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Coach Tuesday

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Posts posted by Coach Tuesday

  1. Thanks for the great advice, Millbank, Kzoo, Moose and Cajun especially. Millbank, that article is spot-on - Lola's "attacks" are actually noise/dominance displays - she's never injured a dog. And her outbursts usually occur while she's in her "free-for-all" mode, when she just runs wild through the park (which is why the fights happen more at smaller parks where she can't run as much). And you're spot-on that a lot of it has to do with her listening to us IN the park (i.e., coming to us every time we call her), which is something she's bad at and we've been working at it a lot. Kzoo, the Alpha Theory makes a lot of sense, and I would say that, the only time when my dog DOESN'T view me as the Alpha is in the park - all other times, she does whatever I want (and only does what I let her do). But you're right, I need to make sure she learns that the same rules apply to the park - we're working on that. Thanks for the help and understanding.



  2. ok, we know (as humans) what a timeout is. the dog doesnt. thats in the category of walkin into a room that your dog chewed up 2 hours ago (you just noticed it) and tryin to punish it for bein a bad. but the dog doesnt know why its bein punished because it doesnt realize your mad at him for chewin up the room, it associates gettin yelled at with you comin into the room. so make a habit of it and whenever you walk into the room its gonna get scared. heres my question though, when shes on timeout do you make her face the corner?

    geesh? get a grip.



    Dude, do you have ANYTHING to offer here? The dog knows she's being forced to calm down, and she usually behaves better after.

  3. obviously the dog feels uncomfortable at the dog park, so maybe dont bring it there anymore, its stressin it out. is the dog spade? if not i suggest gettin that done its a sure fire way to melow it out. and what the hell is a dog "timeout"? do you think it knows why its on timeout or what a timeout is?



    1) the dog LOVES the dog park - sits and cries all day until I take her

    2) the dog is spade

    3) a "timeout" is making her sit next to me until she calms down

  4. Ok, I don't mean to make light of your situation...but....




    have you tried the shoe to the head method yet?



    I'm surprised the "doggy day-care" line wasn't the one that got you stirred up...


    BTW, dogs are like kids in the sense that beating them only fosters more anger and aggression.

  5. Since there were so many interesting and informed responses the last time someone posted a dog question, I thought I'd take a stab at my question here - perhaps someone can help me, we're nearly at the end of our (leash).


    My girlfriend and I have an 18 month-old lab mix, we rescued her from a kill shelter a year ago. All in all, she's the best dog I've ever had - fun, affectionate, intelligent, loyal, etc. Her one big flaw, which has been getting worse and worse since she was nearly mauled to death by a pit bull awhile back, is that she's increasingly aggressive at the dog park towards other dogs. She doesn't start fights, but if another dog starts with her she goes apeshit. She has a terrible temper and will keep fighting that dog until she's physically restrained (even chasing it down and attacking it again). She has a soft labrador mouth, so she can't do much damage, but it's still very scary and troubling. Every time she does it, we immediately pull her away, sternly tell her "No, Bad," etc. (which she comprehends), and put her on the leash. We then give her a "time out", making her sit with us while on the leash for at least 5-10 minutes, then walk her around the dog park on the leash, making her heel, etc., until she behaves well enough to let her off again. If she fights again, we take her out of the park.


    We're not sure what else to do - but the problem keeps recurring. She's fully socialized - she usually plays well with other dogs, goes to doggy day-care during the week (and has lots of dog "buddies" there), and overall has a gentle temperment - but every other time we're at the dog park, this happens...


    Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated.



  6. Wasn't Fisher being used as a DT when we cut him? IMO he was misused by the coaching staff first and foremost, which led to him being misevaluated by TD and co. He's not a run-stopper, he's a pass-rushing DE who is best on 3rd down. Also, he hasn't been effective until this year. Certainly we'd like to have him, but I can't fault Donahoe for cutting and running when he did.


    The problem with Denney, regardless of where he was drafted, is that he excels at nothing - not that that's any different from most players in the League, but the fact is he's easily replaceable and will be as soon as his rookie contract expires. The only thing preventing this would be if Denney starts making more of a contribution in some other area - i.e., he develops as a TE, special teamer, long-snapper, etc. Guys like him either find a way to contribute so that the team can't cut him, or they disappear when they qualify for the vet minimum.

  7. and quite possibly the most rocking song of all time:


    5. UMASS - Pixies


    I have a playlist on my Ipod with songs that "rock me hard."



    1) How did I forget that one??


    2) Does it beat out "Planet of Sound"? Tough call.


    Also, all the Wesley talk reminds me of another good one: "Wesley Walker" by Heavy Vegetable. Check it out.

  8. Toooozday! Great pick with 'Sugarcube'...great tune....some would probably consider it a bit muddy, and as much as I love it I couldn't ascribe any superlatives...but still...nice choice! That album is just great...I like Deeper into Movies.


    Also, finally caught them at Maxwells in Hoboken this December for their "Eight Nights of Hannuckah" mini-tour. Although I'd seen them 4-5 times already, this show blew me away - they rocked harder than ever becuse it was their home base, and it's a tiny spot, so the sound really reverberated. Best pure rock show I've ever seen - I'd recommend catching it some time (they do it every year). And they played that track (Sugarcube), the highlight of course.

  9. 1  is a Bledose supporter


    2  Didn't believe Terrence McGee could play in the NFL and why we signed Troy Vincent away from the Eagles


    3  Disagreed with coaching staff and thought Izeal Reese and Coy Wire solid safeties


    4 has brought in (failed) ex Eagle front office/scouts to validate his opinions


    .....it will be an interesting offseason.



    I think you're confusing that with the reason YOU'RE still in Buffalo, or wherever the hell you are. Top ten dumbest posts of all time? I think this makes the list.

  10. Mostly talked about the Steelers and Pats. Said last week's Pats-Colts game was one of the best-coached games he's seen. Expects the Pats and Eagles to win this weekend.


    On the Bills:


    - said he needs to win more games or he'll end up back as an ESPN analyst


    - congratulated Mularkey for a good turnaround


    - said a QB decision will be made within the next two weeks


    - said they won't give Henry away


    nothing really new....

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