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Coach Tuesday

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Posts posted by Coach Tuesday

  1. Donny: Are these the Nazis, Walter?

    Walter: No, Donny, these men are nihilists. There's nothing to be afraid of.




    It's "No, Donny, these men are cowards."




    "Nihilists? Fug me... Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, but at least it's an ethos. Nihilists..."

  2. For what it's worth, my girlfriend, who knows NOTHING about football aside from watching the occasional few minutes of a Bills game with me, endorses this move.


    She said, and I quote, "It's about time - he can't hang with the big boys. He just stands there looking confused until he gets clobbered."


    There you have it.

  3. As far as the problem of evil: God could have given us free will, or he could have given us a perfect world. He started by giving us both. But because of Adam and Eve's sin, the world itself became a messed-up place, and human nature became deeply flawed. We still have free will though; and in the case of the Dollars they chose to use their free will to make the world a much worse place for the children under their care.



    It must be nice knowing there is One answer to every single question.

  4. And from someone in football that I know, this is false.  They are concerned about his mental ability, physical stature, and ability to throw.  Not sure if was release, but from what the insider told me was the broken leg had an impact as he could not learn to throw and step properly and it was holding him back.  The inside info I have, and again it comes from a real NFL insider, there is doubts that Losman will ever make it onto the field as a starter.  Whether it is Bledsoe, Warner, Kita, or someone else, the inside info I have said the Bills are looking elsewhere because they doubt Jp's ability. 


    But I guess we'll wait and see.



    Wow, that is some news. They're already doubting that the kid will ever start a game???? If that's true, I hope they draft another QB in this draft, even if it's a late-round pick. Wow.


    VA, can you elaborate on what you heard? I mean, they invested a TON of picks and a good amount of money on this kid, and they're already thinking of cutting their losses?

  5. I'm sure the owner is at least somewhat aware of his dogs barking problems, but I'm also sure its at least a possibility that he doesn't know how to fix it. Just try and talk to the guy about, express your concern over the situation and offer him some possible solutions.  If the guy is still a-hole about it then call the cops. They might not be able to do anything about it but it could scare the owner into taking things a little more seriously.



    Sheesh - a page and a half into this thread before someone steps up with a solution not involving some passive aggressive cowardice... What is wrong with you people? Throwing stuff over the fence? Filing complaints? Man, I hope I never live nextdoor to any of you nutjobs. Hey, here's a radical idea! Be an adult, knock on the owners' door, and tell them that the barking bothers you! If they tell you to go get stuffed, THEN you can consider resorting to giant dog catapults, etc. It just might happen, though, that they are receptive to your complaint and do what they can to help "cure" this behavior, if possible. Perhaps they'll hire a trainer (we're thinking of doing that for our dog, for different reasons not here relevant). Perhaps they'll keep the dog indoors more. It's amazing what adult humans will agree to do if asked nicely and politely... give it a shot.

  6. http://www.ffmastermind.com/quickbits.php


    -- Edge Wants to Play for Dolphins, But... --

    Sun Jan 30, 2005 --from FFMastermind.com


    ESPN’s Chris Mortenson reports Indianapolis Colts RB Edgerrin James is telling friend he wants his freedom and wants to play for his hometown team, the Miami Dolphins. However, the Colts are determined to keep James. The Colts are discussing all options such as sign him, let go as a free agent, franchising James to keep or to trade. James, an unrestricted free agent could be designated by the Colts as their "franchise player," a decision that carries an $8 million price tag for one season only. James is a six year veteran with 7,720 rushing yards, 10,222 total yards from scrimmage, and 61 touchdowns.



    Well, this is interesting, as it could set in motion a chain of events involving, ultimately, Travis' departure - perhaps to the Colts. Which would make sense, b/c they have cap issues, and can have Henry at a reasonable price for at least next season. Plus, their second-round pick is late in the round, meaning perhaps they'd be more likely to give it up.


    (Wait 'till they discover he can't pick up blitzes.) (Or memorize the Colts' huge playbook.) (Or keep his footing on a 3rd and 1.)

  7. Because if you can get a top-five kicker locked up on a 5-6 year rookie contract, you're beating the market and getting a steal. Plus, unlike most rooks, the kicker has a direct effect on EVERY GAME in terms of both points and field position. I think kickers are way, way undervalued in this League - it's no coincidence that the top two kickers in the League happen to be playing for the Superbowl teams. As Bill Simmons always says, in a world full of however-billion many people, it's amazing that we can't find 32 humans who can kick fieldgoals consistently - but we can't. If you find one, and you can lock him up cheap (a la Morman), DO IT.

  8. This is all moot - talk of "Number 3 Receivers" makes little sense. Aiken backs up Moulds's Z WR spot - he does NOT play the slot, so he isn't gonna replace Reed unless he changes positions. I think this is unlikely - it's more likely that the team will draft or sign someone to compete with Reed for the slot role.

  9. I'm curious why you feel he's a better center? I feel the opposite. I know he can play both but if read his bio at MGoBlue.com he's played most of his collegiate career at LG which is where I'd put him. He should be the 2nd OG selected with the top guy likely being Elton Brown from Virginia but sadly both of which I suspect will be gone by the Bills draft but one can hope either one would fall to us.



    Because from what I've read he's not as athletic as you'd want from a Guard, but he's tough and intelligent. Haven't really paid attention to his play that much though, so I could certainly be wrong. If the Bills take him they'll almost certainly put him at RG - Teague is fine at Center.

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