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Coach Tuesday

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Posts posted by Coach Tuesday

  1. The quick answer is yes.  I actually talked to him the other day. What he said was that the fans are forcing this decision, period.  That the Bills had no other choice, and still felt Drew was the better option but there was no way they could bring him back as the starter.  He still felt the Bills would make a push for Kitna, or someone like him, and make it a true competition for the starting QB role.  He said "JP starting is not a done deal".   Again, I am not sure how much interaction goes on in the off season between teams, but with the number of former Bills coaches on the team, he seems to have an inside track on info.



    Interesting, very interesting... thanks. It will also be interesting in that case to see what they say in the press conference today - Donahoe hates getting pressured by the fans (see: the GW press conference), so I wouldn't be surprised for him to rip the City of Buffalo for forcing his hand again, blah blah blah


    (btw - the reason I didn't PM you was because I figured this was a topic that others might be interested in)

  2. VA, I don't want to misquote you, but I believe you posted a couple weeks back that you heard from a reliable team source that there were some inside OBD who don't feel JP has what it takes, and that some even have serious doubts as to whether he can ever be a starter in the NFL. Just wondering if you have spoken to this source after the events of the last few days - I'd imagine that your source must be surprised/disappointed by the decision to release Drew (I could be wrong about that). Is there a fissure within OBD about JP's readiness? Was the decision on Drew independent of the evaluation of JP?


    Thanks -


  3. Where was I wrong?  That DB will be signed on with another team?  I'll make a bet with YOU that he will if you want.  Or that TH was injured?  Because he was (maybe it wasn't severe, but it was severe enough to keep him out of the game long enough for WM to play).





    (Notice you didn't deny the sarcasm... :lol: )

  4. McGahee didn't go into camp as the number 1 guy last year, he took the job due to injury.  Completely different than the DB/JPL issue, where JPL is (if rumors are true) being handed the job without proving anything on the field first.





    Why does it matter whether it happens in camp versus later on in the season? I don't think it has anything to do with "morale." I've answered my own question - I think Drew threatened to retire otherwise, which was essentially an ultimatum.


    Furthermore, McGahee didn't take the job due to injury.

  5. 1. The job was JP's the day he was drafted by the Bills,

    the only question was when would he be ready...

    the master plan said 2005.

    2. Drew was re-signed as a stop-gap to hold down the fort until JP was ready.

    3. Sometime after last season was finished, TD & staff determined that JP was ready.

    4. TD told Drew that JP would be the starter in 2005 as planned.

    5. Drew forgot what the master plan was & threw a hissy fit.

    "NO NO NO, this is my team. I won't be the back-up.

    Obviously, we have to execute better in big games, but it just wasn't my fault"

    6. TD told Drew "So long, good luck, & goodbye".


    Simple as that. :lol:



    I hear ya, but why isn't your Number 6: TD told Drew "Tough stojan, you're now the backup. Feel free to retire if you don't like it."


    Come to think of it, THAT'S IT - Drew probably told TD he'd retire if he wasn't the starter. I think that's what happened.

  6. The reason is simple, if your holding out for JP, you lose alot by not giving JP the reigns very very early. JP needs ALL the reps with the 1st team as soon as possible to get good as soon as possible. A competition would have hurt JP's learning curve (see Eli Manning).



    Ok, again, when I say competition I mean "competition" = as in, JP is the starter, but Drew has to stick around and will end up as the backup. I don't think it's all that simple.

  7. I'm really arguing with myself here (which is very ICE-esq, I suppose), but I have to wonder: why cut Drew? why even tell him he's being demoted? why not go into camp with an "open" competition, making Drew think he has a chance to win the job, then name Losman the starter right before the season starts? then, at least, you have an experienced backup QB. Drew's under contract, IMO it's not worth cutting him just to do him a favor... the team should come first. Perhaps there is something else going on, I don't know - it just doesn't make sense to me. The guy signed a contract. You get almost no cap relief by releasing him - might as well force him to be a backup, it's not like he's known for creating QB controversies. Also, now JP is gonna think the job is his and he doesn't have to win it.




    EDIT: Nevermind, something Rico said triggered the answer for me: Drew simply threatened to retire if he was forced to stay as the backup.

  8. My son just traded in his Fender for an Ovation and I think just he opposite.  The Fender strings are much higher than the Ovation.  The Ovation he got has a super shallow body and he finds it so much easier to play as the strings are as close to the fret board as his electric guitar and it plays very similar to an electric. 


    Another nice feature on the Ovation is the built in tuner.



    Hmm... all the more reason to make sure you follow the Cardinal Rule of guitar-shopping: Make Sure You Play the Specific Guitar You Intend to Purchase. Don't go on brand-name alone - every guitar is a unique individual with its own distinct sound and feel.

  9. Just make sure the "action" on the specific guitar is soft enough that it's easy to play. I've found a lot of times that some of the more expensive, name-brand "studio" accoustics - Ovations especially - are almost impossible to play because they're strung so high up over the fret board.


    I have a Fender accoustic w/ electric pickup, sounds great either way, love it.

  10. The Bills have probably already shopped Bledsoe around the league to see what kind of offers they might recieve once the trading period starts.  If they haven't recieved any interest,  they may have concluded that they're better off getting Bledsoe off the roster as soon as possible.



    Exactly right. Surely they've already tried. These guys do this for a living...

  11. Understandably, some fans here and some commentators on ESPN, etc., are urging that the Bills are making a mistake in releasing Bledsoe (folks, it WILL happen in the next seven days, prepare yourselves). They contend that Drew had a solid second half of the season, has some good football left in him, and will be re-united with Parcells in Dallas, resurrecting his Pro Bowl status once again.


    Uh, wrong.


    And here's three reasons why: Mularkey, Clements, Wyche.


    Simply put, I trust those three guys to make the decision. It's not like Donahoe just went and pulled the trigger on his own - I'm sure that the decision to go with the Rook came after long sit-downs with these three, who assured TD (a) that the team couldn't go any farther than it did with Drew at the helm, and (b) that after having watched JP in practice, they are confident that he can lead the team (I know a couple of posters here claim to have an inside "scoop" that there are people in OBD that think JP will bust, but I'm not buying it - they wouldn't be releasing Drew if this was the case).


    Wyche knows how to coach QBs. Clements and Mularkey got to the playoffs with Tommy Maddox and Kordell. There is just NO WAY that these three would have let Donahoe make a mistake. The circumstantial evidence compels the realization that Bledsoe is washed up (confirming that which we've seen for ourselves on the field).


    Also, there's just no way Drew goes to the Cowboys and sets the world on fire. Why would he, because of Parcells? Please. Parcells didn't exactly turn miracles with Vinny, Quincy, Chad Hutch, etc... the guy isn't a QB coach, and his formula of asking decent QBs not to lose games hasn't won him anything in Dallas. I seriously doubt he'll be able to do what Wyche, Clements and Mularkey couldn't - which is getting Drew to make the right reads on third down, get rid of the ball before the rush, and not throw to the guys in the other-colored jerseys. No way.


    Bledsoe's goose is cooked - he should retire, or stay here and back up JP. His time came and went, no two ways about it.

  12. I hope the Bills get him signed to an extension, but if they don't you can bet your house he will be franchised. If so the Bills will have to pay him the average of the top 5 corners. I think he is one of the top five, plus he returns punts. At the very least, he will be tagged & traded like PP was. If PP was worth a 1 then Nate is worth a 1 & 2.



    Just because someone performs within the top five in their position does NOT mean that you pay them accordingly - especially if the position itself is overvalued. I just don't see Nate getting $6-$8 mil per year.

  13. He won't be franchised, d-wag is right. He'll be locked up long-term though, preferrably in the next few weeks. I'm hoping the money saved from Moulds' extension will be used in the following order:


    1) long-term deal for Clements

    2) cap-friendly, reasonable deal for Jennings (I'm concerned this may not be an option)

    3) sign Wahle of the Packers, most underrated and best pulling-guard in the NFL.

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