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Everything posted by coseybedaman

  1. After the loss of Poz I hope Merriman does more than post on Twitter this year. If he returns back to old form we can get virtually any replacement for Poz in there to look good
  2. "Many many" good players on this team?? Now this might be the comment of the whole thread. I have to hear this. I consider a good player someone who would start for a playoff caliber team. My list comes to Eric Wood, Kyle Williams, and Brian Moorman of guys from last years team. Many Many good players? Come on man. Even those guys are a stretch. We didnt even have a player in the top 100 on NFL Network. NOT ONE!!! How do you justify not having one top 100 player in the NFL when every team should average approximately 3. This is not a good team, this is not a talented team. Maybe things will turn around under the new regime, and I hope they do, however no one can convince me losing talent like Posluszny is the way to do it.
  3. Yes I live in the Tampa area and was listening to Bucs offensive lineman Davin Joseph due an interview on the radio. The DJ poked at him and made him name one team that would have to give him the most ridiculous offer in NFL history to play there. He said Buffalo first, and Oakland second. This says a lot about how the players around the league view our organization. We are viewed as a bad weather, cheap, losing team. Not too attractive to your average free agent. However, you do what you have to do to keep a nucleus of a team together for a few years, start winning some games, and things change real quickly. We neglect to do that as well.
  4. I really want to see if any SOLID evidence comes out that the Bills tried to match. I dont see a huge reason why Jacksonville is much more attractive to play in than Buffalo. Especially when you are already an established captain of the defense, and obviously in the team's plans. If it was Pittsburgh, New England, New York, or a winning franchise like that I would see the logic. I just find it hard to believe that the Bills offered Poz 42 million dollars. I will agree thats pricey for him, but if 3 other teams were willing to pay it then its tough to argue.
  5. Well said!! It seems as though every time a high level player walks out of our building no one thinks he is worth a damn. The real problem is that right now this organization isnt worth a damn. Fletcher, Pat, Peters, Spikes, Winfield, Clements, the list goes on and on of players who we felt were expendable. However, we havent been close to the playoffs since all of those guys left. Reason being is that these are star players, and you dont let star players walk when they become stars, and always hope you are drafting that new star. The new star isnt going to be a star instantly, and by the time he is well we cant afford him anyway LOL. Its a vicious cycle. The Jaguars are just as much a small market team as we are yet every year they bring in guys to try and win. I feel like we bring in guys that we are getting the best deal on.
  6. "He was merely good" says it all. There isnt a whole lot of "GOOD" players on this team. That is why we are notoriously "BAD". When you do have a "GOOD" player you keep him. A team full of "good" players makes a good team. The team has no commitment to winning, yet certain fans make excuses for every boneheaded move that this team makes. Every single move we make is centered around the almighty dollar. Keep saving money on players, and keep raising those ticket prices. Its working great.
  7. Wikipedia from 2009 below. We all know the 2010 story with the defensive scheme change, and all the player shuffling. He was the only other bright spot besides KW. When you have a sub par team you upgrade those sub par positions. No one could have argued that Poz was not a solid starter for this team, and no one in my opinion could have felt bad about that particular roster spot. Now we don't have a clue who will fill it, but history tells me it won't be anyone major Posluszny was selected as a team captain prior to the 2009 season. Posluszny broke his arm again during the first quarter of the Bills week 1 game against the Patriots on Monday Night Football. He returned to action week 6 against the New York Jets, registering 9 tackles, one pass deflection, and an interception. Posluszny created 6 turnovers in 11 games after returning from injury, which placed him tied for first among middle linebackers for turnovers.
  8. I make these assurances because even a mediocore franchise like the Jaguars is in the playoff hunt every year until the end while we are winning 4-7 games, and out of it by midseason. Reason being moves like this. The Jaguars may not be a championship caliber team, but they make strides to get there. The little bit of talent we do have we let go virtually every free agency period. As far as PSU Linebackers go, the last great Penn State linebackers were Jack Ham, Shane Conlan, and currently Cameron Wake. Not to mention they have several starting linebackers around the NFL. They arent called "Linebacker U" for no reason. Does not mean it will translate to the NFL, but Poz certainly seemed to be quite sought after in free agency by everyone, but us. There is a reason for that. Its called a paycheck.
  9. I agree clancy, but who truly believes we are going to upgrade. Like usual, we will plug in someone on our roster or bring in some average player (ayodele, torbor, nic harris, andra davis etc, etc) and wonder why our defense sucks yet again.
  10. John, he is precisely a playmaker. The man was playing for a horrible defense, and created the most turnovers at his position in the NFL if I am not mistaken. Or at least, very close to it. Keep in mind he did this with virtually no decent players around him, and a brand new defensive scheme. I think Poz would have been huge for us this year. Believe me I thought this guy was the next great Penn State linebacker coming out of college and was initially disappointed, but you can tell he was making strides towards being a very solid MLB. I can assure you that he will be in Jacksonville as well.
  11. Some of the ignorance here is appalling. This is a huge blow for our already horrific defense. Poz was just starting to come into his own as a linebacker. That is about par for the course for the Bills. Keep him until he is on the verge of his prime and then refuse to pay. If a guy who has missed 6 games over the last 3 seasons is injury prone than that is 75% of the NFL. He got hurt early in his career, and all of a sudden he is injury prone? Give me a break. This is a huge loss, and one of the most embarrassing LB corps in the NFL just got worse.
  12. Its ridiculous to pay $300 for the authentic jerseys. Especially when every other year they are changing some form of the jersey. Spend the $35 shipped for the bootleg(or $20 each if ur buying multiples), get a couple of new ones each year, and no one even knows the difference. They absolutely BLOW the replicas out of the water. I will gladly spend the $300 for a jersey when Ralph puts a playoff team on the field. Until then he is lucky we pay for tickets. IM SO SICK OF LOSING!!!!
  13. Kyle Williams and Stevie Johnson Just kidding obviously. I could do without Akin Ayodele & any tight end you would consider the starter . I want to give Maybin one more season and see if Merriman & Wannstedt can coach him up a bit.
  14. Not to be the pessimist of the group, but who on this board really believes that we are going to go after any free agents who are the best available at their particular position. Clabo, Miller, Boss, and those type of guys are too good to be true. We never bring in those types. We bring in the Cornell Greens, Akin Ayodeles, and Reggie Torbors. Never the top of the free agency class by any means.
  15. Hey Guys, As someone who has about 25 Bills China jerseys I can tell you that finding the right colors can be quite a pain sometimes. About 75% of the China companies who are selling the Bills jerseys use the Titans "sky blue" color where there should be the bold royal blue color. Thats the only thing you have to be careful of. Once you find one Chinese company that has the color scheme right then you are golden. For example I have pasted a link that will show you the WRONG COLOR that many of the Chinese places use. This is realy the only concern you need to have. You can see it at the end of the sleeve really well, but they also use it around the piping of the whole jersey, and its quite horrible looking. A lot of places have now fixed that due to complaints from people telling them they had it wrong Copy & paste this into ur browser if u cant click on it http://i.ebayimg.com/00/$%28KGrHqUOKoYE3F%2144ZJuBN8sZrDfYQ%7E%7E_12.JPG
  16. "RYANC" beat me to the punch about this receiving corps. Seriously guys? Our "best receiver" dropped the game winner vs Pittsburgh, and pretty much did squat after that once his confidence was shot. This team is FAR from set at wide out. Every wide receiver on the team has a question mark next to them. Come on guys, lets not overrate this team. Talent wise, we have one of the worst teams in the NFL. Our #1 guy probably wouldnt start for one playoff caliber team. 1. Was Stevie Johnson a 1 year wonder who's drops killed his confidence 2. Will Lee Evans be even more invisible year by year 3. Will Roscoe Parrish stay healthy enough to help in the slot 4. Will Marcus Easley even see the field
  17. I do feel that Plaxico would be a great addition to any offense, however I think you lost EVERYONE with the whole "final piece to our puzzle" thing. This team is nowhere near a contender, let alone a wide receiver away. I wish that were true though LOL.
  18. I get like 4 or 5 every season. You really cant go wrong. You get 4 or 5 different players in all different colors, and styles for the $100 or so that you'd spend on one piece of garbage replica. When my $100 starts going toward a decent on-field product then I will start purchasing the official NFL jerseys
  19. The Chinese jerseys are by far the way to go in my opinion. You get them for $25 and they are far higher quality than the replicas that the NFL asks $80 for. I own about 20 of them, and they have always lasted longer and stayed in better shape than any of the NFL Replica jerseys ive ever purchased
  20. Gailey brings rookies along very slowly anyway. I feel like Troup will be fine, but hopefully Jasper is breathing down his neck for that nose tackle job and they bring the best out in each other.
  21. Its not as simple as bust vs not bust. The Bills defense has had virtually NO pass rushing scheme since Maybin has been here. I understand Maybin has done nothing to get to the QB, but who has on this team? Guys like Cameron Wake see success, and change their careers around because of the scheme and situations they are put in as well as the talent around them. I am hoping that between Wannstedt & Merriman coaching him up and Dareus & Kyle Williams up front holding down the line that Maybin really shines. Its either now or never, but I definitely havent given up on him yet. If the guy has any talent at all we will definitely find out this year. If not then we definitely gave it enough time, and brought in the right people to help him have a chance and we can move on with a clear head
  22. Jasper is not a "long shot" to make the team in any way. The Bills front office has been watching this guy for close to two years, while accidentally stumbling upon him during a visit to see another player. Jasper was not on any draft board in the NFL, but the Bills insisted on drafting him due to the lockout. This way they could have Kyle Williams show him the ins and outs of the nose tackle position while the lockout is being cleared up. Had they let him go undrafted they would not have been able to sign him until the lockout is over, making him relatively useless going into the 2011 season as raw as he is. This guy was NOT drafted as a long shot. He was drafted to be this teams nose tackle, even if its part time in relief of T. Troup. This is why everyone is so excited about this kid. The upside is huge, and the risk is next to nothing. Couple that with the immediate 3 starters we picked up in the opening rounds, and you have some real potential finally.
  23. This man (or boy), is simply ignorance at its highest level. He would surely think different if he had any friends or family in those buildings that were killed senselessly while they innocently tried to earn a living on September 11, 2001. If I was the Steelers organization, I would not want that guy anywhere near my team after those comments. Talk about a public relations nightmare. WOW!
  24. Id really love to add Casey Matthews or Mark Herzlich in this draft. Those are the high motor, high character guys that Buffalo likes to draft. Plus they can definitely be starters for us in my opinion
  25. WOW! I cant even believe Jacksonville is letting this guy go. I am from Florida, and he is considered their second biggest star around this area behind MJD. I bet the Jags fans are shocked. Mike Thomas really emerged this season for the Jags so that, coupled with disagreements with coaching staff, probably led to his release. This guy is a huge steal if we can sign him. He can be a legitimate #1 in this league. If a wide out can do something in Jacksonville, he is talented. I cant even believe Del Rio still has a job there. Talk about a team that goes nowhere each and every year. Atleast we are just hopeless in Buffalo. The Jags think they have legitimate Super Bowl hopes every year, but dont really make any strides to improve.
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