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NorCal Aaron

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Everything posted by NorCal Aaron

  1. I'll bet he'll be a better assistant to the assistant db coach at Stanford than NFLer.
  2. Could you get away with raping women? Beating your wife? And killing said wife? Doing/possessing/distributing the chronic and/or killing people and/or obstructing justice and get off with a slap on the wrist and a commerical deal? Skating through school w/o doing the work? Earning a shiite load of dough and being nonplused with the people who idolize you and subsidize your salary? Retain your job and still earn millions though your performance is continually subpar in your line of work? 'Temporarily' retire to smoke the chronic in a tent in the Northwest Territories while leaving your co-workers in a lurch? Perpetually act like your 15 and get lauded for it?
  3. Too bad for Drew it wasn't the other Lewis.
  4. I agree. He need to find another line of work. He'd never hold up to the pounding. Remember a few years back when the Bills wanted 'Gym Rat' Johnson to get bulkier (ie fatter) to withstand the punishment? They cited Kelly as a model, and lord knows plump Jimbo was taken behind the shed a few times during his career. Zero body fat ain't going to protect you from the concussive force of 300+lb pulling lineman.
  5. Spieman was short by standards @ 5' 11" - 6.0 but hardly undersized @ 240-250. What does Wire weigh? About 205 wet?
  6. If Woody had gone to the police, this never would have happened.
  7. If I hear another tivo head coach give another 'detailed' analysis of how the Bills were dominating, but x team was lucky, and the refs were biased, and the wind was blowing ssw... The Packers of the of Lombardi era used to walk to the line and point where they were going to run - and still get 4 yards a pop. That's football. Al Davis said, "We don't take what the defense will give us. We take what we want' - that's football but not the Bills variety for the last 11 years.
  8. It should be apparent by this time that Bledsoe is nothing but a placeholder for the Bills. Love him or hate him, he's extremely limited in capabilities, and I doubt many really believe (players and mgmt included) that he will lead the Bills to glory anytime soon. Has he played horrendously this year? No, but he's played out. Gameplanning him is so fricken obvious to our opponents that they relish knowing that they can just tee off him. That's in essence what Norv Turner said here on local Raider radio after the game a few weeks back. Every time he's mentioned in those sidebar NFL talent evaluator (GM, NFL scout) columns on ESPN, it is to say that he's washed up. Do we really think we know better? I won't argue Bledsoe's merits or liabilities after every game. The circle jerk banter that's common here is tiresome. Post mortem game breakdowns don't change the real time reality that mediocre line aside, he is the singularly least athletic starting QB around (I give the 49ers statues slack cause of their youth), and he is neither respected, nor feared by any opponent. In this mediocre no playoff season, Losman is currently the sole beacon of hope for future Bills success. When healthy he's got to play.
  9. David Carr is progressing under less than favorable circumstances. Losman need reps and this year is lost. When he's got a clean bill of health, have the staff put together a simplified gameplan that won't get him completely killed, and if the Bills lose - so what? He learns and we benefit from the narrow curve next year. Keeping Bledsoe in there also retards the development of the young receivers since his last 10- 12 games have hardly kept them busy. Let JP start gelling with Evans, Aiken, etc sooner than later.
  10. Nary a mention of this in 'Building a Champion' by Walsh. According to Walsh, the Jets and Seahawks had him as a top 3 candidate when he was looking to leave the clutches of Paul Brown. He went to Stanford. Rams (Rosenbloom looking to replace Knox), and Bears came calling after Walsh put in his first year at Stanford. He put in another with the Cardinal before DeBartolo courted him. All the above from his words - no Bills. What is your source?
  11. Spikes + Fletcher do not equal Ray Lewis. I'm not sure they even equal a healthy Sam Cowart of 4 years ago.
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