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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. Not to mention the toothless, single branch family tree folk of Wyoming county.
  2. You gotta try this out. It's like the Microsoft Terraserver on crack. Simply amazing. http://www.keyhole.com/
  3. The real question is how will they manage to attach it to the back of a hispanic boxer?
  4. I was updating my sig as you posted that. I'm scared, I'm thinking like Ed. Although I heard you went republican. There is hope for you.
  5. And to top it off, we are tied with the Bengals, Lions and Cards! Oh wait, nevermind.
  6. I didn't know you went to a Pats game. How was it?
  7. Got too excited that he might still be single didn't you.
  8. Wouldn't that be redundent? Everyone already associates you with stevestojan.
  9. He dreamed of being in NASCAR. Doesn't want to let it go.
  10. And I could be knockin nasty with two barbie dolls at the bunny ranch right now. But I'm not.
  11. Hmmmmm, I had him at 87.6662540003%. Split the difference?
  12. Sure, I'm happy. But I'm also pissed. I'm pissed that this team hasn't shown up all year. This is proof they have the talent and the playmakers. This has been a lazy football team that hasn't given a crap. That's why I'm not happy. They should be in the middle of the playoff chase but we've resorted to getting excited over the first dominating victory the whole season, instead of the chance to finally get back in the hunt. We won....but it still sucks. If this team can do this for the rest of the season I'll be damn excited. At least there will be hope for next.
  13. Damn straight! Let the excuse makers commence.
  14. Pathetic. Artest should sit the season.
  15. Rams 31-14 Drew throws 2 picks and MM decides to punt in field goal range. They also try to run a reverse which is stopped for a 10 yard loss. So basically, the same as every week. On a positive though, the Bills D will run one of for a TD.
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