a head-hunting strong safety is the cornerstone. So, its all about the system.
  3. Very nice. However, in 1991-92, Joe Gibbs took a team of 22, with, IIFC, 7-10 Plan B free agents (the old plan b, i.e., other team's cast-offs), around 6 of which started, the others playing key roles, and his third different no-name Super Bowl QB, and plastered the NFC and destroyed the Buffalo team of all talents. At almost every position on the field, Buffalo had a superior athlete. Yet Joe Gibbs and his "system" took the Bills apart like a house of cards. So, from my over 30 years of knowledgeably supporting the Bills, the last 15 from Washington, D.C., where I've had the opportunity to see Joe Gibbs close up, Joe Gibbs's systems do win championships. Nor is the success of Gregg Williams surprising. You'll not find many on this board who can question Williams's defensive abilities. The Bills had a great defense playing in his "system." And now the Redskins defense, which wasn't very good the past few years despite attempted talent upgrades, is now thriving in Gregg's "system." A "system" which, incidentally, thrived without the great Redskin talent that is Lavar Arrington.
  4. I really think you should post more. I'm already feeling better about this Jauron hire. ... damn, I seem to have drooled on my keyboard.
  5. That's the kicker. A good OC and things might work out.
  6. Like everyone else, I haven't a clue how DJ will do in Buffalo. But I have several friends from Chicago and a few from Packerland. And to a man, the Chicago folks had nothing positive to say about DJ, while the Packer folks either liked Sherman or at least had some positive things to say if they did not. That troubles me.
  7. So let me guess, you're a Bush supporter who believes dissent is unpatriotic.
  8. three memories off the top of my head: 1. Kelly dropping the snap right in front of me, only for it to bounce perfectly back in his hands and him cooling throwing to Lofton for our first TD. I turned to my friend and said "this day is ours." 2. Gave OJ a high five at halftime. 3. Spending the entire evening at the corner of allen and delaware with about 500 others singing "I've got a feeling, Buffalo's going to the Super Bowl."
  9. and they had a few crazy-ending games courtesy of Mike Brown.
  10. Jets: cap issues. they might be forced to do a roster dump. So, even if the youngster is a genius, he won't have anything to work with for a year or two. So, 2008 we can start worrying. Fish: as has been noted here, Saban did a nice job with what he had, especially with early wins against Denver and Carolina, but he still has QB issues. Remember, they lost 6 of 7, with only win vs. NO, before going on a tear (like us last year) against Oakland, us, SD (admittedly a better team, but SD was up and down all year), Jets and Titans before beating NE in a game that NE just didn't appear very interested in winning. If we don't collapse in Miami, who knows how their season plays out, but they would be no better than 8-8 with two losses to us. I'd take that going into 2006. As it is, I'll still take us over them in 2006. Pats: 10-6 and lucky for that. The loss of Weis will continue to affect that franchise. So will the continued loss of defensive coaches, but Weis is the biggie. They are ripe for the taking next year. Bills: underachieved. Improvement to both lines, which is possible in a single off-season, could dramatically alter the landscape of the AFC East. And my earliest recollection of avidly supporting the Bills was the 1-13 season. So, I'm not given to being optimistic about this club.
  11. OK, I will. Given the Tasker fan club on here (and rightly so), his comment should not be ignored. Nor should Marv's. DeHaven's view
  12. Someone will provide the link in a few moments, but our very good ST coach instructed the ST to watch for that play immediately before it occurred. Sadly, he took the fall for the players' failure to execute.
  13. Really, this is just silly. Substitute Bills for Pats the last four years - dynasty? nuff said.
  14. The most interesting comment was the quote from PackerNews that Sherman's contract extension will pay him 3.2 million next season minus anything he gets from another team. Ralph Wilson's reaction to the PackerNews article:
  15. You can be assured that Jerry Gray was not intentionally throwing in the towel by making bad calls and Scott said nothing of the sort. However, talk within the organization suggesting that he did is quite possible. What would you expect to happen to an overly proud defensive unit (both coaches and players) who imploded within one year. Yes, injuries played a part and poor management of the P Williams issue, but anytime such a dramatic turnaround occurs there is bound to be finger-pointing. Blackmon, Szabo are fired, Gray retained so he can interview for a HC spot, utter chaos. Hence, the "aggressive gamble that almost was" made during the 4th quarter of week 17 suddenly becomes fodder for throwing in the towel accusations.
  16. as long as ESPN sets up a camera in TT's house on HoF Selection day, he's a shoe-in for the final spot.
  17. Agreed. Just ask Don Shula. Quick dump to TT anyone?
  18. In contrast to the "serious" vein of your post, living here in DC has caused me to worry that Williams time in Buff might someday be viewed alongside Belichick's stint in Cleveland. Both men are defensive gurus with inter-personal communication problems (although GWs extended beyond media/fans to include players) that sealed their respective fates when their offenses couldn't perform. There is no question that Williams knows defense. He should learn from his communication errors. So, the question is whether he has a solid OC mind on staff when he gets his next opportunity. If so, look out. Gilbride is hindsight. At the time of his hire he was viewed as a solid offensive mind who was a bad HC and a clear upgrade to the disaster of GW's first year. He did quite well the first half of his first season before it all went to hell (as for the TD meddling, I recall TG was on GW's initial short list for OC, but TG decided to take a year off that year). However, if you really want to question TD, it's not so much Gilbride as GW's proposed "college" staff and that should have been a signal that something could me amiss.
  19. and a quick follow-up, if put in the same position as TD, you can bet the bank Marv would have done the same thing. You had a franchise that was screaming for a tackle, two equally rated monsters coming out of college, one of which was mouthing off about not wanting to come to Buffalo and carrying on about never giving up a sack in college, and the other acting like the citizen of the year. Which would character-Marv have selected?
  20. Why would MM want to hire a DC who would be chomping at the bit to take over as HC?
  21. That is my read. Ralph's careful response is simply a reflection of the fact that he's fairly intellegent.
  22. ditto. He has ceased to be constructive and is merely an irritant these days.
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