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Everything posted by PBF81

  1. So count on a three year prolific career then. LOL Yeah, just kidding.
  2. Hopefully he'll take some of the tougher shorter yards out of Allen's hands. Best pick (by round) of the draft so far. Not sure how much it'll move the needle as it were, but it fits McD's pet "complimentary football" approach. Not sure how Cook feels about it though.
  3. Let's hope that Coleman doesn't resemble Kelvin Benjamin. Same exact types.
  4. BTW, this statement in and of itself reveals how this team has no offensive prowess on the staff. Everything's by committee of one sort or another and ultimately under the final approval and scrutiny of someone with sole credentials on the defensive side. We need someone that has an offensive vision of what this offense is capable of. Daboll was the best we had, but even he left performance on the field from a tactical side. And yes, Coleman's athletic, most players are, but even if he's among the best overall athletes, that in and of itself hardly translates to the NFL, and if it did, why the marginal stats in college.
  5. We'll find out, but since when is Allen the expert on projecting NFL performance. Not saying that Beane & Co. are wrt WRs, just sayin'. Who's in charge here. All that's obvious is that there's been non-stop talk about having a #1 WR, and anyone thinking that Coleman fits that bill is going well against the flow of every draft profiler out there. The grade by CBS was a C-, lowest of that round. Again, here's a great write-up on Coleman for anyone that actually wants good analysis. Did Allen see this btw. And for the does Allen like it angle, he also loved Davis. https://www.pff.com/news/draft-2024-nfl-draft-florida-state-keon-coleman-polarizing-wide-receiver-prospect We'll see how it works out. Bickering amongst us does nothing one way or another. All I'm doing it pointing out the inconsistencies and hypocrisies in the statements, sentiments, and reasoning.
  6. Coleman's not ever likely to become a "#1" which is what everyone was crying about. If they weren't happy then, they're even less likely to be happy as a result of this pick. Perhaps his biggest knock is that he can't run routes well, which was everyone's biggest complaint about Davis. Everyone also says that he has separation issues, aka can't get away from defenders. Isn't that the polar opposite of what the majority of people here said we need. Short answer, yes, yes it is. Apparently the "experts" have contradicted themselves and so have those supporting this pick. That's all, nothin to argue about. How many commenting have actually gone and looked for detailed analyses of him. Otherwise, here an excellent piece about him; https://www.pff.com/news/draft-2024-nfl-draft-florida-state-keon-coleman-polarizing-wide-receiver-prospect Who knows what he'll do here, but he's not what everyone's claims we needed. Franklin at least had a shot of being that player. I remember years ago, when we drafted Hardy early in round 2 and Stevie Johnson in round 7. I boldly went public that Johnson would be the better WR and that Hardy woukld bust either way. Man, you'd have thought that I had renounced all things Buffalo and WNY based on the responses. I don't see Coleman busting, but he's not going to make the kind of impact that we need. And since when do we have any creative mind on our staff? We have none. If that isn't obvious by now.
  7. He was very tall. Played with Jaworski. The Polish Rifle.
  8. I can't find a single profile that thinks he'll ever be more than an average starter. Not worth arguing over, just trying to get past the homer takes and see what we really got. If you find one, point it out. Here's a good write-up though, but at best he appears to have been a marginal reach, at best. https://www.pff.com/news/draft-2024-nfl-draft-florida-state-keon-coleman-polarizing-wide-receiver-prospect
  9. Good write-up on Coleman; https://www.pff.com/news/draft-2024-nfl-draft-florida-state-keon-coleman-polarizing-wide-receiver-prospect
  10. You reacted to my post and my comment. Hence the association. No big deal. Thanks for the follow-up.
  11. Is there a whole lot of difference between him and Davis. Guess we'll find out. Franklin had better not light things up somewhere. He's a lot closer to what we needed with a notably greater upside. Oh well, they're the "experts." LOL
  12. A whole lot of "you" in there. Maybe try to phrase things a little differently. Thanks on the other!
  13. A little presumptuous with the you stuff, aren't you? I'm not one of 'em.
  14. They're fine for this season. The question is when will Kelce retire and what will their offensive game look like after that.
  15. You touched on a lot of symptoms in your statement, this among them. That's the most directly relevant thing that you mentioned however. It hasn't even mattered which players we have. Logging stats and optimizing performance, both team as well as individual, are quite often two different things. We change our tactics during the season, and not in a good adjustment kind of way, rather more in the way of poke-n-hope and let's see what works and what doesn't, at least on offense. The reason for it is that we really don't have any kind of offensive prowess on our staff. Our prowess is all on the defensive side and we'll never hire any major offensive prowess as long as the situation from the top remains what it is. If we did, all of our offensive players would be putting up better numbers, our offense would be scoring more, we'd be a lot more prolific and we'd be winning in the postseason. No need to get into the whys or why-nots, that's been done here ad tedium. Just sayin'. This season will bear out much. Last season we had quite a bit of fortune assist us in the end to our season, fortune that isn't even close to reliably repetitive to understate it. That created false narratives on how good we really were to end the season. We were very fortunate to even make the playoffs and were a loss away from not making them altogether. We've had it pretty easy within our division so far, but now we've gotten somewhat worse, the amount TBD, while the Jets can only improve, same with the Pats, both of which beat us once last season, and with the Pats and Miami taking us to the wire in two of our wins. It's going to be an interesting and defining season.
  16. Yeah, again, I don't follow hockey at all anymore. Just throwing thoughts out there. Anytime I see something anomalous, particularly a trend or pattern that has no track record of success within its parameters, I always seriously question things. Either way, I can't imagine Sabres fans being ultra surprised if the move doesn't pan out. LOL
  17. The only significant change in that heap is the addition of the 95th. After 128th they're all 5th, 6th, or 7th rounders. Of those six picks, we'll be lucky to see three of 'em make the roster. Of the 25 picks that Beane's made from 128th on, only two have become starters besides Davis, whom few thought was good. Shakir and Benford, both from the '22 draft and both still with some TBD. Most of those 25 picks aren't even on the team anymore if they even ever made it to begin with.
  18. I guess. Again, I'm not into hockey, but in a league where half the teams make the playoffs every season, making the playoffs only three times in the 8 seasons he's had as a HC doesn't seem impressive. In his last four years he's made them only once, losing in round two. In the other three seasons he hasn't been much better than the Sabres.
  19. I was more thinking about an ability to relate to younger players. Either way, his tenure with NJ & Dallas over the past 8 seasons hasn't been particularly impressive.
  20. Agreed. There's plenty of receivers to make this passing game well above average for a creative OC given that Allen's our QB. If he can't do that, well, ... let's see whether it happens first. McD is not creative in his offensive planning, it would seem that he's trying to recreate what KC's done with Kincaid being the "Kelce" here. Having said all of that, they're nuts if they don't take a WR tonight.
  21. Dude's 64, isn't that a concern for anyone? Is there an older coach in the NHL? I don't follow hockey, but that's pretty old it seems. Also, 8 seasons with the Stars and Devils, only three playoff appearances, losing in the first round once, in the second round the other two times. More asking than commenting, I know little about hockey, but that alone seems to contradict many of the supportive statements herein.
  22. I gotta tell ya, I'm right there with ya. I was waiting for the first such post. I'm more interested in who we select and there's nothin' but green space between then and the season to talk about it. Even that's way too much time. All the speculating, complete mock drafts, none of which ever approach reality, and the marketing hype makes me simply want the event to come and go as quickly as possible. Day 3 is a waste of time anyway. I'll peek into CBS Sports online probably around 20th to see what's happening, and here too to see whether we trade up or not, but otherwise it's just another day for me. And what if we trade down out of the first into the early 2nd. How anticlimactic would that be. LOL BTW, LOL at your Hallmark channel on the main TV comment. I'm more interested in the schedule release which isn't for another 2-3 weeks or so.
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