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Thurman's Helmet

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Everything posted by Thurman's Helmet

  1. A coworker of mine was visiting a customer's house and their Boxer came running at them full speed with its hair on end and its teeth bared. He hauled off and kicked it in the mouth as hard as he could and sent it flying.
  3. So its OKAY to believe what the Pentagon says when it jives with what you want to believe?
  4. Didnt Daddy Winslow have him transfer to Miami so more black coaches could coach jr?
  5. WHATCHA GONNA DO WHEN THE DEANIACS RUN WILD ON YOU????????? *flexes as he exits camera view*
  6. Has anyone watched that show Sports Kids' moms & dads on Bravo yet? Its literally mere steps away from child abuse. I cant stomach to watch these idiot parents eff their kids' lives up to no end simply to satisfy their own quest for vicarious glory.
  7. Belichick would as soon sign Freddie Mitchell before he signed a turd like Koren Robinson. The guy just doesnt put forth the effort. Forget the drops, its the lack of effort thats submarined this guy's career.
  8. Why do you need validation from the national talking heads? Who cares what ESPN or CBS Sportsline or any of those national mediots think? You guys love your team, you're proud of your team and each and every week you root for your team. Screw them, they'll only hop on board once the bandwagon has departed championship station on track 9.
  9. Somewhere Boston Globe columnist Ron Borges weeps as he LAMBASTED the Pats after the 2001 draft for passing over such obvious choices as David Terrell and Koren Robinson for some dud named Richard Seymour.
  10. So you'd rather top secret "B-2 Bomber-type" projects should be listed on the budget prior to their completion? I do agree however that our borders should take priority over protecting the South Koreans, Germans, Japanese etc....
  11. Bo Bice got jobbed! Wait, what were we talking about again?
  12. Free Stephen Biko and Nelson Mandela!! DOWN WITH GITMO!
  13. How about we then examine the culture that breeds individuals to "become terrorists" at the slightest misdeed or indignation?
  14. Terrorists killing ANYONE = eh US offending someone's sensibilities in the slightest = USA BAD!!! Dont you understand? I mean, wouldnt you take to the streets in murderous rage if someone halfway across the world desecrated a bible or the torah or the US Flag? GET THE PITCHFORKS AND TORCHES AND MEET ME IN THE TOWN SQUARE IN HALF AN HOUR!! GOD IS GREAT!
  15. Massachusetts is much worse. And I'm Shocked SHOCKED that Florida isnt #1.
  16. We need Roddy Piper's special sunglasses to take a look at Nancy Pelosi. THEY LIVE!!!!!
  17. With Howard Dean at the helm of the DNC its one step forward, 10 steps back. Keep up the good work Howie!
  18. Early polls favor Hillary? How did early polls do for John Kerry?
  19. God forbid she actually realize the consequences to her actions and treat HUMAN LIFE more than just an inconvenience.
  20. Here's a crazy idea, stay with me; Maybe that when these fine fellows go through their training as insurgents errrrr militants errrrr freedom fighters errrrr resistance fighters errrrrr TERRORISTS that part of their training is to immediately claim mistreatment if they are released as they realize the media is a powerful tool that if manipulated correctly can achieve their goals for them. Perhaps I need a tin foil hat....
  21. The criteria for being labeled "disabled" period is pretty lax. This crappy weather we've had in New England has had me feeling blue for a while now. I say all the right things to my doctor and BLAMMO, I'm disabled. Where's muh parkin pass to crip corner?
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