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Italian Bills

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Everything posted by Italian Bills

  1. Build it position per position the best possible team. Curious to see the players more in common with you.
  2. I grew up loving all the USA style of life… since the middle ‘900 to our days… i don’t know exactly why i’m so in love with tour Land, but that’s it. I always dreamed about moving there forever and i was “inches” to get there a couple of times, but with no luck… maybe it wasn’t destiny. Anyway i will always be in love with American lands, American sports, American way to do many things… I know that not everything is perfect, but i would move there in a bit if i could… and who knows, maybe one day i’ll win the Green Card Lottery and i’ll come there with my family I’ve been there in vacations with friends from 10 to 15 times, the last was 2009 if i remember well, and once i was in Tampa area close to a College campus: well, i stared hours watching young guys playing football and basketball… i was in heaven. And this is my favourite home corner: 😀
  3. Good question. I always loved western movies, looking at those beautiful praises, endless spaces… mountains, creeks, etc .. where 🦬s were a main reason of life for many people. For all the Native Americans they were sacred also and then i told myself that the Bills would have been the team to root for forever. I know, maybe it can look silly, but that’s it. 🙂
  4. No my friend, my only live game was the one a said before. If i was there i would be a season ticket holder for sure ! I love every american sport, football (Bills), Basketball (Knicks since 1986), Rangers and Yankees (but way before Indians). The bad thing is that the games are played when here is late night… i can’t always go to sleep at 3/4am… 😄
  5. Honestly right now i do not have a true idol favorite player… believe me i love all of them. It would be easy for me to say JA17, or Diggs, or Miller, or T-White… Milano also is a very good player and a solid one.. but my hearth goes to all our players and coaches, i want more than everything that this Franchise get to the SB and finally finished it all the job ! From 1989 to this days is 33 years of waiting, hoping, suffering and everything. WE DESERVE, THIS FAN BASE DESERVES, THIS CITY OF BUFFALO DESERVE THAT HOLY TROPHY ! So you are from Rochester but moved in Israel long time ago ? Wowwww… Like me you had hard time following the games on tv the prior years.
  6. I’m sure everybody here have tons of memories to share… bad or good … it’s just pure magic be able to read them.
  7. Ok, we are during the bye and we have to find something to talk about. This time i want to just share some memories of me being a Bills fan. Everything started in the 1989 (unfortunately) … when i decided to follow the sport of football and when here in Italy we didn’t obviously have what we have today with all the tv services that allow us to watch and enjoy every American sport game at whatever hour, live or not. We could watch on tv just very few games and for me, basically, they were the conference finals and the superbowl: the channel was Telemontecarlo. So here we go; i got four straight superbowl losses… it was sportingly devastating. During those years i wrote a letter to Marv Leave, i got a autographed picture of him in return with some gadget that i still have, i bought a 800 (400,000 Lire at that time) Bills coat from a club security man from Milano that i hardly known, praying him to sell it to me… it was crazy, but I AM CRAZY FOR OUR BILLS, I STILL AM AND I FOREVER WILL. Then talking through the net with another Bills fan from i don’t remember where he was from, i got a double dvd about the greatest come back ever: Bills vs Oilers, the Frank Reich’s night ! What a f…ing night it has been that night. Unbelievable. I think i cried and yelled and laughed at the same time for about a good 20/25 minutes. All alone obviously… didn’t have friends with who i could share football games at that time. Those years, also if with bad outcome, very bad, are still some of the best sports years in my entire life… and i’m saying that from a man that love sport (many) since i was 6/7 years old. And finally my first USA vacation came: of course to go there, to Buffalo and enjoy a game live in Orchard Park, Rich stadium. It was Seahawks @ Bills in a great sunny day). Bills won 27-21 and the standing said Bills 5-1. I remember at the airport that, leaving Buffalo for NY, i bought 3 newspapers that i still have at home like i still have the entrance ticket of that game. That’s it… those are few memories about me as a Bills fan, where i was younger and where everything started. Hope this didn’t annoy you… and that my english isn’t so bad. I can’t wait the next time i will come there… maybe i’ll meet some of you in a great tailgate outside the new stadium. 😀
  8. Appreciated, very kind of you man. Hello bruh… eheh.. me the number one fan in the world is a “little” too much… 😄 What’s up with Juve ? After 10 years of complete dominance, three years ago they started making awful choice… coach, players… they tried the all in for the Champions League with Ronaldo but it didn’t work and so everything started going south.
  9. Do you really think that ? Well… i just edited it now, fixing here and there… but please, understand me, it was 6:45am and i was just woke up… and i’m not english mother language.
  10. Every year all the fans dream about getting great offensive players… here in Europe is the same with our soccer teams… but stop a while and think what it could be pair Von Miller with one between, Donald, Bosa 8 (both), Watt, Garret, Mack, great pass rushers like those. How much would you be on fire ? Having a defense with Miller plus one of the players mentioned above, would be crazy ! Watching them hunting others QBs would be insane. Could it ever be possibile having something like this to happen ? You are more experts than me, let me understand this.
  11. Usually, every week, we have the PREDICT THE SCORE thread. Right now let’s do something different, while we are on the bye week. What do you think could be our most probable road to the Super Bowl ? Let’s start from the end of the regular season and then go from there. What seed after the regular season ? What teams could we face during the playoffs ? And who we’ll face at the Super Bowl (if you think we’ll get there). If you want you can predict all the teams that will reach the post season also and how will finish all the matchups.
  12. Hey fellow Bills brothers, after the KC masterpiece win, give your chance at every of the Bills remaining games to play, chance of win of course. Let’s start then: vs packers @ jets vs vikings vs browns @ lions @ pats vs jets vs phins @ bears @ bengals vs pats Very curious to see your takes. Mine are: 65% 70% 75% 70% 80% 65% 85% 90% 70% 65% 85% I know that everything can happen while the weeks go on, injures for example, teams that improve significantly, but actually those are my takes.
  13. Good point. Anyway i’m very happy for the way we’re playing beside all the injuries we have… a ton of. I was just curious to know others opinion about it.
  14. We do have that phrase here ( Italy ) also, but as others here said, in single right circumstances it could become another weapon to use.
  15. In fact i didn’t mean that it would have to be a full-time plan like you said… but just use it every now and then just to create more problems to opposite defensive plans. I’m just curious about your opinions. Personally i would like to see it.
  16. I was wondering if using sometimes the NHO could be a good idea or not. We have a great offense but not perfect because our poor running game, so maybe have another option could improve it. Or maybe do you think it's something that wouldn’t work at all?
  17. Incompetents are everywhere in every sport my fellow bills fan
  18. MVP MVP MVP … again and again ! Who ? JA17, WHO ELSE ?
  19. I know that injuries are part of the game.. it’s like this in every professional sport. I hate give whatever alibi like the reason for a loss… but in this case too much is too much. Nobody has the amount of injured player like we have. So i could justify a loss in this situation… i would be very very angry but still very confident in a great season. I was more for a 4-2… 5-1 with no injuries troubles with a split loss between Baltimore and Kansas City.
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