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Everything posted by Nephilim17

  1. I'm no college guy, but, yes, some reports cite a lack of separation while others say he can do it. I suspect his rawness in route running is the issue there and he can be coached. He has elite long speed and is a RAC monster so I'll take that and hope the separation on shorter routes can come with time.
  2. What exactly are you suggesting? That the Cheifs be moved to the NFC to let other AFC teams get a shot at the Super Bowl? Wouldn't that, if the logic follows, then be a severe disadvantage to all the NFC teams? I don't get how to make this "fair." Let's see if they're still unbeatable in a couple years without Kelce and Jones.
  3. Scott, my heart and prayers goes out to your wife, you and your family. May you all find peace and cherish the love you have for one another.
  4. I'm not a college fan but after some cursory reading/viewing on various prospects be very pleased with Legette. The dude is in the 220's and would be a beast to bring down and could offer elite speed. That means he can both separate and win in 50/50 battles. That's worth the 23 age factor. He should have about 8 prime years which coincides with Josh's prime years. I'd be really afraid of drafting a speed guy who is 180 pounds soaking wet. Let's get a WR who is a beast and who can outrun and outmuscle anyone's CB or safety.
  5. I see that point of view. I don't personally agree with it but if fans feel it's a good way to support him, I get it. I don't think this is black and white and I've outline my thoughts. All the best to those who support him and I hope next year Bass is money.
  6. IF... Bass was a Bill with a 10-year career in this city and he made some championship kicks for us, I'd understand this. Right now, he's just a kid who has made several million dollars and missed a kick he's paid very handsomely to make. So I don't get the charity thing is this case. If Poyer or Hyde badly missed a tackle that led to the game winner, I'd understand it. Not for Bass. My $.02. I'm sure many will think I'm an uncaring a$$****.
  7. I wanted the Lions to win but I think the 49ers have a better chance to beat the Chiefs.
  8. Funny thing is if the Lions player doesn't touch it early, I think there's a chance it bounces off of the 49ers guy trying to catch it — those balls are tricky.
  9. Pray for no injuries as we need the winner to be healthy for the Chiefs. I'm pulling for the Lions but I'll take a 49ers Super Bowl win if it means dethroning the Chiefs.
  10. I hate the Chiefs but they are money in clutch situations. Let's hope whoever wins the NFC can win it all...
  11. Harbaugh better have one hell of a speech and new game plan for the second half...
  12. Really need the Ravens to hold them to 3 this drive.
  13. Wow. I hate KC but they are making clutch plays. They are a great team and better than the Bills right now (meaning the team we fielded, injuries included, last week).
  14. Sorry, I meant to say the TEAM has not been great in clutch situations. That was not meant to say Allen has not been great in clutch situations.
  15. Just before my time as a football fan. I started watching the NFL the year of the hockey strike in the 90s so a year or two removed from the Super Bowl years. Yes, that wound is worse than where we are. And though I wasn't a fan through it, I obviously know of it and it adds to the weight of my expectations.
  16. It's a loser's consolation prize to be sure. But I'll take it. I can be a petty and spiteful man. I'm ashamed of it in my personal life (and try not to be like that) but I'll own up to it and nurture it when it comes to football.
  17. Fair enough. I didn't watch their full regular season games, just some parts. But I'd love for them to lose badly in the post season. Don't expect it, but would relish it very, very much.
  18. You got it. We've been a very good team with a great QB and our team has been very good in the regular season but not great in clutch playoff games. Yes, it beats the drought years, but the funny thing with expectations is the higher you set them the more disappointing it is not to make them. So, in a weird way losing in the playoffs hurts a lot more than not making them.
  19. Great human story that he came back. But, like many, I don't think he should win this award for riding the pine as a backup. Classy comments from Flacco but I'd rather give it to him for actually helping his team win. Whatever. It's political and it's over.
  20. When was the last time the Chiefs were humiliated? I'd really like to see that Sunday. On top of that, I want to see Kelce hit a wall very soon and stop making the game-changing plays he does. Then Taylor is simply left with a cro-mag. I'd love to see Pat drop in the QB rankings after Kelce fades. I know he'll still be top 5 but I hate the narrative that he could be the GOAT and the assumption that he's on a different level from everyone else. These are the things I'd love to see.
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