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Thurman's Helmet

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Everything posted by Thurman's Helmet

  1. Your argument about the Super Bowls being won in a "pathetic" manner is YOUR OPINION which contrary to what you want to believe is NOT fact. Your jealousy of the NFL Champions is only surpassed by your misplaced arrogance at not really understanding the nature of the NFL. Keep jabbing though, its fun.
  2. What kind of odds you talkin about? How's this one, not only will NE make the playoffs, they'll win at LEAST one game. (Of course I believe they'll win the SB but thats a foolish bet in today's age of parity) Jacksonville being .500 or under, I'm not touching that one.
  3. If only any of it were remotely true OR relevant. Patriots 3 Bills ZERO Suck on that Wide Righters!
  4. This isnt the BCS, margin of victory is irrelevant. I like looking at the Patriots 3 Lombardi Trophies. Whats in Ralph's trophy case?
  5. Lets get a few things straight, If I were a "guest", my name would say guest. I have every much as right to post here as you do. You want facts? How's this fact, The New England Patriots have won Super Bowls 36, 38 & 39. (All during the Salary Cap era) How many of the teams that have won 3 or more Super Bowls in a 10 year span have done so during the Salary Cap era? Whether the Pats won by 3 pts or 33 pts, its still a Super Bowl win. In fact, I'm guessing that had Scott Norwood's kick been true, you wouldnt have been complaining about a lousy 2 pt victory over the Giants. A team if I recall correctly, that you were decently favored to beat. Suck on that ya bet welcher.
  6. I didnt realize Bizarro world had the internet
  7. But we played Christina Aguilera music really loud! DAMN US ALL TO HELL!!!!! WE'RE WORSE THAN POL POT, HITLER AND STALIN!!!!! These guys are pikers compared to the thugs at Gitmo. Sincerely, Dick Durbin (D) - Illinois
  8. I dont? Since when have I demonstrated a lack of knowledge about my team or the NFL in general? But whatever helps you feel better about yourself I guess. And its just natural to say "In Belichick we trust" after all he's done for this franchise. Right now, he has the Midas touch. I certainly never said "In Bobby Grier we trust"
  9. AFC 1. New England - They were 14-2 last year and most likely will NOT repeat that mark as it is VERY hard to do in the NFL. They will probably go something like 12-4 or so. A natural decline as the rest of the league "catches up". Would that be viewed as struggling due to the absence of the coordinators? 2. Pittsburgh - Big Ben is the real deal, Pittsburgh always plays D and can run the ball no matter who they have. Getting rid of that turd Plexiglass will only help (Addition by subtraction) 3. Indianapolis - That offense is too good to discount but again, they're just good enough for the 2nd round of the playoffs or AFC Title game at best. 4. San Diego - Brees is coming into his own, Tomlinson is possibly the best RB in the NFL and they've had some good drafts the last couple of years. 5. Jacksonville - Leftwich is maturing and that defense is tremendous. Fred Taylor's health will be crucial. 6. Take your pick between NY Jets/Denver/Baltimore with Houston as a dark horse. I would have taken Buffalo here but I'm not sold on JP Losman just yet. They'll have the defense and the running game along with a tremendous home field (especially in Nov/Dec) that will win them some games but I need to see more big plays from the QB. NFC 1. Philadelphia - The tallest midget so to speak 2. Carolina - Delhomme has some Brady-like qualities in him and they should be healthy this year. 3. Minnesota - See Pittsburgh, Losing Moss will be the best thing to happen to them. 4. Seattle - the strongest in a weak NFC West 5. Atlanta - Vick is feast or famine. If you let him run, he'll kill you. 6. Green Bay - Favre's last stand. Dark horses; Arizona & Detroit
  10. Pot meet Kettle You think that WEEI and Boston sportstalk radio represents the true Boston fan You buy into all the negative hype about why the Patriots will fail this year while not having any clear understanding as to how the Patriots work as an organization. You are what you claim to despise.
  11. But...But...But....Who's on next year's American Idol? Who will be the next America's Top Model? Who will become a Hilton? Who will win the Apprentice? Who will be the final Survivor? Who will come out of the Real World/Road Rules Inferno? Who will get me my Hot Pockets? DING!
  12. So let me see if I get this straight, you play hockey with a couple of Pats fans and since they fail to pass your "Around the NFL" muster, that equates to all Pats fans being know-nothing front running bandwagon fans who dont deserve what you, a fine Buffalo rooter who knows everything about every team in history deserves. Is that it or am I missing something. "Aisle 5 is in need of MORE broad brushes please..."
  13. Was there an update on what Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were doing? I NEED TO KNOW THESE THINGS!!!
  14. The CI that double crossed Vic shouldnt go buying the green bananas. The Salvadorians will see to that.
  15. Dont worry fellas, you wont be attending any ring ceremonies for quite some time. When all else fails, make gay jokes.
  16. This guy is on patsfans.com and he'll make even the most hard core liberal here look like Ronald Reagan. Its like literally watching a man descend into the depths of mental illness.
  17. I'm pretty confident that the Pats will win at least one more SB before Brady is done. But mathmatically speaking, the law of averages is against them obviously.
  18. Even if the Pats dont win the Super Bowl this year, it doesnt mean their "run" is over. I'd give them a 2 or 3 year window to determine that. You're taking conjecture and spewing it out as fact. Each year you predict doom for the Pats and it comforts me that you're doing the same this year.
  19. What I'm REALLY worried about is kids being killed by strange dogs driving cars. GUNS KILL PEOPLE! WONT SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN? MORE LAWS ARE NEEDED!
  20. You're right, THOSE 4 years are over. This year isnt and as far as I (and every other rational minded person on Earth) can tell, the Patriots looked primed ready to defend whats theirs and what will be theirs for some time. Maybe someday you'll actually have solid insight into the NFL and how good teams win games.
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