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Everything posted by BuffaloBorn1960

  1. As Eddy Murphy says..."I'm not falling for the bannana in the tail pipe.."
  2. Where?.... And this is important as I am relocationing to the Houston Area and need to find a good school district..
  3. Denise , Jenifer, Charlie & Brad in a remake of Bob & Carol, Ted & Alice
  4. No... Those letters should not have been part of a class project in the first place... Just another example of how the liberal left is trying to brainwash our youth.... Another reason to talk to your kids about what they "learned" in school each day... If you don't stay involved this is what happens... disgraceful!
  5. Hence the old saying.... "Loose lips sink ships!!"
  6. Please don't forget about the Documented" WMD's.... you know the one that the UN actually put thier hands on, cataloged, and placed locks and seals on.... What happened to those????
  7. Yeah.... just saw that Big Bad OIL EXXONMOBIL is contributing $5 Million... http://www.marketwatch.com/news/yhoo/story...EBBAD331ABAC%7D
  8. TW "wanted me back" offered $100 for my dish and gave me digital cable, all HBO's, Cinemax & Showtimes for $39/mo. Saved me about $40/mo.... Went up $5/month this year... Best part was I kept the Dish and Direct TV allowed me to just purchase NFL Sunday Ticket! Couldn't pass up the deal.... especially after TW started carrying Empire Sports last year..
  9. I live in Saratoga county and Empire is not listed in the guide today.... I also tried to listen online to no avail?? Help!!! this is my link to my HOMETOWN!!!!
  10. Can you take Micheal Moore with you as he said he would leave the country and it seems he is having trouble getting transportation,
  11. San Diego announced they have waived Doug Flutie..... Bills have decided to resign him at the league minimum... In a related development.. Rob Johnson is still not playing anywhere
  12. Thats right! No need to have a debate or discussion... We should rubber stamp this as soon as possible! That will keep us safe and protect the Homeland. The Commision was all knowing!! They had no political agenda... These guy are the smartest group ever assembled!!
  13. He won the Ist count.... he won the recount ... "The just-finished statewide machine recount left Rossi clinging to a record-narrow victory. Rossi had also won the regular count completed last week, his 261-vote margin just a tiny fraction of 1 percentage point, triggering an automatic recount." Now the challenger..."Gregoire wasn't formally asking for a manual recount, saying she has until next week - after the election is certified - to decide whether to seek a full statewide recount or just selected counties or precincts Selected recount.... hmm and what happens when the "selected" (presumably democratic) precincts result in a reversal of the election.... Do we give the victory tio the democrat or the republican who won the 1stt two counts? This is your problem Democrats.... You can't except the results you manipulate the rules in an effort to change the results until the outcome is one you like.... get over iT!!! They had an election and a RECOUNT!!!! and your candidate lost!!!! why not focus on why you lost and fixed those problems so when and if you do win... it won't be close.... you are just alienating more and more people with these friviolus(sp) actions... OMG!!!
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