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Everything posted by Horus

  1. must not like women without 48DDD cups
  2. how many draft picks dose arizona have?...i could see them drafting a RB with ther 1st and tradeing there 2nd for henry to bring their 1st pick along...if they have a 2nd and we got it for henry that would be a pretty good pick for us.
  3. only thing I heard was the guy the pats wanna make there new DC might be leaving with weiss to be his DC...sure will be interesting to see what happens to the pats next year
  4. Im wondering why everyone seems to think we need to draft/ufa a RB and S.... I think shaud williams did a good job behind McGahee..unless its the joe burns/3rd RB spot that everyones worried about...as for safety I think baker could be a good one with some more experience..or is it everyone thinks that PP/IR/CW will all be cut and we need depth...maybe im wrong but I see other needs b4 RB/S..lol I realized while writing this i might have answered my own ??'s about y .. ..anyways if theres other reasons I still would like to know
  5. hey speaking of tradeing rb's..why would the broncos tell Reuben Droughns, who was their best rb with over 1200 yards, he could look to be traded?..just wondering
  6. Id say dynasty as well... ...patriots showed that a team can take lower paid players and put them in different positions and still win big...the last dynasty, cowboys, also showed something new to the nfl durring their reign by haveing the biggest OL in the nfl that was also the fastest and most dominating...so it seems each dynasty shows the nfl something new and then everybody tries to copy it...if the pats win this weekend that'll give them 3 bowls in 4 years plus add the longest win streak in the nfl...the only thing the pats dynasty will be missing from the cowboys dynasty is all the drug users and womanizers..unless they are just not in the media in NE
  7. Is this years draft really that bad?..I dont fallow college ball much but everyone seems to be dissapointed with the prospects comeing out this year... as for my pick it would be a TE...I really woulda loved for the bills to have taken watson last year but I like the choices they made instead also...sometimes I miss ol' pete..lol..I think if we had a shockey,heap,gonzalaz type TE with our wr corp of moulds and evans our offense would kik ars
  8. yea I saw they had him attempt a 50 yard fieldgoal into uprights half the size of nfl uprights...if they feel he can makes these kicks he must be pretty good kicker...but I dont know much about arena football
  9. I honestly dont think its fair to compare both these movies and ask wich is better trilogy...if both movies where made in the same year SW woulda kiked LOTR a$$ big time...imagen what the trolls/orcs woulda looked like without lucas's team helping them or giveing them ideas...a lot of crappy scifi movies come to mind trying to imagen it...without the technology that Lucas has developed over the past 20+ years LOTR would not be as awsome as it is today... ...but I do have to say, as a star wars fan, that lucas did sell out after he made SW:NH and SW:ESB...for some reason he wanted to make a more "kid friendly" movie with SW:ROTJ and kept with this theme right into SW:TPM (by the way jarjar sucked a$$ - worst charecter ever put in a movie)...and these last 2 movies seem like hes just trying to get them done and over with..I really hope episode 3 will be the best SW ever, but i doubt it... ...one last note.....Lucas sucks! ...I hate how hes so money hungry...not with just the movies but with his toys and pc games...he puts out like 5 versions of a figure and the only differences is one has a blue gun and the other has a black gun...this way he makes more money cuz he knows the fans are gonna buy everything he puts out...with the pc games he was one of the first to make you buy multiple copies in order to multiplayer...most companies like blizzard gave a multiplayer disk or multiplayer was built into the games but not lucas's games..DAMN YOU LUCAS!!! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  10. -if they lose they just go home and wonder how they gonna win any games next year without their OC/DC/ADC-if he leaves with OC -Brady would be 8-0 or 9-0 in playoffs and 2-1 in superbowls if they lost
  11. yea but dude whats step 2?.... -dont forget lethal weapons films...I know theres 4 but they all good -if blade 3 had turned out good u coulda added those as well, but as we all know 3 sucked so... -what constatutes as a trilogy?...SW had time pass between each movie while LOTR was just 1 long movie cut into 3 movies...if time passing between each movie counts as trilogy add Harry Potter as well.
  12. I agree....if hes good who cares how he acts off the field aslong as hes produceing on the field...Id rather have a team of a$$holes that win than a team of "NICEGUYS" that win the easy ones but lose when it counts the most
  13. I love how the oilers guys r sitting there saying that buffalo didnt win but the oiler s just lost..yea right.."we handed them the game","I set nate ohdoms up for that play"..yadda,yadda,yadda... :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: oilers/titans
  14. #4 is funny man.. 1 - Kicker - need a kicker we can rely on 2 - DE - need more of a pass rusher 3 - OL - LT if jenings leaves and G 4 - TE - need a well rounded one here
  15. I gotta laugh...that one guy reminds me so much of some of the idiots on this board about the fumbles...there are very few in the nfl that can be totally upside without haveing any downside...while I agree those where a lot of fumbles, he was getting better and stronger at the position...but I kept thinking of ICE for some reason everytime I read his fumbulitis posts...lol
  16. dont forget the white striped police car starsky and hutch drove...nice car...cant remember what it was tho... how bout the mach-5 from speed racer..lol
  17. you need to look at how moulds was used this year..he had a lot of short passes thrown his way..he wasnt used the same this year as he normally has been..i read somewhere (cant remember if it was a post or a news article) that moulds ran a lot of slot and cross patterns this year....this means he usually cought the ball only 5 - 10 yards from LOS...bruce most likely ran posts... theres another post somewhere that makes more sense and says we should try to get looker from STL...this sounds better: moulds/evans/looker/reed/fast freddie
  18. you should never feed wild animals for any reason...nature takes care of herself as she has been for many years...if you feed wild animals they will stop migrating for food and start hanging arround the un-natural food source...this will actually prove more fatal for the animals then letting nature takes it course...it wil also prove more fatal to man-kind especially with deer near roads...its been proven with many kinds of wild animals that feeding them just isnt productive or safe for us.
  19. if J.P starts and Bledsoe gets put at backup and he says no-way and retires...whats that do to our salary cap?...i know if we cut him we owe $4mil and if he stays we owe $6mil..but what happens if Bledsoe was to retire?
  20. Allthough its amazing how mcgahee has overcome his injury and shown to be an awsome RB in the NFl, but in order to be a "comeback" player u have to have had played the season before atleast....id give my vote to either brees or bettis question though...is this season considered mcgahee's rookie season and can he be in for rookie of the year?
  21. 278 - yards allowed by offense; 96 - rushing , 182 - passing 1- INT 0 - sacks 0 - forced fumbles allthough the total yardage allowed isnt that great of a number, its still looks like some numbers that some teams actually win games with. the rest of the numbers show very poorly on a 1st rank defense.
  22. hmm seems u think BB is responsable for NE's offense and if cw leaves BB will keep the team together..a team isnt just its head coach, its all the coaches together....it will be a drop off for NE but i think the other side of the news is that cw is out of nfl so theres no chance of him takeing over another team and giveing us problems there as well....i definatly couldve seen miami going after him.
  23. I'd go with a mitsubishi eclipse..they are very sporty looking cars and still economicaly safe....if you go brand new i think mitsubishi has one of the best warranties arround, but i could just be dreaming on that...your single, young, need something sporty yet economical..go with the eclipse mitsubishi eclipse mitsubishi eclipse spyder
  24. I think if miami can pick up a good running back and a good Qb this offseason along with a good coach they could be playoff material next season...just hope the coach they bring in dosent come from another AFC East team's staff from NE.. ....does anyone think they go with travis minor or bring in new talent?
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