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Everything posted by Paco

  1. Paul McGuire was MADE for HDTV broadcasts.
  2. Maybe you're just not doing them right. Truth is, if they pass this law, maybe you can get a football team and get Ricky to play for your team. "Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the latest addition to the NFL...YOUR ALASKA SKULL BONGS!
  3. I'm glad to see Condi Rice working right up the last minute.
  4. Maybe we can trade them Bledsoe for their kicker Josh Scobee.
  5. I think Pats fans are the most loyal fans in any sport.
  6. Yet another victim of a senseless Jean Nate' splash and run. When will the madness end?
  7. Given how many companies he and his wife own outside the country, I'll be real interested to see if he really does this. I'm also curious as to whether he plans to show the rest of us how to only pay 12.5% tax on our income. I'm REALLY looking forward to that because I can use that extra 25% I've been paying.
  8. My brother, a season ticket holder for the Jets, commented last night that he could not remember two backs running for over 100 yards each in one game, but if memory serves me, did we not see Thurman and Ken Davis do that once or twice?
  9. Loving your team means never having to say you're sorry, Cindy. You can wear the glasses, and wear them proudly, or you can feel free to question their every move and find nothing good in anything they do...even in the few victories they get. But never apologize for any position you take because you never owe ANYONE an apology for being optimistic.
  10. Is it my imagination or are there in inordinate number of holding calls on running plays this year?
  11. You have to give her credit, though. She was late for an interview (I believe her flight was delayed), didn't have time to be made up or have her hair done, and wore a hooded coat for the interview. But as I understand it, when she was questioned, she basically explained the situation and offered to take the hood off. She looked like hell, but I tend to appreciate a person who at one time was a beauty queen, but is willing to laugh at herself as a human. Still a very freaky picture, though.
  12. We do have a tendency to take it for granted. I suggest he get comfortable because if he's expecting results to come in overnight, he's probably going to be pretty disappointed when it's December and we still don't have a president.
  13. I hope people are helping you guys do it right this time.
  14. I hope your head doesn't hurt because you may as well be hitting it against a brick wall. The reality is simply that a lot of the younger voters take a position simply for the sake of taking a position. There is an outstanding chance that most of the brick walls were not aware that Afghanistan had elections, or what that means in terms of the make up of the Middle East. There is so much they don't pay attention to. And it's unfortunately too bad.
  15. Oddly enough, it would be a giant step in the right direction if we could keep to one the number of Bills players who cost us a game.
  16. I'd rather see us be able to compete and win more consistently, to be honest. The few prime time games we have played recently have been an exercise in humility. The KC game comes to mind from last year. And I'm not exactly looking forward to playing the Patriots on Sunday night in two weeks. It's bad enough that we have to play the Patriots, but just the idea of playing the Patriots and listening to Paul McGuire gush about them makes me thankful for the mute button.
  17. That's me, bro. A bastard-covered bastard with a creamy bastard filling.
  18. Let me get this right: Followed by... You're something special dude. Really special.
  19. Absolutely right. At this point, a divisional loss means little to Miami and everything to the Jets. I wouldn't mind seeing Miami pull the upset. I didn't get to see them play St. Louis, so I'm not sure if they beat St. Louis or if St. Louis lost to Miami, but I think this game will be closer than seven points.
  20. Not unless you were going to add them to the other 11 guys who had Deuce and the Bus run down their throats and dominate time of possession. Face it, dude, you guys flat out got your asses beat yesterday. No way either Dillon or Law were going to help you. No way.
  21. The NYCBB prepare to meet Tim Russert.
  22. They actually talked about this during the game yesterday, though it was reported over a year ago here, how Krumrie wrestled one-on-one...and beat...every guy on the line.
  23. Yesterday was my second chance to watch Ben in action from start to finish and what I really appreciate about him is how he just stands there calmly, regardless of what is going on around him, and waits for the right moment and then generally puts just enough air under the ball to hit his receivers. In particular, his first TD pass to Burress...I thought he was hit and the ball just shot up at an odd trajectory. But the ball dropped right into Burress' hands, and on the replay I saw Ben playing big league ball. I appreciate how painful it must be to listen to people talk about how someone other than the Bills are the best team right now, but you just have to give credit where it's due. The entire team outplayed the Patriots yesterday...with or without their run game...and they got the turnovers when they needed them, and turned them into points.
  24. I wonder how much longer Mawae plans on wearing that club on his hand.
  25. Thanks for that, Bill. When a team struggles like ours, it's easy to find who is playing poorly, but Ron Edwards has been a big surprise for me this year. It's great to be able to pull out someone like Williams or Adams and throw a Ron Edwards in their and see him perform well.
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