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Everything posted by Dubie54

  1. Talked about the shotgun run at the goal line and calling a roll out pass for Josh just after he came out of the tent that led to the interception as two examples of what Bills fans are frustrated about. Clearly he was questioning Dorsey.
  2. We miss his speed - sure he overplays at times but the dude can cover the field.
  3. Teams know Allen likes to roll to that side of the ball so it’s a smart blitz.
  4. Not as much blitzing and they are really covering the middle better.
  5. We need a lot more help elsewhere but wouldn't put it past Beane to go after a big name like Henry with questionable longevity issues just like he did with Von.
  6. Bill O'Brien schooled MCD last week, plain and simple. MCD played right into their hands and we let the Pats walk all over us in the 4th.
  7. Of course he's not perfect, that's not the point.
  8. Daboll's impact on Josh's development was significant and I think Josh does not have that solid voice of experience to help him right now. I question what kind of relationship he really has with Dorsey and to what degree his struggles can be attributed to a lack of confidence in Dorsey's offensive system.
  9. Agree. These guys are not stiffs. It's all about how to use them effectively and maximize their talent. And your point about Hines last year is spot on in IMO. I just don't think Dorsey has the experience and creativity to use all the tools available to him.
  10. Well, what I don’t want to hear is “I wish I could tell you”. I’m not expecting him to throw anyone under the bus, but what we have seen from the Bills the past 3 weeks is unlike any 3 game stretch in years, and I’d like him to convey commitment and urgency to getting this thing turned around.
  11. Q: Over the last three games, you guys have a total of 10 points in the first half. Have you been able to put your finger on anything for the slow start here? SM: I wish I could tell you. I really do. I wish I could tell you. We talk about it. We talk about being more detailed, getting into a rhythm early, playing complementary football and all three phases working together. We haven't been able to get into a good rhythm, obviously, in the first quarter. Let's just start there. So, just overall, we've got find the answers there. I get sick of his BS answers. How about “unacceptable” “we’re not maximizing our talent” “we’re too predictable” etc. etc. oh, but then he might hurt Dorsey’s feelings.
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