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John from Riverside

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Posts posted by John from Riverside

  1. From: Gerard E. Dolan [e-mail address omitted]

    Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2004 4:18 PM

    Subject: Soldiers helping the children of Mosul, Iraq




    I wanted to apprise you of a few things that might help you understand some of my fears and frustrations.


    Did you know that American citizens at the Republican National Convetion last night were wearing band-aids with Purple Hearts on them to mock veterans (i.e. Kerry) who were lightly wounded? I'm in a bunker in Mosul, Iraq, getting mortared daily, and I have to watch my countrymen wearing Purple Heart Band-aids and getting coverage on CNN, MSNBC, and FOX?


    Did you know that two nights ago, our combat support hospital took in two casualties from an IED (improvised explosive device, a road side bomb)? One kid had two broken legs, a broken arm, broken ribs, and a punctured lung. The other kid was trapped in the vehicle and burned to death. Have you ever seen a burnt human body? It's a sight you won't forget and the smell never leaves you.


    I wish I could reach out to those fine Americans at the Republican National Convention and make then see what I've seen; I would show them all of the wounds and injuries our surgeons, nurses, and medics have treated. American soldiers are dying over here, and those at the convention have the temerity to mock us? While the balloons drop and the banners wave, somebody's son is taking fire, somebody's daughter is crying for her mother on our operating room table, and somebody's husband is lying cold in a "pouch, human remains." Will that be enough to convince these model citizens to take off their Purple Heart Band-Aids?


    I consider myself a proud ex-pat, along with the 150,000 or so other soldiers in Iraq. Given all that us ex-pats are doing to further democracy in the Middle East, is it too much to ask for a little respect and a vote now and then? When will we be able to have some intelligent debate over real issues: health care, creating more jobs, bringing our boys home, increasing taxes on corporations, etc.?


    By the way, if anyone wants to make a difference in the future of Iraq, my unit is working with our civil affiars battalion to collect school supplies for the local schools in Mosul. Apparently, there isn't enough money in the interim Iraqi budget to pay for pencils, pens, and composition books. School starts September 11th. Leave no child behind!



    Gerry Dolan

    US Army




    Well....if you ask me......Gerry confirms what the President has been saying all along....kinda sad that you can take a letter meant to be anti Republican and turn it for the president......and for those who dont understand what I mean about that.....just take a look at how the media poses its coverage of what is going on in this election.

  2. I see your point about the half yard adding up, but on the average thats 3rd and two compared to 3rd and 3. In both situations we are a Bledsoe incompletion away from a punt.




    Tru Dat....but you could also look at it this way....


    3rd and 4 vs 3rd and 5


    That one friggen yard can change what you do on offense and how a defense schemes to stop you on that down.....


    Sounds crazy but it is absolutely true.....down and distance ......

  3. Oh come on John, you know better than that.  You can't compare those numbers because you are talking about a 1 game snapshot.  Travis was avering over 6.5 in a game through 3 quarters....the circumstances skew the numbers.





    I dont know if you can see it or not....but the Travis Henry of this year is not the same of last year....there is something different in the way he plays and his production.....


    Now...I am quite certain that a lot of it has to do with him looking over his shoulder......he has no patience or vision when he runs right now....just trying to bowl the whole defense over on his way to the end zone....no patience at all....no attempting to take the correct hole.......right now he is Amos Zeroue of the Raiders.....


    And one other thing...it appears to me that he got so self concious about his speed that he took too much weight off.....the Travis Henry that would take a vicious hit and shed it and keep going isn't playing right now.....this is a Travis Henry is is so light that the force of the blow knocks him off balance and down......


    People can blame that on the drafting of WM if they want to....but the competition doesn't seem to be effecting WM's play towards anything but the positive.....

  4. Again....answer my question...because all i have heard for the last few week is when we get inside the 5 give it to Willis because he WILL score.  And....how many attempts?  How many TDs?


    If we had an experienced coach, Travis would have one rushing TD since the replay shows that he did in fact score.  Oops? Challenge?  What's that?




    So we are going to totally discount the stuff that Travis Henry has screwed up on so far this year?

  5. I find it funny....

    But if Henry had started yesterday...and had the same exact results...


    This is how posts would look like today...


    "TH had an average game and we won despite of his poor running in the 1st half...


    They would be harping on

    ......how he got stuffed on the goaline....

    ......how he missed a block that resulted in a sack at our end of the field

    ......how he slipped on two running plays

    ......how he fell on a screen play

    ......how he dropped a pass out in the flat


    No doubt he is tough runner but he just to dumb to put a complete game together...."

    Its sad but its the truth...



    The problem is that Henry does make those mistakes and we did not have the same result in the 1st 3 games......

  6. In one game you can assess that???? I saw a dropped pass.  Where are the criticisms for that?  Look, the reality is that E. Moulds has had a dropped pass in EVERY game (or so it seems).  Nobody harps on that.  TH is this board's second whipping boy (second to Drew Bledsoe) and most of the comments are generalizations.  Willis had a good game, against a very bad team who gave the ball back alot.  Having two good backs is a blessing, but on this board you would think that there can be only one RB on this team. It just makes zero sense to me.


    Travis is a guy who has played over his expectations (by draft pick i mean) or at least to expectations.....it is a hell of lot easier to find guys who haven't even come close. But blaming one guy is the trend. 


    I find it humorous that this is the same board of people who defended RJ when somehow the line got mysteriously worse everytime he played.  Yet when he was replaced by a short player to be named later, the sacks went away.  I guess rationality and fan(aticism) do not ever meet.



    The bottom line is that Magehee put this team on his back in the 4th quarter and gave Miami no chance of coming back.....


    Henry when put into the same situation screwed the pooch.....


    It really is that simple

  7. Listen, I for one do not like when ex-players show favoritism when announcing an game for their old team. But tasker has taken the goal of not sounding like a homer and RUN with it. I swear, you'd think the guy doesnt remember playing here, or the TV show he had here, or the hundreds of thousands of fans he had here. What an absoulte douchebag he sounds like on TV.


    If you asked an impartial Jury of fans and/or non fans to watch a Bills game with him announcing, 99% of them would assume that he was either a huge rival of the Bills when he played, or that he was just a huge fan of the OTHER team.


    I hope someone brings it to his attention that its OK to at least say one or two positive things without fearing being called a Homer. Man, that's the last time I will be able to watch a game with him in the booth without turning it on MUTE.


    Steve, you were one of my favorite Bills of all time -  quit being such a prick in the booth.




    Oh boy Steve....you are going to catch flack on this one especially from 89....


    I look at it like this.....Tasker was, is, and always will be a Buffalo Bill at heart.....what you see as anti homorism I see as genuine irritation at how far his team has fallen......


    It irritates me as well......but its because Steve Tasker cares

  8. No knock on Travis, but I don't think Parcells would want him, at least not for a first round pick.  I really like Henry, but he has shown to be very tough (Parcells likes that), but maybe a little deficient in the mental aspects of the game (not what Parcells likes).  Plus, I want to see that McGahees knee is truly healed before we let Travis go.  Believe it or not, this team is not so good that it can't afford to carry two quality running backs for a season...trading one now would not likely bring much.






    I guess my big concern with that is waiting and seeing Travis Henry's trade value go even lower......if there were someone who would give us a 1st rounder for him right now I would pull the trigger.....or at the very LEAST a impact player that could help us immediately......

  9. I am anxious to see what Willis can do when getting more carries, but also I dont want to see the bills rush him and Willis has a setback with his knee either...as long as they gradually get Willis more involved in the offense, Ill take it




    I dont have a whole lot of sympathy for Willis in this regard....


    - We used a coveted 1st round pick for him

    - He had all of last year to recuperate

    - And to be quite honest...we need to know what we have with the kid....we have to stop this "but what if he gets hurt again" mentality....


    If he gets hurt....then we need to know he is fragile BEFORE we trade away Travis Henry.....



  10. It was a fair question because the lady in the red dress (I believe it was red) asked the same question and Bush didn't come close to answering it. It was a fair question because Bush had earlier bullied the moderator, Gibson, and simply ignored him when Gibson was trying to do his job. That little segment was a microcosm of this whole election and administration. Bush just simply ignored what was right, and did whatever he wanted, steamrolling over the person with the moral and legal standing, the moderator. He used his force because he could, and he acted like a streetyard bully. Republicans and Bush supporters found this to be awesome, and tough, and needed to be done and said. Democrats and Kerry supporters thought this was classic crap, ignoring the facts and protocol and right thing to do right in front of you and just shoving your way into places you shouldnt be.



    I find it interesting that you consider the moderator to be bullyed......do you think that Kerry was out of line when he was in the Presidents personal space trying illicite a reaction from him......


    I find that rather humorous.....how is one ok and one not?

  11. With all due respect...are you kidding me?????


    Look I understand that you are a kerry supporter and I respect that. But if you think that kerry, or anyone was going to simply spew some negitives about himself just because he thought it was the right thing to do, then you must b froma different planet. Please tell me when was the last time this happened? Please don't hurt yourself trying to come up with an answer....there is not one.


    How could you say this was a good or fair question? It simply was LOADED and totally one sided. I went back and looked at the transcript and every other question required an answer from both sides. This one was a one sided only question. It allowed for a wide open oppertuntiy for kerry to ponce on the president. Regardless of how the president answered it. And the fact that charlie left this question for last, totaly exposed his bias, because he clearly wanted to leave the ignorant viewer with the impression that president Bush will not admit any mistakes. Again, this was a totally ignorant question that should have never been included.


    I have no doubt that whe kerry heard that question, he more then likely wet hinself with joy. He must have thought that he was dreaming.




    When I saw that question asked what came to my mind was....


    "Kerry talks about what he WOULD do based on what has worked and not worked for the President"


    "Meanwhile...the President had the guts to really truly take on the war on terrorism.....SOMETHING NEVER DONE......knowing full well that since it had not been done before there were going to be positives and mistakes.....


    Kerry has it easy......he can sit there and talk about what has gone wrong for the president....BUT HE NEVER WOULD HAVE HAD THE BALLS TO DO IT HIMSELF EVEN IF IT WAS IN THE NATIONS BEST INTERESTS.....

  12. Other than blind faith, John, what do you base this on?  What have we seen to date from this year's Bills that we can point to as proof that we're going to turn it around?



    Why? Because I still do actually beleive that:


    - The ball has not been bouncing our way...we have had some of the worst damn luck I have seen for a team.....I mean....like the London Fletcher fumble into the end zone......we WIN THAT GAME if it doesn't bounce into the end zone......


    - The Refs have been obnoxious but I dont beleive in conspiracies so I dont beleive they will continue to be that bad.....we are going to get some coming my way......if the Refs dont screw up all those calls with the Raiders we WIN that game



    - This team is not without talent....we have been in every game we have played......this team is going to start winning these close ones.....it might start on a run starting this weekend.....we hung close with the defending world champs....and we were winning with less then a minute left to go on Saturday.....



    I still have faith.....I am not ready to throw in the towel......

  13. A smidgen of pass rush would sure help him out a lot.  Unfortunately all we have is a couple of "high motor" guys who think that the quickest way to get to the QB is to start with a 45 yard loop.








    I was noticing that too...WTF is going on with that.....they are making it SOO EASY for the O Linemen.....just keep them moving to the fricken outside and they might be lucky if they grab a damn jersey.........

  14. Namely......


    Magehee vs Henry


    Evans vs Reed


    Denny vs Kelsay


    Euhus vs the other tight ends

    WM vs TH......one thing that I am noticing big time vs last year.....this is not the same Travis Henry......it seems like he has to work so hard to get his yards and he tries to take a lot of stuff outside rather then work between the tackles.....he is making costly mistakes both in blocking, pass reception, and what he is supposed to do.....while WM seems like even though he doesn't have his speed back....gets yards almost effortlessly he is finding the seams in the defense (however small they may be) and is always falling forward......AT THIS POINT MAGEHEE IS OUTPLAYING HENRY

    God i love this board. willis plays less than 1 half of one real NFL game and he is outplaying henry to this point. That is some keen analysis.


    Willis got beat for a sack and was crushed helping the LT on another play. I noticed yesterday that Jamal Lewis averaged about 2 yards less per carry than his backup Chester Taylor (who?). In bills fan land, it would be time to ship Jamal out, that rat bastard. Funny funny funny. Spiked revived.




    Hehe....you are comparing me to Spiked? That is funnier then Hell


    Jamal Lewis has actually had good games this year to offset the bad.....you could almost attribute 2 friggen losses more to TH then you could Bledsoe....do to tripping over the teleprompter's digital first down line.....

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