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Everything posted by BuffaloBorn1960

  1. From someone who has lived in all the areas you mentioned...NE is one of the most intolerant regions of the country.... sorry but thats just the way I see it. BTW have lived in Buffalo,VA Beach, Boston, NY, Albany (Work area covered upstate NY, VT and western MASS), Allentown, Fairfax, Detroit, Chicago and soon to be Houston. Temporarily lived in GA, NC, KY, FLA, Korea, Japan, Washington.... NE is the most uptight
  2. lighten up.... he is a product of a fine liberal education.
  3. you really need this answered? No. Constitution changed after Roosevelt... limit is two terms and no more than 10 year.... Example Ford could not have gone for 2 terms... even if he beat peanut boy the 1st time...
  4. you may want to check the rest of your numbers...
  5. Just heard the same... our prayers are with her and her family..
  6. Arafat's reported last words.... "I drank what?"
  7. QUOTE(Mickey @ Nov 4 2004, 08:04 AM) He is an incumbent and we are at war. Can you name an incumbent voted out of office during a war? I can't think of a single one. Going back to 1828, how many presidential elections were decided by more than 3%? 60. How many by less than 3%? Only 9. That means that this election was closer than 87% of all Presidential elections ever held and only 13% were this close or closer. The only reason it was that close was because of Bush's low numbers. If his numbers were a tiny bit better it would have been a blow out as he would have carried NH, Pa, Minn, Wis. and maybe even NJ." Wait a minute... Going back to 1828... 60 presidential elections decided by more than 3% 9 presidential elections decided by lesss than 3% So 69 presidential elections since 1828? Lets do the math 69 X 4 year terms = 276 years of Presidential elections.. 1828+ 276 = 2104..... link please.. Or are you from the future sent back by weak liberals in the future in a vain attempt to change the course of history? Maybe thats why we now have Arnold in the fold to save us!!!
  8. Just heard the Americans in Fallujah are giving him several 21 gun salutes!!!
  9. Actually they are made in the USA shipped to Canada...Quebec, to make the libs happy then are reimported....
  10. A brain dead Arafat..may be an oxymoron... might be better leadership for them
  11. You are kidding right? He is right up there with Hitler, Stalin, Saddam, etc.... The world is better without him!! OMG!
  12. List your favorite... Mine is regular meatball & cheese... the pepperoni ones are to greasey.... Don't like the croisannt ones... its the french thingy...
  13. Idiot... A. Press told him he died and asked what he thought... B. He is dead.... PLO just wants to keep it secret for 72 hours... yeah that works. C. Remember Its all Bush's fault...
  14. Yeah.... they don't want to announce for 72 hours....lol I thought that mentality died with the Soviet Union LOL
  15. Mickey, Although well stated...I think you are missing the big picture... Your Candidate lost to a sitting president with almost everything going against him... - Liberal Media threw everything at him 3-1 against him... fabricating documents... faulty exit polls designed to repress the vote - Insurgents in Iraq making news every day... see above comment on media... - Terrible economics news.... see above comment on media.... - He was Dumbest president ever... see above media comments..... - The world hates him... see above media comments.... All those things and he still managed to... Increase his electoral victory... Increase his popular vote and win the majority of votes.. Increase party seats in Senate & Congress I say this was the Dems best chance and they blew it.... The Liberal left Kerry/Kennedy faction that took over your party is out of touch with the majority of Americans! Until your party realizes this and turns to the more moderate element of the party(and there is one there) it will continue to get pounded by just about anyone the republicans choose to present. America needs strong leaders on both sides..
  16. We don't have queu's in the USA if you want one go back to france!! WE HAVE LINES!!! and we have them because we like it that way!! its our way of being social with each other...
  17. I am sure they all know the words to the canadian national anthem..... in french!
  18. on the condition they take John & Terreezaa when his current Senate term expires.....ah what the heck take them now... no one will notice when he doesn't show up for work anyhow...
  19. Meatball and Cheese are awesome.... make sure you let them cool down... don't want to burn the roof of your mouth.
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