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Bob in STL

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Everything posted by Bob in STL

  1. If only it were that easy. Being a top 10 pick does not always translate into a Pro Bowl player and some of the Pro Bowl selections have more to do with hype and popularity rather than on the field play. Daryl Talley had a hard time making the Pro Bowl. If Whitner plays with the impact of Talley then I am happy. If he is a leader, a strong starter, and a play maker you would expect the pro-bowls to come. What might be more relevant is how good is he compared to other alleged top 10 prospects that we passed on such as Lienart, Ngata, and and Bunkley.
  2. Agreed. Many of Butlers players that were purge by TD for salary cap reasons went to other teams and were productive. Can we say that abpout TDs players?
  3. I totally agree. Lets be good like the Bills of the 90's. When Gregg-o came to town he and TD had the attitude that Buffalo fans didn't know what good football was. The Bills of the 90's owned the Oilers and the Steelers. All of a sudden we are playing their style. I hated that.
  4. I guess it depends on what we are trading? If we trading to get the dreaded "servicable player then I would say someone to push Tim Anderson on DT. If your looking for an real upgrade, a solid starter for years to come, then I would love to se us upgrade the OT position right now.
  5. If JP develops then TD should get some kudos for drafting him. He should also take hits for being party to an organizational plan that handed JP the starting job after an incomplete rookie season. Kudos should go to Jauron for making JP "just one of the guys", earn the job and earn your team mates respect. I think Levy said it right away, they are not going to treat JP like a savior and hand him a job. This is a demonstration of Coaching 101 by the current regime.
  6. I honestly believe that TD left the team in worst shape and not only from a from a talent perspective. TD purged veterans to get out of cap hell so I give him a pass on the first year. Still, his autocratic management style, his choice of coaches, the termoil and in-fighting all contribute to a loss of credibility for the organization. It will take a few years to re-establish the credibility that Polian-Levy-Butler established and maintained. I think the record speaks for itself ... no playoff games and one winning (9-7) season in 5 years.
  7. I am a fan from the AFL days. Guys like Otto were pioneers. They played the game when football's popularity took off and became the #1 sport in the country. Otto was one of the great players on a team with many great players. He was part of several of the NFLs legendary moments. Most of those guys made little money, especially relative to today. Otto suffers many injuries, his knees have been replaced. He lives in constant pain. He is paying the price for never missing a game in 15 years. I think Bentley was showing class by honoring a great player. Otto's comments are harsh and disappointing. Still, I cut him some slack, for old times sake.
  8. One more season? Your too kind to TD. His off the field leadership was also very poor. He signed rookie coaches because he wants ALL of the power. Worse yet, he interviewed some of the better ones and STILL didn't sign them. I can just imagine him in the war room. One Bills Drive was in a shambles when he left. He was not an effective leader. His team had no direction. Good riddance Whitey.
  9. TD did get us excited with the Bledsoe and Milloy signings. He brought in Spikes and Fletcher. He made good trades with Price and Henry. Infortunately his bad moves were worse than his good ones. Namely Gregg-o, Mularkey, and those powder puffs he brought in to play OL. His draft record is spotty at best, yet King looks to one year and expects us to judge him on only that. TD's record speaks for itself .. no playoff appearances and he left the team in worse shape than he found it. So who is knocking TD's door down with a GM job?
  10. I grew up in Buffalo. My early years were on the West Side, then the Town of Tonawanda. I went to Kenmore East, then RIT for college. I left Buffalo in 1981 because I had a nice job offer outside of NY State. I thought I would move back someday but after 5 years I was priced out of the market and go not get a job there. There are very few engineering and tech related jobs in WNY and most are entry level. My wife is from Lancaster so I go back twice a year. I miss the area and most of my family is still there. My kids love going there to. Someday I would like to return. Maybe an early retirement or a consulting postion where I work from home? Buffalo is unique and a great area. Although the butt of some cruel joke, most outsiders like it when given the proper exposure. The situation is complicated but WNY politics and poor leadership are the root cause for the mass exodus of jobs.
  11. Losman worked extremely hard last year. He was in Buffalo almost the entire off season and he was attached to the hip of Sam Wyche, studying the offense, when he wasn''t on the field. JP was not sucessful for two reaons ... 1- he simply wasn't ready to be a starter in the NFL. No shame for a 2nd year QB with a shortened rookie season. 2 -- The offense, including the coaching, was very bad. He had little help. The Sport News is printing a story, that is it, don't dig too deep. JP worked hard last year, but hard work alone will not get you respect from the veterans. Performance on the field does. Of course Losman will benefit from the competition. TD and Co were idiots to think otherwise. Thankfully, Marv knows better.
  12. His job to lose? That is the first I heard of that. He was brought in to compete. He is a more seasoned option than bringing in another rookie but he is still very raw. Nall has upside but is a long shot IMO.
  13. This is what it will take: 1. Losman needs to develop and be the starter 2. A great year from McGahee 3. The OL to be greatly improved 4. The defense to bounce back from a horrid 2005 -- Big years for Takeo, Shoebel, Tripplett and Clements. 5. The same strong special teams play we have enjoyed for the past few season 6. Six wins in our division 7. Win some close games for a change!!!!! 8. Some fortunate plays and calls in our favor. 9. The element of surprise 10. Winning attitude and character Other than that, not much I think 6-10 or 7-9 is more likely.
  14. There is some old footage of Cookie against the Jets. I love the one were he breaks a few tackles, bursts by everyone and is heading for the endzone. Instead of taking an angle to the goal line to go in untouched he notices a safety and runs straight at him. He blows him up, steps on his head, and then jogs the last few yards for the TD. Classic stuff.
  15. I don't think that he had the best career as a Bill either, not by a long shot. But, if your looking for the "best player" I would put him up against anybody when it comes to evualuating his ability to run, block, catch, tackle, hit, and kick. I think his impact on our offense was a major one and he helped to make it go. He was a great athelete to any standard, not just Canadian Football. He had the natural gift of size and speed in combination that would enable him to play in todays NFL standards. Interesting ... I never heard anything about him being the last cut from Cleveland. There are conflicting stories, his is that he quit because he wanted more money, theirs is that he was too young being straight out of high school. Paul Brown may have been trying to sneak him in before the high school rule was in effect.
  16. Cookie was great? How great? Well he was signed out of high school by Paul Brown but argued about money and his contract. He always wanted more money, no matter what. The NFL then made a rule about recruiting high school players so he went to the CFL instead of college. Cookie was a great all around player. He was a 240 lb running back, bigger than many guards, tackles, and LB's in his time. He was fast and strong and mean. He loved to block and blow people up. He love to hurt people and he did it often. Sometimes on purpose. He could catch and run. He was the first ever 1000 yard running back in th AFL and he did it in 12 games. He was a huge character and a major loud mouth in an era when that was frowned upon. Cookie claimd he could throw better than Kemp, and maybe he could have. He played LB and FB in the CFL and was a great tackler. On top of all of that, he could and did place kick. He has not the pure runner that OJ and Thurman were. He was simply a great football player who could, and would, kick the crap out of just about anyone on the field. By many measues of a "football player" he was the best and if you asked him he would tell you so.
  17. Why should they cut Bennie now? Let Reyes an Preston compete with Andersopn and beat him out for a the job. The TD way was to cut a player and give the job to another. Under the Marv regime all starters will earn their stripes.
  18. I have heard some stories from people "close to the organization" as well and it is identical to yours. The Raiders picking Huff, and Leinart still on the board changed the dynamic. The Bills had a plan and the plan covered the many options that could have occurred, even the one that did occur. Some here suggest our GM is "too old" and "not fast enough". This is utter nonsense. Just because they used all of the alloted time prioir to the does not mean they were confused. Bottom line is Whitner was very, very, highly rated by the staff (not just Marv -- BY THE STAFF). SS was considered a higher need than other positions of need, especially given the talent in this draft. Our staff knowingly left some draft picks on the table because their risk analysis showed that it was worth taking Whitner, they see him as a future star in this league and they see defenses changing and requiring a dominant safety. Case closed, no use talking about the guys we might have drafted with the extra picks. We don't who they would have been anyway.
  19. I actually think that Butler was the best from a pure natural talent perspective. He was a game breaker. Looking at the numbers, of course Reed is the great Bills WR of all time. Reed had Kelly and Co. but he made himself great. He had an amazing work ethic! Moulds is close but I take Reed in his prime over Moulds. After these three I go with Lofton, although his best years were with Green Bay. Dubenion was awesome too, way back in the 60's. These 5 are the top tier. Second tier is Rashad and Chandler. Trading Rashad was one of the all time great Bills blunders. He wanted a $20,000 raise! Next tier has Moses, Briscoe, and lots of others. I would NOT consider them borderline great. Moses best years were in Denver.
  20. Good anlaysis. Free agency has a lot to do with keeping players and it would be ineteresting to know how many players a team like New england has kept from those same three years. I would say that 2001 was a good draft. Clements and Schoebel are very good players. Clements made a pro-bowl. Henry was very good but lacked character. Jennings was a good tackle. Edwards would be OK in a rotation if he could ever stay healthy. I would say that 2002 was extremely poor. Williams is a huge bust, Reed a disappointment. Denney is the best of the class. Unacceptable draft. 2003 needs another year to tell but so far it could be TD's best draft. McGahee is solid back who could be a great back with a line and some players around him. McGee is a better than average at CB and is an impact player on ST. Kelsey and Crowell are contributing. Haggen and Aiken are excellent on ST.
  21. Exactly, TD's drafts were not steller by any means. I just hope the problem was TD and not Modrak.
  22. Just joking around, I have nothing against Leinart. I have lived in California several times myself.
  23. It is not a question of whether I agree with it or not. I don't blame him at all. I'm just glad we didn't draft a weak armed California QB. If he turns out to be Tom Brady then I'll admit I was wrong.
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