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Italian Bills

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Everything posted by Italian Bills

  1. Hope you right fella Instead i see Allen as a go.
  2. Interesting point the McD one… especially for the many times he’s called out for poor coaching.
  3. We can say everything about the effort all the team will have regard JA absence, everyone accountable etc etc… but fact is that Case, even if in the League long time, is not a top QB.
  4. No JA no party, my friend. And i’m sorry to say that with Case we are screwed. So let’s hope that JA will be ready vs Minny… let’s pray !!!!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
  5. Don’t tell me that the Colts, Packs and Seahawks, those years, weren’t feared. Manning and Favre (but also the Roger’s Packs till a couple of years ago) were at different level to everyone else beside the Pats. I agree.. but you know very well how much it counts playing at home during the postseason. I’m sure that with the n.1 seed last year we would have advanced to the SB.
  6. This is true and not at same time. Some of the teams i mentioned above didn’t have a strong running game, but they got that status anyway. But i also agree with you that without a good running game (good is enough, don’t need great), we could be in trouble deep in the season.
  7. I’m wondering about a thing: the Bills’s power perception on other teams. You know… there were/are teams that others fears when to play against before the snap, thinking there are very fews chances they win. One team was New England Brady era, the Seahawks few years ago, the Manning Colts, the Packs Favre, KC Mahomes this past years when Hill was there and others in the past. Do you think that the Bills are in this situation ? I don’t feel the Bills got this status yet, even when all the so colled “expert analyst” and world of football say that we are the team to beat and superbowl favourite for Vegas. Honestly i also don’t think we got this point yet, we are very close, just few pieces far in the roster, but not there yet. Your thought ?
  8. Good morning everyone. So now, after a good night of sleep, cool head maybe, what are your odds for: - win the Division - top seed AFC - reach the SB - win the SB And what were before the Jets game ? I remain confident, very confident in this Team, even with its weak spots, so my odds were (b/f Jets game) and now are: - from 90% to 80% bc Miami and Jets are not so weak - from 75% to 60% bc KC still here and most of all now we have a not waited loss in the column - from 55% to 45% bc we are not so much superior to think we are unbeatable - from 50 to 50 bc if and when there, is always a coin toss Listening your points.
  9. Right now, honestly, beside all the anger for this loss, how much you are worried for the final regular season standing ? Still confident in the first seed, or not ?
  10. Just 5$ to attend live at a professional sport game ? Jesus.. here in Italy people pay 5€ to attend not professional games like soccer and basketball where players on Monday go to work on regular jobs. If you attend professional games you don’t pay less then 35/40€.
  11. Woww… didn’t think that much in jets favor. Of course their fans are very excited and believe they have very good chances to beat us. 😂
  12. I’m wondering what major color will have the Jets stadium tomorrow. Most white-green or red-blue-white ? Probably the first one, but in what measure ? Maybe 70-30 ? 65-35 ? 50-50 ? Your thought ?
  13. I think that sending some blitz during the game could create some trouble to their defense, not many, just some and if you see that it works, then increase the number of them. Stay always pat with our front four pressure, even if successful, long term can become predictable and give others D coordinators chance to find solutions at that.
  14. As we all know we are one of the teams that blitz less. Don’t you think that vs the Jets we could change this and go for Wilson much more ? Could it be a good strategy ? Actually we are 7th in number of sacks (19) tied with the Chiefs and Commanders, Cowboys first with 29.
  15. It could be the right thing to do. I’ll do that in this days. Lucky of you being from US. 😃
  16. If you will ever come, let me know, i’d be very happy to meet and have some good time. Over here there are many many great places to visit. I’ll try and let you know how will work Videos are good but have people to teach me is way better. Also of course i didn’t practice enough
  17. Very close. Look for MORBEGNO (SO) and you get me 😄
  18. Oh well… my dream is moving there… this days i will apply for the Visa Diversity Program.. the Lottery. Thanks man !
  19. North side, one hour by car from Milano, narrow swisse You ?
  20. Ciao Neo ! I’ve been in Tampa years ago, went to Clearwater also.. beaufiful places. I’ve been many times in Florida also. If you come here next summer, let’s keep in touch in some way… maybe we could meet and spend a couple of days together.
  21. 🤦🏽‍♂️😄 Whenever you want to come here you’ll be very welcome my friend. i’ll cook not only the real pasta, but more and more ! 😃 😄😄😄😄😄😄 im all safe buddy
  22. Ohhh man, that’s a great explanation. I need a teammate also: somebody available ? I could a short video to post here I’ll get a look today before the game
  23. 😂😂😂 Great idea ! I’ll try 🤣 Good point… but i’d love to learn it.
  24. Hello everybody. As you know i’m from Italy and since more than 30 years i’m a Bills diehard fan also. I have an original football and i would love to learn how to throw it perfectly, with a perfect spiral. When sitting on my armchair i’m able to throw it up very well but if i try to throw the football when i’m in my yard, i can’t have a good spiral. Some advise ? I watched some video but without good results. It seem a stupid request i know, but thanks in advance for your help. 😇🏈🏈🏈
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