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Italian Bills

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Everything posted by Italian Bills

  1. Hey… i wish to know what would be your thoughts in case tomorrow we will lose again. I know i would be really sad being 2-2 with to losses in a row, but playing in Baltimore with all the injuries we have and with Lamar playing so good, it’s something very possible. That wouldn’t change my opinion about how strong we are as a team and that when all healthy again we could win every single game till the end of the season, but i know i would be down till Tuesday or Wednesday waiting for the next one vs the Steeler. What about you ? ps. one aspect that could be very important is if we could run better… gaining from 100 to 150 yards on the ground could increase our chance of 15/20%
  2. Ohhh com’on !! 100 degree, humidity and most of all a very depleted team by injuries got worsen during the game. Numbers of the game speak for themself: WE DID DESTROY THEM But for the reasons above and few stupid mistakes by our side, we lost. That’s all. In normal conditions this would have been a 10 - 31 to 38 game.
  3. I read every single of your post and i found them all very valid and correct. All the points and the reasons because our running game is, sorry for the adjective, putrid, are correct. So what to do in order to get a bit of improvement ? - build a better OL ? - increase the attempts not matter what ? - less rotation between the three ? - use different run schemes ? - what else ? Something has to be done, because we are still just a step short to become really a nightmare to play against for every other team out there. I din’t know, we are fans, not professional coaches.. however we see this very clearly, i find it impossible that McD and his coordinators, that are professionals and experts, can’t see it and don’t find a way to fix it as soon as possible.
  4. Me either; in 3rd and 1 situation i always have bad feeling to get it. Too many times our backs got stopped at the LOS with no gain. If we find a way to improve our running game a bir more, than yes we would be unstoppable. I repeat: just between the 100 and 150 total yards from our three backs combined, don’t think is something impossibile. Again i agree with you. Our backs start always without any speed; then change this and use different schemes where they get the ball in speed, it would be a different story to me.
  5. The run game is a real problem for too long right now. How is it possible that we couldn’t fix this problem after all this years ? Poor backs ? Poor OL ? We can’t run the ball consistently with all the backs together for about 150 yards a game, i don’t mean 400, but at least 150… com’on. And what I noticed is the we run the middle most of the times and most of the times with no gain. What about go outside the los and not through the middle ? Am i missing something ? Opinions ? Possible solutions ?
  6. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gUbPh8bxytI Please… listen this song and believe. i know we are angry, sad, frustrated, disappointed and all the bad feelings we can have right now after yestarday… but we are the greatest sport community i ever knew and the team all knows it… knows that we are here now and always. The road is narrow and very hard… but we are here !!
  7. Few years ago I was very better in speaking and comprehending vocal english.. because i flew there number of times.. i read english site everyday, i listen apple music country every day and i watch nfl, nba and mlb in english, but it’s not the same than talking with someone else live…
  8. Ops… didn’t got my grammatical mistake. 🤦🏽‍♂️ Thanks for the help here. I know sometimes my english is not so good. Trying to get better.
  9. You know what i mean ? That the situation is very bad cause all this D men out today, but… … but how you would felt if it was Josh ? I answer for you: without any hope and joy to watch this game. But with Josh you still believe we can win beside all the injuries and you will watch the game very pumped. So things can be worst sometimes, right ? Like not having someone called Josh Allen.
  10. Maybe you misunderstood me: i said that it’s a bless have JOSH ALLEN at the helm of our Buffalo Bills, nit that we have to bless him .
  11. You got my point. And i agree with you with your last choice.
  12. Oh well… you are too good on me Dan… but one thing is true: i’m a Bills diehard fan since 1989, like most of you ì passed through lot of very bad and humiliating seasons… my first time in the US was just to come and see “my beloved” Bills live in Orchard Park.. when in the park lot, i can remember like it was yesterday, i kneel down and i kissed the ground… I came in the US many times just because i love your country… since i was a little boy… and yes, after many years i didn’t come there, the last time it was 2009, my english is worsened a bit… right now not a A1 of course… so please forgive this of me… At the end i’m not the biggest Bills fan at all… but someone that love this colors very deeply and that tomorrow will be here at 7pm my time routing again for our guys ! Always at home, strictly aline in my personal sport room, with wife and kids that know that for 3 hours their husband/Dad is not home 😄 Happy to hear that and again i’m sorry for let you think who i’m not, my fault.
  13. Hi Draco. Of course i do agree with you and if you go back in many other threads i started, i always kept on debating. But you have to understand that i’m from Italy and we have very different time so many times i’m just not in front of my keyboard replaying other posts. 😀
  14. Yes… the wonderful thing in having Josh Allen is that even when your team is so depleted by injuries and you start thinking negative or maybe accepting the fact that you can afford a loss just because all the players out, building an alibi for the loss… here is that you realize that Josh is the QB and then you stop thinking negative and building alibi.. but start to think that you can win every game also in negative moments and situation, injuries, weather, road and not home games, hostile environments, etc etc. This is the bless to have Josh by our side. Of course he can not win the games all alone, he needs the team with him, but having him at the helmet of our team you know that everything is possible and every game is winnable. The bless to have Josh.
  15. Simply that i think the TG and Gronk were both better than Kelce, that’s it.
  16. Another very good way to go, JAM HIM very hard at the line. Don’t let him get his route and speed.
  17. Yep… most of their 3rd downs and goal situations, they go to him. Double him in those situations for Christ sake ! I can’t stand KC, Mahomes and Kelce anymore !!!
  18. It could be the right way. Don’t blitz him if not occasionally, using the front four and dropping the other 7.
  19. Tony Gonzales and Gronk are ahead of Kelce… in my opinion. Exactly 😀
  20. In order to stop TB you have to get to him and in the pats dynasty it was pretty hard to reach him .
  21. I understand your point but there’s not unstoppable player. I’m not saying to nullify him totally, but limit his yardage. What about doubling him with a LB and a CB ? I prefer free someone else and steal Kelce from the “duck” ‘s eyes.
  22. Everybody knows that stopping TK is the key in order to beat KC…. so why nobody knows how stop/limit him ? How is that head coaches, def coordinators, defensive players can’t have a plan to limit his yardage at 60/70 and not let him get almost every week over 100 yards ? I really don’t get it, please help me to understand.
  23. Thanks Lord someone got what i meant … Yes, exactly that. Thank you bro
  24. Maybe you idiot, before calling me troll, read my post… you’ll see that i NEVER said that Tre is not a TOP CB. People like you, unable to ready properly what other people write, should be banned indefinitely.
  25. Never meant that Tre is not a true number one CB, but he suffered a major injury so nobody knows how he will come back. But even with Tre back at 100%, another top 10 CB would really help our already top secondary. My post wanted to say that we are very few steps to become a juggernaut to every nfl team, we can’t let this chance and moment go, whatever it takes. Again: - top back - top pass rusher - top DT like someone rightly suggested - better protection by to OL ps if we lose both Bees and Isaiah and maybe Sanders too, then we absolutely need a top replacement, a speedy one.
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