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Everything posted by PBF81

  1. LOL, you've gotta admit that that last meme is hilarious, who it's directed at notwithstanding. What will really matter is how we play them at home here, and again in the playoffs if that happens. If Worthy is a factor in those games we'll never live it down. If he isn't it'll be water under the bridge. At this point the schedule release can't come soon enough.
  2. Ya think? If we had someone in charge that chose to build around Allen rather than his pet D it's a tough argument to suggest that we wouldn't be a better team. No?
  3. BTW, no insinuation that you said we only needed speed, just addressing the mob mentality. My point is that there's no clear-cut vision for this offense. That's because we really have no offensively oriented person with any significant experience on our entire staff. Daboll was the best there but even he had his flaws. Contrast that with the defense where we have McD and a staff laden with people capable of adding to his prowess. All of our top staff are defensively oriented, at least those with the most and highest level experience. The WR configuration that we have necessarily predicates that our QB play more like Brady, Purdy, or Burrow than the way that Allen has played. While watching games I routinely point out, numerous times per game, how Allen overlooks players underneath whereby a completion would have resulted in a 1st-down or a big gain otherwise, but where he goes deep, sometimes hitting, sometimes missing. But the point is that to make use of the WR cadre that we now have, Allen's going to really have to go into checkdown mode, but that's something he's never really done regularly or been top-notch at. He's got a whole lot of skills, but that's not among his best, at least he's not employed that. So from that perspective it will be interesting. Much of the dissatisfaction with McD that many of us express, is related to the fact that we continually build our team around the D. Once again, two of our three day 1 & 2 picks were for the D when our most glaring need was at WR with half both our yardage and TD production no longer on the team. Meanwhile, it's a real reach for anyone to suggest that Allen couldn't have a whole lot better around him. What we may have may be adequate, but to restate, Allen will necessarily have to really really hone his "high-percentage passing game" if we're to make optimal use of our offensive roster. And getting back to that vision for our offense, last year the staff told us that they wanted to get faster at RB which is why they let Singletary go, and why they traded Moss, yet here we spend a 4th-rounder on all but a Moss clone. It doesn't line up, there's zero consistency from season to season in the approach of the offense, it's almost entirely shooting from the hip. On a side note, will we have the fortune that we had with an injury-free OL last season again. If not, that could also complicate matters, are we content with our OL depth. Just food for thought. We'll find out come September. But NE and the Jets won't be worse, and they both beat us once each, NE nearly twice with us requiring a defensive TD to win that game, and while we own Miami, it may be more difficult to beat them, who knows. But Diggs has averaged 84 YPG against them and nearly a TD/game. Last season he averaged over 100 YPG against them and had 3 TDs. He could have had two more in the last game but for Allen badly overthrowing him for what would have been a TD, and Allen going to Knox OTM on a play that would have been a TD to him also. So we'll see.
  4. It's comical. People here change their minds essentially from one day to the next based upon what McBeane do. Nothin' new, been going on for decades. But it is hilarious. Imagine where this team would be sans Allen.
  5. LOL If he's been injured for three seasons, where would you place the odds that he makes it through this season? Might yet be a few seasons before he's healthy. Even then, what, he's a shoe-in? Look at all the hype over the signing of Harty last season.
  6. As a GM I would have drafted some WRs in rounds 1 & 2 in the five drafts prior to this one, or at least a few in round 3. Tough to lay the current situation at the feet of those that would have built the team around Allen rather than focusing on defense continually.
  7. Start working on a protocol WR that will be ready for us in 23 years. 😁
  8. Yeah, it'll be interesting to be sure. It's always interesting to assess the approach. i.e., is there a clear-cut methodology in play. Unfortunately the answer is no. First, we needed a guy that could "stretch the D" and take the coverage downfield. We didn't do that. Instead we draft a guy with traits similar to Davis. 57% catch % Not the best route runner Big, physical With the receivers we have, if we're going to get the most out of our offense, Allen's going to have to effectively tweak his game. The extent to which that occurs will likely define our season. So we can expect Coleman to have the career that Boldin had then? It's funny, before the draft the talk was primarily about how we needed a WR that's could take the top off. Now that we didn't draft that kind of WR it's unnecessary. This place is too funny sometimes.
  9. You said a lot there without realizing it. That appears to be what McD wants and what he's essentially forcing Brady to do. It's part of his "complimentary football" definition. Here's the thing about that, you absolutely need to have your shorter high-percentage game going to optimally run that kind of offense if you expect it to be effective. Consider however, is that where Allen's skillset is at the moment, or ever has been? The short answer is no. Allen's always going to produce to a minimal level because, well, he's Allen. But we leave a lot, sometimes a whole lot, in the table in games in that way, you can see it during the games. If that's going to work, Allen's going to have to become proficient at it if it's going to carry us in the playoffs. It's a little more complex than that, but to summarize. In short, he'll have to change what's been his game to date for it to work.
  10. Yes, we do. Maybe Brady doesn't have the skills yet to be that good. Food for thought.
  11. If last season wasn't good enough regarding the WRs on hand, how on earth are the same people that thought that going to reconcile that this season is.
  12. Whatever we do, don't blame McBeane. After all, apart from Diggs whom we paid through the nose for, we haven't had another above-average #1 WR on the team during their watch. It obviously couldn't have to do with their planning.
  13. Ya know, all the support from a forum that cringed and griped incessantly about that. For better or for worse Shakir's our top WR right now and will be our #1 whether we like it or not or whether he's up to it or not.
  14. Well, it's McD's team and offensive philosophy, who's to argue with him? What, Brady, who got the job because of his prior relationship with McD? Is there anyone even on his staff that knows how to maximize the output of the offensive roster. Short answer, no. This all fits into McD's "complimentary football" methodology and ideology which more or less mimics the '80s/'90s era ball-control football with strong D and a great running game. Allen's ruining it all. LOL It would all make sense if it worked come January, but the opposite is true. Regardless of whether or not we can win one that way stands apart from the fact that we're not getting the utmost from Allen & the passing game.
  15. That's funny, since the second half of last season the primary gripe of the forum as a whole has been the lack of a speedster WR that "can separate." Hmm...
  16. Roger, but as if Beane & Co. are perfect. A good baseline there would be applying those comments to our last six drafts though, no? I'd say this, if there's still a potential of a starter out there at a dire position of need, then wouldn't it be wise to go that route rather than grabbing a player that will in every likelihood never be better than a backup? Approach has a lot to do with it as well. Analytical prowess, which guaranteed is not present in all front offices.
  17. LOL, and watch, a bunch of people will talk about him as if they watched him all season long. Funny how many fans watched so much college football during and immediately after the drafts.
  18. So count on a three year prolific career then. LOL Yeah, just kidding.
  19. Hopefully he'll take some of the tougher shorter yards out of Allen's hands. Best pick (by round) of the draft so far. Not sure how much it'll move the needle as it were, but it fits McD's pet "complimentary football" approach. Not sure how Cook feels about it though.
  20. Let's hope that Coleman doesn't resemble Kelvin Benjamin. Same exact types.
  21. BTW, this statement in and of itself reveals how this team has no offensive prowess on the staff. Everything's by committee of one sort or another and ultimately under the final approval and scrutiny of someone with sole credentials on the defensive side. We need someone that has an offensive vision of what this offense is capable of. Daboll was the best we had, but even he left performance on the field from a tactical side. And yes, Coleman's athletic, most players are, but even if he's among the best overall athletes, that in and of itself hardly translates to the NFL, and if it did, why the marginal stats in college.
  22. We'll find out, but since when is Allen the expert on projecting NFL performance. Not saying that Beane & Co. are wrt WRs, just sayin'. Who's in charge here. All that's obvious is that there's been non-stop talk about having a #1 WR, and anyone thinking that Coleman fits that bill is going well against the flow of every draft profiler out there. The grade by CBS was a C-, lowest of that round. Again, here's a great write-up on Coleman for anyone that actually wants good analysis. Did Allen see this btw. And for the does Allen like it angle, he also loved Davis. https://www.pff.com/news/draft-2024-nfl-draft-florida-state-keon-coleman-polarizing-wide-receiver-prospect We'll see how it works out. Bickering amongst us does nothing one way or another. All I'm doing it pointing out the inconsistencies and hypocrisies in the statements, sentiments, and reasoning.
  23. Coleman's not ever likely to become a "#1" which is what everyone was crying about. If they weren't happy then, they're even less likely to be happy as a result of this pick. Perhaps his biggest knock is that he can't run routes well, which was everyone's biggest complaint about Davis. Everyone also says that he has separation issues, aka can't get away from defenders. Isn't that the polar opposite of what the majority of people here said we need. Short answer, yes, yes it is. Apparently the "experts" have contradicted themselves and so have those supporting this pick. That's all, nothin to argue about. How many commenting have actually gone and looked for detailed analyses of him. Otherwise, here an excellent piece about him; https://www.pff.com/news/draft-2024-nfl-draft-florida-state-keon-coleman-polarizing-wide-receiver-prospect Who knows what he'll do here, but he's not what everyone's claims we needed. Franklin at least had a shot of being that player. I remember years ago, when we drafted Hardy early in round 2 and Stevie Johnson in round 7. I boldly went public that Johnson would be the better WR and that Hardy woukld bust either way. Man, you'd have thought that I had renounced all things Buffalo and WNY based on the responses. I don't see Coleman busting, but he's not going to make the kind of impact that we need. And since when do we have any creative mind on our staff? We have none. If that isn't obvious by now.
  24. He was very tall. Played with Jaworski. The Polish Rifle.
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