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Everything posted by coseybedaman

  1. While I respect everyone's opinion to like or dislike any sport you choose, the stereotypes you have stated in your post could not be more off base. You use the "baggy hoodies", "smart mouth", etc stereotype. I am not sure where on earth you saw that. I am assuming the impression you are getting is that this is some type of thugish sport. Perhaps you were watching NFL Films, or an NBA sideline, but you DEFINITELY have the wrong sport here. Once again everyone is entitled to their opinion, but where on Earth do you get this from? Have you ever watched an event? Also the storylines, and drama that drive you away sounds like you are mistaking mixed martial arts for Monday Night Raw. There is no storylines, there is no drama. There is just two highly skilled professional athletes who enter a cage with a strategy in hopes of winning the fight. Both men have their strengths, both have their weaknesses, but in the end the best man wins. If the two men happen to have a history, well then that is very real. Its not a show, its not an act. Its just like when the Steelers and Ravens get together. Its tough for me to comprehend how someone can not enjoy a sport where there is no excuses, no home field advantage, no weather factor, no teamates, just two men going to war and then shaking hands after its over. It is the ultimate sport of respect, discipline, and action. I respect that it is not for everyone, and I understand everyone has their interests. I personally would rather jump off a bridge than watch a baseball, hockey, or soccer game, yet half the world is obsessed with these sports. In conclusion, I would have to say your lack of interest in the sport is based on your lack of knowledge of the sport. Much like baseball, hockey, and soccer are for me, you have no interest in gaining interest, and I totally understand and respect that. That is your choice as an American. Next time you are flicking through the channels and check out the UFC, I assure you that you wont see any Marshawn Lynch, Antonio Cromartie or Warren Sapp caliber human beings. You will see top notch, disciplined, world class athletes, with tons of respect for their opponents and the fans.
  2. I am an amateur MMA competitor, as well as the most avid fan of the sport that anyone can be. Anyone who sits here and insults the sport is absolutely clueless to what it entails, and what it stands for. Those will be the same people who are looking to watch something when these whiney millionaires, and billionaires go on strike, because they are too uneducated for their own good. These guys are first rate athletes in ANY organization, and are pure class. Please do me a favor and approach Bruce Smith. Then approach Randy Couture, Chuck Liddell, BJ Penn, or any of these guys for that matter. I assure you that your opinion would change. I am a die hard Bills fan, and have been for 25 years. However, the class of the athletes, and the appreciation of the fans who pay their salaries are not even in the same ballpark. P.S. If Marcellus Wiley has taken 10 minutes of Jiu-Jitsu class he will have Toney tapping as quick as Couture did.
  3. While I agree with you that you NEED a franchise QB, there is nothing saying that Mallett, Locker, Newton, or Gabbert are not that guy. I fully believe all 4 will be selected in the first round. All of them have been talked about in the top 10 previously, and while I know that is a huge stretch, the combine and interview processes will tell us a lot about where these QBs are going to fall into place. Between the Titans, 49ers, Bills, Dolphins, Vikings, and several other teams looking to fill the QB position in this draft, I dont think these 4 QBs are going to make it out of the first
  4. Dr Dank, What on Earth makes you think that Locker, Gabbert, Mallett, or even Ponder for that matter will be "just as good as Fitz". Please get off the guy's jock. He is a journeyman backup QB, and would not start on ONE team in the NFL besides our embarrassing Buffalo Bills. There is a reason that Fitz was a 7th round pick, and these guys are projected 1st rounders. That is because their potential isnt even in the same ballpark. Just because the offense scored some touchdowns this year lets not pretend this wasnt our worst record in 10 years. The guy is a confident QB. I will take it all day over wasting 3 years on checkdown Trent, who never had the balls to throw 15 yards down field regardless of the down and distance.
  5. The guy let a buddy pay for a plane ticket. Sometimes you have to look at the situation, and that is just ridiculous. Also, like I said, all of these players are breaking these rules. He happened to be an unlucky guy who got caught. So he has less character than the guy who DIDNT get caught? I dont think so
  6. Im not concerned with these NCAA regulations at all. Bottom line is this, the NCAA makes hundreds of millions of dollars off of these athletes yet excepts these guys to walk around dead broke all the time. As a college athlete, yes you get a free education and that is great, however football practice, meetings, functions, and games take up SOOO much of these guy's time. They should be paid something in my opinion. Of course I mean something small, and the same to every player. If these guys who mostly grew up poor, were given a few dollars so that they can live decent lives, then I think the whole money issue with college players would be cut down considerably. They arent even able to get part times jobs. Thats totally not right. Thats like saying "you have to pass all of your exams, but your not aloud to study". Its just not realistic. We only hear about 10 percent of the athletes who take money for something, the rest go under the radar. P.S. If this guy runs a 4.38 at the combine he probably will go #1. The chances of that happening in my opinion are ZERO! He is simply too big and too tall
  7. He is an absolute stud in my opinion, however I think #1 overall is just typical draft hype. He is going to be around when the Bills pick at #3, and I truly hope we grab him or go Cam Newton. I think either one helps us rebuild immediately. Also NoSaint, where did you see that 4.38 time? The fastest I've seen is 4.65 on him, which is still amazing for a man his size.
  8. Marv is well known as one of the most intelligent coaches in the business. He completely turned around a hopeless franchise, turned them into a contender, and was instrumental in creating the "no huddle offense" as we know it today. While I agree with you about the horrific GM disaster, Marv was definitely a genius coach.
  9. IMO nothing wrong with bringing him in for a reasonable contract, and hoping he can stay healthy. Maybe try and change his body a bit in the conditioning room. The guy is a top 5 safety in football when he is on the field. I am sure we will come in millions and millions under the cap as usual so what is the real risk here except Ralph having a few less dollars to go out to dinner with?
  10. If its true he deserves everything he gets. Not only is he a murderer, but the moron is not smart enough to stay out of trouble even AFTER HE GETS AWAY WITH MURDER!! Really man, I would lock myself in my mansion for the rest of my life and not ever leave. He has been a violent man his entire life, and got what he deserved if this is the case.
  11. Why on earth does everyone on this board think we are set at wide receiver. Steve Johnson couldnt catch a cold in a snow storm after he blew the Steelers game, and Lee Evans is a decent/ok at best as a #1. Get real guys. Saying Plaxico Burress wouldnt improve this teams receiving corps is just insane.
  12. AMEN TO THE CHINESE KNOCKOFF GUY! I will start buying the real thing again when the money starts going to a decent on field product
  13. While Schaub and Brees are both fantastic, I believe they are definitely both products of the offense they play for. Schaub does put up amazing numbers, but they have that type of offense where it allows him to go for 350 yards in a game. Brees of course was ok-decent as a starter before revitalizing his career with the Saints. I think Sean Payton really had, and still has, a lot to do with Drew Brees success. Those are two of the very few examples of QBs that were passed up in favor of other QBs in the draft, however both Brees and Schaub were never thought of as franchise QBs until they got their fresh start with teams that didn't even draft them. While those are good examples of QBs that worked out well outside of the 1st round, they didn't really work out for the team that drafted them so I'd say those guys show more of a case for picking up a free agent then picking up a late round QB.
  14. Yes I agree, I believe AJ Green and Patrick Peterson are going to be two majorly hot players when our pick rolls around, and unless we have something in mind at that time there will definitely be teams willing to move up. Too bad the Pats will get great players no matter what they do, because I would love to have their top two picks.
  15. I love Newton. If we go QB that would be my selection. I cant see this guy being a bust. He has such great leadership, powerful arm, very accurate for such a powerful arm, NFL size/strength and amazing scrambling ability which Gailey loves (and is needed with our OL). All this one year wonder stuff about Newton is completely unfair. To be a one year wonder in my opinion you need to have played more than one season. To come in on your only season and complete the triple crown of college football (undefeated, heisman, bcs trophy) is an amazing accomplishment and shouldnt be overlooked. This guy is an NFL stud, no doubt in my mind. Some team will learn that this season, doubtful it will be us.
  16. While I agree with taking a QB, the thought of taking Ponder in the 2nd round doesnt interest me at all. The reason is this. You are going to go into the draft of already questionable QBs, and take the 5th or 6th ranked QB in the draft to be your starting QB? Look at the 5th-last QB taken in every draft and find me anyone besides Tom Brady who has really accomplished anything. Its not just the waste of the second round pick, its the waste of several seasons trying to figure out if he is the guy or not when the odds of the 5th best QB in the draft being that guy are not good. I think you either go all or nothing. You draft the guy you want in the first round, or you dont bother trying to get a starting QB out of the draft. We have so many needs, and I think QB is definitely near the top of that list. There really is no grey area with a QB. Either you have a star or you dont. I say draft a QB in the first round (of course I'd prefer to trade our pick since we dont have to pick one that early), but if you are going to try and "STEAL" a QB later in the draft then don't waste your time. Anything after round one these days (with such good scouting) is basically a backup QB. Of course there are exceptions (brees, brady, etc), but its not the norm.
  17. Everyone saying these QBs are worthless. Please tell me exactly what you base that on? All of them are first round projections to some team that will actually make them a franchise QB! We will keep experimenting and waste another 3 years on some QB that we draft in the 3rd round. After the combine, one or two QBs ALWAYS emerge as top talent, and this year will be no different. To say that none of the QBs in this draft are worth a crap is so ignorant. Any QB entering the NFL has questions, injuries, problems, etc however some team always drafts them in the first round and always improves (tom brady, joe flacco, ben roethlisberger, matt schaub, colt mccoy, tim tebow, matt cassel, philip rivers, tony romo, jay cutler, matthew stafford, aaron rodgers, drew brees, sam braford, josh freeman). Every one of these QBs were either drafted later than 10 overall OR had huge questions as to whether they had franchise ability. Every last one of them. This is half the NFL!! History shows us that more than one of these guys this year are going to be franchise QBs. I dont care how big of a reach it is, when you end up with one of these players you made a good selection! (of course not everyone has had the time to prove themselves yet, but every name here definitely has their team on the upside)
  18. Just my 2 cents. Id LOVE to get Newton in Buffalo. The guy has played one year of college football, and there is no one here that can tell me he cant develop into an NFL QB. He is big, strong arm, athletic, pretty damn accurate, and a great leader. The guy gets a bad rap because his "dad" took some gifts. Give me a break. I've been around hundreds of college football players and see it first hand. Virtually every starter in college football is guilty of crap like this. He just got caught. Also, please stop comparing Von Miller to Derrick Brooks and Ray Lewis. Neither one of them are pass rushers. Neither one of them are 6'3 and lanky. This is literally like comparing Haloti Ngata and Warren Sapp just because they are both defensive tackles. They are polar opposites
  19. You never know what kind of player you are going to get. Thats why its the NFL draft. Playing your senior season doesnt indicate what type of player you are going to have on your team. It indicates what type of player they were in college. For a guy to be a top 5 talent after only playing his freshman and sophmore year, that is very unique and rare. There is a reason for that, and it is because he is that type of player. It's not because every insider in America is a Tar Heels fan
  20. Exactly as I expected. Someone who looks at a stat sheet, and has no idea what the kid can do or has done on the field. Also, the numbers you are referring to are Quinn starting as a FRESHMAN on a stacked defense. Also first team All ACC, and runner up for the ACC defensive player of the year AS A SOPHMORE! That is virtually unheard of. I certainly dont hope you think the guy is top 5 talent, because he had 2 sacks in a season. I hope you know better than that. This guy is widely considered the best pass rusher to come out of college since Julius Peppers, and is a very high character guy who overcame brain surgery in high school.(look deeper into his bogus suspension, its a joke)
  21. Quinn would not be a 3-4 DE. Thats probably why there is a big problem with the pick LOL! He would be a 3-4 OLB and can also player DE in our 4-3 sets which we will be running frequently this year as well. Quinn was an absolute stud for 2 seasons in college football. I think you are glued to a stat sheet or something, because this guy is the real deal and anyone who has ever seen him play knows it. He is the most elite pass rusher to come out in years.
  22. Will Hill in the 7th round is not worth it?? And Marvin Austin is not a 2nd round pick. Every player is projected where I put them.
  23. I am truly torn in this draft, because our defense needs DRASTIC help. Then I say to myself "wait a minute, our QB is Ryan Fitzpatrick". Ive said it over and over I love what the guy has done, but I have listed below the QBs in the last super bowls. I'd love to get that defensive stud, but if this team doesn't address the QB situation then we will not improve. Everyone on the board hates Vince Young, but I feel as though he could help us tremendously, AND would still allow us to grab that defender at #3. We would get him very affordably after what has gone on with him, and we still have Fitzpatrick if things dont work out. He has a huge upside, lots of talent, and is Chan's ideal type of QB. As long as you don't let the guy come in and run the team, then whats the risk. Not to mention, much like T.O. and Randy Moss, he will be looking to prove he isn't a problem and probably not say a word. If this isnt evidence that Ryan Fitzpatrick wont cut it I dont know what is. Roethlisberger, Rodgers, Peyton Manning, Drew Brees, Kurt Warner, Eli Manning and Tom Brady This guys are hall of fame QBs. I think you have to start looking for that big time QB. In this league you do not win without it.
  24. You'd love Martez over Poz to start, or do you mean WITH Poz?? I definitely don't agree with that. We need to resign the few bright spots we have, and Poz is one of them. If Poz had been able to stay healthy throughout his career so far, I believe he would be a pro bowl caliber LB right now. We do need some help around him though. I know I am alone on this board in thinking this, but I really think Merriman is going to return to form this season.
  25. The Christian Ponder pick scares me because we are going to draft a 3rd round QB, and try and develop him into a starter. The same old story in Buffalo. See what QB you can steal, or get cheap, and then wonder why we havent had a good QB since Jim Kelly. Id almost rather see us take a QB with our first pick than waste another few years on finding out who ISNT the answer. I'd be interested to know whats so terrible about mine. Please share, thats what the thread is for.
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