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Thurman's Helmet

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Everything posted by Thurman's Helmet

  1. Islamic "Freedom fighters" - GOOD US Military - BAD Bush< Hitler Anyone not left of Chomsky and Lenin - Nazis
  2. Ann Coulter's man-hands mesmerize me. I think thats part of her plan.
  3. Its not any different than hard core anyone.
  4. Hard core liberals deal in absolutes; If you're not in lockstep with their group think then you must be a "right wing nazi" who gets his/her talking points from Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly or Coulter.
  5. As long as we dont point to genitals or flush pages of the Koran down a toilet. Let them stuff each other feet first into plastic shredders or torture children in front of their parents, just dont offend their delicate sensibilities.
  6. I like how the left is more concerned with whether Habib who prior to his capture was slitting westerners throats or plotting dirty bomb attacks on our cities, gets his Koran than the poor hapless victims of radical Islam be it Westerner or Muslim. Mosque blown up by terrorists - who cares Mosque blown up by troops - BAD AMERICA, BAD! Innocent civilians intentionally killed by terrorists - who cares Innocent civilians inadvertantly killed by troops - BAD AMERICA, BAD! AMERICA BAD! BUSH BAD! GENEVA CONVENTION! KYOTO PROTOCOLS! HALLIBURTON! FLIGHT SUIT! NOSE PICK! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! TOM DELAY BAD! UNDERWEAR PICTURE! ABU GHRAIB! BAD BAD BAD!
  7. If US troops did this even by accident, what do you think the media and world's reaction would be?
  8. Apparently, this cockroach was on Hannity & Colmes not too long ago. I didnt see it but I'm guessing Sean tore him a new one and I cant imagine Alan agreeing with his POV. Most of the left, even the hard core left wont go so far as to wish harm on to our soldiers. Unless their name is Jane Fonda.
  9. Pretty sickening if its "for real" Not sure this is what algore had in mind when he invented the internet
  10. I believe Lucas said that 60% of the prequel storyline was in Ep III. Ep I and II each had 20% so the rest was filler.
  11. Do you pretend to be this outraged by Islamic "Honor" Killings or is it just an anti Christian thing? Like the ACLU's mantra, "We dont hate religion, just Christianity!"
  12. Did Brandon, Dylan, Kelly, Brenda, David and Andrea all shout in unison "DONNA MARTIN GRADUATES! DONNA MARTIN GRADUATES! ?
  13. How about instead of jumping ugly on each other pointing fingers at either Newsweek or the Bush admin, we actually look at the real root cause of this, the fact that there are bloodthirsty thugs out there ready to take to the streets and riot at the mere mention of a holy book being desecrated ANYWHERE in the world. Interesting Op-ed piece in the Boston Globe by Jeff Jacoby
  14. I didnt think they made Gen. Grievous out to be the total badazz that he was portrayed as in the books/animated version of the Clone Wars.
  15. I thought it was excellent too but I'm not quite ready to put it ahead of the original Star Wars or The Empire Strikes Back.
  16. How do those fluckers over there even know what a TOILET is?
  17. Its quite natural to expect the Pats to decline a bit especially when they're coming off a 17-2 year culminating in a Super Bowl win. My prediction would be 1. Pats - they're the champs until someone dethrones them 2. Jets - Only here because of Losman being untested. Herm Edwards himself will cost them a game or two. 3. Bills - If Losman is the real deal or matures faster than expected then expect them to finish 2nd in the division and compete for a wild card. 4. Phins - Saban is good but it will take a few years for them to rebound.
  18. "I'm so outraged, I'm going to write my local congressman and then....DING! Oh, my hot pockets are done, mmmmm Cheeseburger hot pockets...aaaaaaaahhhhrrrrrrrgggghh...... Oh snap! Time for that hunky Ryan Seacrest CLICK"
  19. So are you implying that we should go after the Saudis, the Syrians, the Iranians, the Yemenis, the Qatarians (?) and all the other countries that sponsor terrorism? Iraq sponsored terrorism and look at how divided this war is.
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