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NorCal Aaron

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Everything posted by NorCal Aaron

  1. I'm not sure you can say anyone is playing stand-out football in Oakland.
  2. A years supply of the cream and clear comes with the new the Cadillac.
  3. I'll give mcgee a pass because he's learning, but T Brown plays like he's spent his career playing in the nickel. Reese? - Keep your eye on the ball, er man. Traveres Tillman redux. Milloy -Snookered - no angles The Playmaker?
  4. You wanted the game archivist role - it's your cross to bear.
  5. Personal responsibility and ethics are tough to teach to those hooked on Soma. Islands of resolve are out there.
  6. I see that. I avoid moral judgements regarding infidelity. Screwing around ain't illegal yet. Killing of course is a different issue. Love the one you're with.
  7. Trial was a mile away from home and I've had no clue about the proceedings or interest in the outcome. can't say I'm upset with the result
  8. As far as his buckeye is concerned it's a wash. But PB was designed to inflict maximum psych torment on the best and brightest, aka 'a supermax'.
  9. Doubtful. PB is a mindf_ck for the most violent bangers. Bet his fresh sphincter will meet penal justice at quentin.
  10. Can't help with curtains, but have cleaned quite a few carpets in my day. Feel free to PM me or Ellen D. for details.
  11. Isn't internet research a demonstration sport this year in the special olympics?
  12. Going through my old Bills tapes last night, I watched the first half of SB 28. Though the Bills D played a solid half, Kelso was a major handicap against Irvin and Harper deep. And was lined up so deep offered no run support (even if you could overlook his 165lb bodyweight). A major liability during the SB years (Kelso, Dwight Drane, Leonard Smith, Matt Darby) has not improved. The 15 year tradition of suck safety play continues (save for shultz/jones).
  13. So you're suggesting he's a benthic dweller, or that he swims wih the fishes?
  14. Jessica Simpson? Thats a man baybee...
  15. There won't be any problems if you name her LaShareka.
  16. Ralph has been shafted to long. A seminal force in creating the AFL and ushering the merger, he infused cash in both the Pats and Raiders (he actually bailed out Al Davis by buying shares of the Raiders, then sold said Raiders shares back to Davis when Alice became solvent again) to keep the AFL afloat. Plus he is a voice of sanity when it comes to keeping the traditions of the game upheld (i.e. against the Browns move and moving franchises out of solid football communities). Dude needs inclusion before the ticker stops in flagrante delicto.
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