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Everything posted by BuffaloBorn1960

  1. So who will replace Daschle and minority leader?
  2. Yes... In truth he had no real options... he lost and everyone with a brain knows it.... Even the libs on this board haven't suggested a useless prolonged fight..
  3. In the cave with OBL waiting for the big one!
  4. Lets not go too far overboard... In reality he has very limited options here... That being said... ATTABOY JOHN!
  5. BEST MOMENT: Kerry calling Bush to concede... not dragging the country into a friv legal nightmare
  6. What color do you think Beacon Hill in Boston is at present?
  7. It may not be his choice as some may decide on their own that they need to leave the cabinet....
  8. OMG... never liked that dickheadd anyway... always jinxed the Bills!!.. Wait.... maybe we should thank him!
  9. Then we have probably seen the last of Tenny on this board... Might have to undergo some name/sex change thingy? Hope Mods are watching for his IP addresss..
  10. What do you think will happen? What will supreme court look like in 4 years? Who will be nominated?
  11. Agreed... Expect big changes at the cabinent level
  12. Wow... mental note... stay away from Vicks Vapor Rub.... can be hazardous to ones health!
  13. Rumor last seen at walmart buying duct tape, plastic and rope... Hope he is just securing the boat for the winter..
  14. We need your support as well Mickey, lets all l wish for good things for this country!
  15. Pasta,Pasta, Pasta.. If the draft is what you are worried about you should be glad GWB won. The DEMS are the ones who introduced legislation to reinstitute the draft.. The GOP called their bluff and soundly defeated it.. You know this right?
  16. I've been on this board for awhile now and I think I know what it means but am not 100% sure... can someone give me a history lesson?
  17. Thanks didn't mean to get too sacrcastic.... Its just all I heard from the Kerry crowd was Bush=Bad,,,, Anyone but Bush=good...
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