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Everything posted by stevestojan

  1. Ok. There was a full commercial break. The commentators tore apart every frame. They had the rules expert on. All greed 100% it’s a 1st down. So why doesn’t NY (who had the same time as above) just call down, say 1st down and move on? Why did the official have to walk over to that dude holding the iPad, watch it himself, and then make the announcement we all knew already? College football had this figured out.
  2. I would have agreed with an ejection for that hit. I’m normally for let them play. But he lowered his helmet directly at his dome.
  3. Every Steelers and Bills fan wanting a tie. All of us knowing there’s like a 1 in 10,000 chance. All of us still watching.
  4. Weird that this two point conversion attempt literally might impact the bills playoffs hopes. Like 0.001 chance. But still.
  5. Thanks Simon! It is our first and just found out yesterday that we’ll be doing a planned c-section on Wednesday morning. My brain is mush. But I heard babies sleep a lot - like 12-16 hours a day! - so I’m looking forward to all the naps and solid full nights of restful sleep. Wait - those hours are consecutive? *****. Edit: and “drooling idiot” I can understand. But the syphilis piece was supposed to be between you and me.
  6. WTF did I do? oh well. Carry on. apologies. 😂
  7. That’s right. I know teams don’t “throw” games but winning would be detrimental to the ravens. They know the bills are the best team after them.
  8. Wow. The ravens really don’t want to win at all. Understandable. Well, that % chance of the playoffs just took a decent hit.
  9. Go titans. Turning this one off as I need to get some stuff done around the house and this one is looking like it won’t be close. Yes. I know it’s 0-0 but ravens defense looks abysmal.
  10. Quick summary of post titles if we miss the playoffs: Fire everyone! I’m done with this team. For real this time. (Yet it’ll be a 40 paragraph diatribe). The refs robbed us. Allen isn’t the answer. Beane can’t spot talent. What’s really wrong at OBD? What did I miss?
  11. Singer is great! And I just realized your handle is “jerseybills” you in the garden state?
  12. I’ve lived in 7 different cities since I left Buffalo when I was 22. I’m 43 now. I absolutely love CA. Just like I’m sure the south isn’t completely full of toothless yokels, shockingly not all of CA is like the tenderloin district of SF. I live in Santa Barbara and outside of the cost (it’s expensive for a reason - if people really “hated” California, wouldn’t it surmise that the prices would go down? That said, the down payment we put on our house would have EASILY bought me a 4 bedroom house in WNY in cash) it’s really a great place to be. And to your drag show comment, my wife and I have indeed been to a couple - they are a BLAST - and I was shocked there weren’t troves of kids there like foxnews told me there would be. To each their own, but in order of places I’ve lived and how I prefer them (I can’t list Buffalo as I am biased as it will always be “home”) I would go: Santa Barbara - great food, amazing people, the weather is perfect year round, but it would cost less to build a house on the moon. Hoboken, NJ (shocked by how much I loved it there). Think smaller, cleaner NYC with easy access to Manhattan on the weekends. DC (expensive, and the absolute worst people - think opposite of WNY) but soooo much to do and the DC metro is the best public transportation in America. Virginia Beach. Yuck. But dirt cheap and it’s close to the ocean if that’s your thing. The boardwalk area from April to September are filled with tourists. Tourists who look forward to visiting Virginia Beach. West Palm Beach, FL. I was 22-24. So it was fun. But it’s Florida. Tucson AZ. If you love the idea of extreme heat combined with quite literally nothing to do, that’s your place!
  13. Funny thing is I don’t bet at all anymore. In fact I live in CA now so I had to have my best friend up in Batavia put that bet in for me, since the land is kale and yoga pants hasn’t legalized sports betting yet.
  14. ***** the bills. ***** the playoffs. Just get better my friend. if you need my Sunday ticket login, shoot me a PM. Edit: nevermind, it’s - of course - a nationally televised game.
  15. 😂 I was just ***** with ya. Go Ravens.
  16. I normally advocate strongly for the Oxford comma (no really - my team at work hates that it’s my one thing). But in this case it’s lead me to wonder if all of those things are in the fridge OR if you are already drank three full bottles of hard alcohol and then stocked the fridge with beer. No judgment either way, just curious what kind of weekend you’re looking at.
  17. That’s sounds more sane, more cost effective, and slightly more delicious than my approach.
  18. So, by my math, that’s only $100k to guarantee a SB. SDS needs to start charging more for ad space.
  19. Ok, between WotAGuy and I, we’re up to $255 to see the bills in the playoffs. What are the rest of you doing?
  20. I am a HORRIFIC gambler. I would lose a bet on how many times a broken clock was right in a day. So, to take one for the team, I put $250 on 3-team money line parlay for Jags, Steelers, Dolphins. There’s zero chance I win. The payout is $1,374. So, in summary, I just paid $250 for the Bills to make the playoffs. (And yes, to hedge the emotional breakdown with a grand to have fun with if the worst happens). I didn’t say I was emotionally healthy.
  21. A-freaking-men. Rest Josh when potentially vying for the 2 seed vs the 7 seed. Home vs away? Potential for home throughout if Baltimore trips up. Potential home AFCCG, but at least home through the divisional. I’m not sure if you all need to stop drinking or start drinking more.
  22. A thread about a potential tie game has three pages already. We all need to get outside.
  23. Random question, but if we end up the 7 seed to the Dolphins 2 seed, would the team even fly back to Buffalo?
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