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Thurman's Helmet

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Everything posted by Thurman's Helmet

  1. It was Laci's fault for gettin preggers in the first place. I cant be saddled with that kind of responsibility if I want to continue with my cavorting & carousing ways. B word had to die Sincerely Scott
  2. I hate that Ruben Studdard. Now what were you saying about the mainstream media and its slant towards coverage of people who are considered "attractive" to the majority of its viewers (White folks ages 21-54)?
  3. Did Ralph Wilson have a ceremony for all those glorious stats or what? Have fun in Third Place this year!
  4. It was Ron's fault for returning Nicole's sunglasses. Eternally yours OJ
  5. Did you say Hot Pockets? DING! Cya later, gotta watch my American Idol reruns! GO CLAY!
  6. Mark this down as one of the few times I agree with you. I feel terrible for this girl's family but it seems only the "beautiful people" are put on the news.
  7. So if there are id codes on bullets and/or guns and I steal someone's guns and go on a 5 state killing spree, they'll come and get that person and I'm off scot-free? Cool And if I have a gun thats locked and hidden away and someone breaks into my house are they going to patiently wait while I fiddle with the numerous locking mechanisms that have my gun in their grasp? I'm more worried about my kids getting killed by strangers, cars and dogs than I am about guns.
  8. I know Juice, you only killed her because you loved her so much.
  9. Great, that means he'll be looking fit and trim as we consistently see the back of his uniform chasing down opposing ball carriers.
  10. So that means if I can convince any foreign student to get into my car, I have free reign to do with her as I will and it will be her fault? Awww-right Sincerely Quagmire
  11. I had the duct work in place and we paid about 5K and it was the best 5K I ever spent.
  12. Can you practice with the team and THEN decide to hold out? We're DOOOOOOOMED!!!!!!!
  13. I love all the wishful thinking here. Keep up with the prognostications of doom fellas, it only brightens my day.
  14. triple word score if its a blumpkin 354686[/snapback] Soda meet monitor!
  15. Will somebody please tell me when American Idol comes back so I know when to pay attention to the mighty talking box?
  16. Let him keep going. He's basically delivering the next election to the GOP on a silver platter.
  17. Way to go Howie, alienate the MAJORITY of this country. Keep up the good work.
  18. Considering Gillette Stadium only has about 68,000 seats, thats not too shabby.
  19. Textbook definition of tangential thinking. Now mind translating your incoherent ramblings for those of us with the "Not Crazy" badges on?
  20. Dick Winters (Band of Brothers was based on his unit) is on a lot and each and every time I see him speak its fascinating.
  21. Doesnt MTV feature videos (Okay, MTV2) from a band called "Franz Ferdinand"? How many mtv flunkies even know who he was?
  22. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower Supreme Commander Allied Expeditionary Force
  23. You mean like when our flag is burned constantly in the Middle East? Or how its illegal to own a bible in Saudi Arabia and what happens to you if you're caught with one? Maybe we can resolve this problem by not giving these A-holes bibles and religious materials in the first place. 3 hots and a cot is about all they should get at BEST.
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