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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. Yes, it's still you. And if you are going to try surfing, try taking a lesson, it helps. 2 lessons helps a lot. Oh, and stay the hell out of Potrugal, that place is a dump!
  2. Glad you are OK and that the health scare has given you perspective and a sense of rationality.
  3. I am sure he took some executive coaching at some point when he realized he was a head coaching candidate. Outside of being good at your job, it's probably the best way to move ahead in management. And some people who even suck at their job get promoted on "executive presence".
  4. you can say that again, lots of classless insults floating around, right John?
  5. There is plenty to complain about Republicans without making up false emergencies. My suggestion is to use this balm on yourself to prevent chafing.
  6. I love you buddy, but sometimes you make less than no sense. You said something silly, multiple times. I called you on it. Too bad.
  7. How is not having Jacob Lew in Israel an emergency? That's your entire point, can you explain it?
  8. You are right, they are not doing their job, but you are making up a fake emergency over an Ambassadorship, that's all.
  9. Not it all. Just don't criticize them for Nonsense.
  10. They are being partisan too, Tibs. We should try not to use politicians as a bellwether for how to act, it's beneath us.
  11. Tibs, this is just silly partisanship, and I've told you a few times. Our embassy is fully up and running, and Stephanie Hallett, a very experienced diplomat, is the current Chargé d'Affaires. If you want to read her bio, see here: https://il.usembassy.gov/our-relationship/dcm/ As for what Biden can do, the War Powers Act theoretically limits his options, but most presidents since it's inception have found ways to easily work around it. Learn more about it below. https://www.nixonlibrary.gov/news/war-powers-resolution-1973#:~:text=The Constitution divides war powers,chief of the armed forces. https://www.history.com/topics/vietnam-war/war-powers-act#section_4
  12. Whatever you need to tell yourself to not be the bad guy, Ron. You do you.
  13. Seriously, don't do something stupid if Trump gets re-elected. IT's not worth it.
  14. Weren't you the guy just calling people incels?
  15. We are all good, thanks! Just please don't do anything stupid if it happens.
  16. I like to hear other points of view, why would I leave? And when did I ever declare Trump my savior? As a person, he is a POS, which I have been pretty clear about. What concerns me most here is what are you going to do if Trump gets re-elected?
  17. Yes, we heard it 28k posts ago. Why not make Wednesday your "everyone that doesn't act exactly like me is a 'racist lying idiotic traitor' day", and enjoy the other 6?
  18. If any of the people on this board on my side of the political aisle were in your shoes I would gladly offer that advise. You are locked in some kind of a run where all you can see is hate for different opinions. At least talk to someone about how you feel, what could it hurt.
  19. Well, you are nothing if not consistent, but it's not a healthy way to live your life. You should really talk to someone, there are a lot of good resources, especially since COVID.
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