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Everything posted by BravinSeattle

  1. From kos -- The Florida Supreme Court just rejected Rush Limbaugh's appeal to protect his medical records from State prosecutors. Rush is now out of legal options, and will be unable to shield his records from prosecutors who are investigating him for "doctor shopping" for those little baby blue pills he loves so much Limbaugh's records have been held under court seal after being seized by prosecutors. Now, if the State issues an indictment, they will become part of the public record. Game. Set. Match. Limbaugh is going to jail and he's going away under mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines. Defend his or attack his sentence and you're soft on crime and support drug abuse. Awesome. Now if only Bush will be dumb enough to propose a SS plan that cuts benefits we'll win both houses in 06 and not just two.
  2. This guy is a friggin player. I'm praying he falls and we somehow get up there and grab him!! Anyone else think that its likely?
  3. We'll have 4 go in the first round. QB Jason Campbell in my opinion is a much better QB than Rodgers and I think someone will jump on him in the 1st round.
  4. I'm the state director for an organization called Americans United to Protect Social Security (www.americansforsocialsecurity.com) and I direct strategy, communications and field efforts in opposition to "SS is in crisis, SS is not in crisis but its in trouble, SS isn't in trouble but we need to privatize it, We must privatize it even if it doesn't save it!" campaign. Our organization is the primary reason why Bush's plan to destroy the program is has almost as low and approval rating as he does.
  5. Yeah...that sure worked out well for Oakland. LOL
  6. He's been prevented from working out because of a gimpy knee. Could be serious but it seems to me its just a sprain, either way he's still dropping like a rock. I really, really hope he falls to us in the 6th.
  7. A-friggin-men. Vincent Jackson is the guy I covet in the draft because he can and will play TE. I have afeeling that he's going to be the steal reciever of the draft, not Jones.
  8. Well then it looks like we are officially moving up to grab a player in the 1st round.
  9. I'm so tempted by Tuck. He is certainly low hanging fruit because the guy is freakshow of talent and athleticism but can the guy stay healthy? If falls into the end of the 2nd or the top of the 3rd I'd trade up to grab him but it seems like someone else will take a chance on him earlier. I'd love any of the other picks except for Jones only because of our needs at OL, CB and TE. If we had a 1st or another 2nd I'd grab a situational player like him but the odds that he's another Antonio Gates to me seem pretty slim.
  10. I keep seeing this pop up on message boards as well along with that Henry to PHI talk for a pick. I can only hope we are able to pull off both of these as well as trade down in the first -- even out of the first. The only guy I'd stay at that pick for is DE Shawn Merriman (Remember Kearse in his prime?), SLB Derrick Johnson (I don't believe the hype - this kid is an impact player) or WR Troy Williamson (A 4.3 version of Eric Moulds). If those guys are gone then the best case scenario as you pointed out, is to trade down. I'd love to have a late 1st , 3 2nds (Ours, Philly's and the team that trades up for our no.9 pick) , a 3rd, 2 4ths (Ours and Washington's), a 5th, 6th and 7th in this draft. Could you imagine that draft???
  11. No way he goes before Jason Campbell. Did you hear about his workout at Auburn's pro-day??
  12. LT LJ Shelton LG Chris Villarrial C Trey Teague RG Bennie Anderson RT Mike Williams I think there is no way we don't get the Shelton-Henry swap done and it seems to me we'll move Villarrial to LG which makes the right side massive to say the least. With Gandy, Tucker, McFarland and Sobieski providing depth I have to say this could be the best OL we've head under TD.
  13. ...DAMN YOU MODERATORS!! DAMN....YOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUU (voice trails off)....
  14. Considering my posts still have to be approved by moderators shouldn't I get a spot by default?
  15. Can't believe they would ansorb that cap hit but who knows....
  16. I'm actually planning the birthday gag featured on Reno 911 for a friend of mine moving to DC next month. Funniest thing I've ever seen.
  17. I think DT Michael Myers is involved with this trade as well.
  18. I've read he has a degenerative knee condition, maybe arthritic?
  19. Not sure if we know the article is actually accurate but my opinion of him went south when he ruled out playing late in the year.
  20. Who knows. Maybe he had just realized he's never gonna win a Super Bowl with Manning as his QB?
  21. I've always believed that the reason we made the Losman deal is because the pickins thins year would be slim and even slimmer next season.
  22. I actually believe that WR Josh Reed is going to have a breakout year for us.
  23. I think Americans are realizing how insane the relgious right truly has become. <img src=http://www.time.com/time/covers/1101050404/poll/2.html>
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