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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. Seriously, don't do something stupid if Trump gets re-elected. IT's not worth it.
  2. Weren't you the guy just calling people incels?
  3. We are all good, thanks! Just please don't do anything stupid if it happens.
  4. I like to hear other points of view, why would I leave? And when did I ever declare Trump my savior? As a person, he is a POS, which I have been pretty clear about. What concerns me most here is what are you going to do if Trump gets re-elected?
  5. Yes, we heard it 28k posts ago. Why not make Wednesday your "everyone that doesn't act exactly like me is a 'racist lying idiotic traitor' day", and enjoy the other 6?
  6. If any of the people on this board on my side of the political aisle were in your shoes I would gladly offer that advise. You are locked in some kind of a run where all you can see is hate for different opinions. At least talk to someone about how you feel, what could it hurt.
  7. Well, you are nothing if not consistent, but it's not a healthy way to live your life. You should really talk to someone, there are a lot of good resources, especially since COVID.
  8. No, you're just being hateful, but deep down I think you know that. Enough, man, let it go.
  9. You post here probably more than everyone else combined, and 98% of your posts are about Trump. It's @$#%ing exhausting.
  10. You couldn't even make it a few hours, hombre.
  11. Like back to work in the hospital or he's not doing well?
  12. @Over 29 years of fanhood this was a childish post. The low road is a dead end. @BillStime your clown reply is offensive, man up and apologize.
  13. If the death of Arafat isn't the perfect example of "the devil you know is better than the devil you don't", I can't imagine what is.
  14. No, I was teasing you for seeing the Boogeytrump under every bed and in every closet.
  15. @Westside what is the need for the trans nonsense? It's counterproductive to the discussion. Billsy, I have no issue with telling people of any race creed or color to stop being asshats. Now that you see I can tell people on "my side" to knock off the insults, can you knock them off yourself?
  16. Dear lord Billsy, do you check the hole in the outhouse for Trump every time you cop a squat?
  17. T You should try it once a day, read a post from someone you don't normally agree with and try to mime something out of it in which you do.
  18. How about: The US should continue to support the Ukraine, with funding being carefully monitored to make sure its going where its supposed to be going. We should also be looking for ways to end the bloodshed that is acceptable to the Ukrainian people.
  19. @BillStime How about: the attack by Hamas was truly evil.
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