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Everything posted by JoeFerguson

  1. I saw him at UB also. He is funny, but he just reads his stories at his events.
  2. Ok, I'm the idiot. I just want to be taught to fish. You guys always have to be so smug.
  3. Yes I can archive, but it is not the same since it's stored locally on my computer. I want the onus to be on someone else, like the IT DEPARTMENT!!! Store it on the server!
  4. I like to keep all emails for my records. For personal use, I use gmail. I can track events in my life simply by searching my email. At work, we are only given 80 MB. You can email the IT guy and ask for more, but you only get upped to 100 MB. I constantly get the "Inbox full" message. In this day and age, is it too much to ask to just give me at least a gig? My boss prints out paper copies of emails and puts them in his "files", then he deletes the email. This is insane to me, but then again, haven't been here for long so who am I to rock the boat. How much space do other people get?
  5. I would check the threads on fatwallet.com/finance or creditboards.com
  6. I closed on a house on March 3 and don't have to be out of my apartment until April 30. We are in the midst of painting the entire house. What a PITA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I agree with you. I don't understand all the paranoid tin foil hat wearing people in this thread. If you have nothing to hide, what's the big deal? If I have your first and last name I can search you on zabasearch.com and find out all sorts of info on anyone for free. If I pay $60 more I can get even more information. If you receive mail and apply for credit, you can't hide from Big Brother. Quite frankly, unless you're living off the grid, you can't hide.
  8. I bought a house two weeks ago that I haven't moved in yet. It is currently vacant. I got a call from the power company saying that the power was off last night for 3 hours. I have a natural gas furnace that is "energy efficient" (whatever that means) and it was installed in 1986. 1) Does my furnace have a pilot light? 2) Do I need to worry about my house filling up with gas if the power went out for three hours? 3) Should I rush home right now to check it? Thanks.
  9. Congrats on the job! I am sorry about your son.
  10. It's not just you. Howard Simon said this on the radio the other day.
  11. Got the phone on December 13. They made sure to do the update in store before giving it to me. When I go into the phone's settings, it says I have 2.0.1
  12. I am starting to have some call quality issues with my droid. People are complaining that my voice sounds muffled. I adjusted the settings according to these instructions, hopefully it will resolve the issue: https://supportforums.motorola.com/thread/1...=0&tstart=0 Stoj, any thoughts?
  13. My GF and I both got one yesterday. I was already a verizon customer so I renewed my contract and got the phone at a verizon store for $150 after mail-in rebate of $100. Anyway, it is my first smart phone, and so far I think it is a really cool device. That's all I really have to say.
  14. This thread and the "I can't give up soda" thread are blowing my mind. Why must people always make 900 excuses for their problems? The people in oodles of credit card debt blame the credit card companies for "forcing" them to spend money, instead of blaming themselves for buying crap they don't need. Why must overweight people blame everyone but themselves? Nobody puts a gun to your head and forces you to drench your salad in the dressing. Go to McDonalds, buy the salad and don't put the dressing on. Get water instead of pop. There, problem solved, even McDonald's can be healthy. You only got the double cheeseburger? Do you really think the double cheeseburger is a better alternative? Kudos to plenz. He didn't make any excuses for his unhealthy habits and just made a choice to stop putting crap in his body. It's probably not easy, but it's certainly made easier when you stop making every excuse in the book and just look in the mirror.
  15. It's hard to win in the NFL. It's hard to lose weight in the United States. Why is this always such a sensitive issue? It IS as simple as Dank is making it. Stop eating crap and get off your ass. Don't blame some voodoo marketer for being fat because he tricked you into eating an egg roll! Take some !@#$ing responsibility!
  16. Walk down Yonge Street. Get lost in The Bay.
  17. http://www.rideshare-directory.com/ http://www.erideshare.com/
  18. Whatever happened to Johnny Coli?
  19. This is my first speeding ticket. People tell me if I go to the court date I can get it reduced. Do I plea guilty or not guilty? How much will my insurance go up with 4 points on my license? I live in WI. Pre-emptive link in case somebody calls me Njsue
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