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Bob in STL

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Posts posted by Bob in STL

  1. we can't exorcise all of our demons in just the 1st game of a new regime.  i'm trying to look on the brightside.  here are 5 phrases you won't hear again after a bills loss


    Kevin Gilbride

    Mike Mularkey

    Gregg Williams

    Jeff Posey

    Tom Donahoe




    Mike Williams

    Trey Teague

    Jerry Gray

  2. It was a gutsy call by Jauron but the situation called for a field goal at the time. Bills up by 10 you have to get something out of that drive.


    If they were in Buffalo I'd agree with the call but not at NE with a 10 pt lead. First I think they got a BJ on the spot ie I think Willis got the first down. But then again getting BJs at Foxborough is par for the course. Second though, was that if they didn't get it (which by BJ they didn't), the momentum changes, the crowd gets back into it, Pasties get the momentum and evidently that sucks.


    In all though I liked the way the Bills played. I didn't expect them to win though they should have. I liked JPs patience in the pocket and was surprised by how much time he had most of the game. I liked watching Marcia pick himself off the groud so often.


    Still I think it was the wrong call, get the 3 and make them score 2 tds to win.


    my 2 cents  <_<




    I agree. From a tactics point of view, I think it was the wrong call for the situation.


    The one thing I do like about the call is that Jauron has now made a statement to his players ... they are expected to pick up 3 feet. He made thge call without hesitation and did not waver. The Bills simply need to get tougher and make that play in the future.

  3. I give up on the 4th and 1 call. It is not the reason we lost but it sure was a turning point. Time to move on to the next game.



    Fair enough on 4th and 1.

    So Teddy is a pilot in too!! <_<


    No Bob---that's the thing. He's not a pilot, he has no training. The real pilot had fallen out of the plane just before the flyover. Tedy was parking cars for the elderly in the handicapped section when he and he alone saw this. He ran to the top of the stadium and jumped mightily--as only a Bruschi could---and wrestled his way into the cockpit. Once he got in there, he just knew what to do, like, uh, like Flutie just knew how to win, you know? That's why it's so strange....



    Well flying should be easy for him because he designed the entire guidance and control system for this aircraft one summer while at camp.

  4. I'll agree with the non factor in run game but Brady only completed 11 passes and at no point got into a passing rhythm; I can see if Brady was picking us apart with efficecny. I mean he throw a pick in the 4th quarter by Whitner that if it wasn't for questionable block and play stoppage, he'd be on ESPN right now and all those guys would be saying what a genius pick by Marv. If our run D was more discipline and stayed in their lanes and our offense didn't become conservative, there is no way we lose this game. I mean for their first action they played very well; you can't expect them to be Pro Bowlers right out the gate.




    Good points. These rookies held up fine and when the defense starts playing more team defense they will be very solid.

  5. I just got back from the game at Gillette and was really interested on what the fan's response to the game would be.


    It's tough to get perspective on all the plays from the stands, and our replay angle was pretty bad.  There were a number of things to complain about, if copmplaining is your forte (and mine often is). 


    I left the game pleased with what I saw, understanding this is a rebuilding process. JP handled most of the pressure situations early, although he was on the run in the second half (obviously).  The defense was Bradyized at times, but from my angle the two toughdown passes were well covered and Brady threw the ball well.  There was a coverage mismatch on the Faulk TD, it seems, but that was at the other end of the field and hard to get the full picture.


    The Spikes sack was worth the trip alone.  The Pats fans were dumbfounded. 


    My observation was the Bills stuck together and were trying to figure out how to win this game.  I was tentative about the going for it on 4th and 1, but in the end I liked the call. Last year, I watched them pussyfoot around the Pats all game.  They went into the Pats house, went for the knockout blow and missed.  No shame in that.;


    The Pats fans were pretty stumped most of the game, and while it would have been great to leave with a win, it was nice to tell more than a few Pats fans on the way out that "Your team is beatable, we'll see you in Buffalo...". 


    FYI, and keep it between us chickens, I swear I saw Tedy Bruschi french kiss (in a supernatural way, not man-on-man love way)  that Warren fellow before the sack/safety.  He also was piloting the stealth bomber that flew overhead during the pregame. 


    Let's build on this.  There's work to do...




    So Teddy is a pilot in too!! <_<


    I give up on the 4th and 1 call. It is not the reason we lost but it sure was a turning point. Time to move on to the next game.

  6. This is the stupidest reasoning posted so far for not taking the points.  Congrats!

    No you don't.  Rather, you're pulling sh-- out of your ass.


    Again, congrats on the stupidest thread about the call on all of TSW so far!




    Taking the 3 points is the stupidest post? It was the only other real option?


    I think you just surpassed me with your insult. Thank you.

  7. <_< Sure it is. It's juvenile because it's what a 12 year-old might say. It's ill-informed because every single play would have been different had we lined up for that FG instead of going for it. And it's unrealistic because we don't know if we would have had 17 points, 20 points or more had we kicked it and gone up by 13, and we surely don't think that the Pats would have gotten that safety unless the Bills were stuck back at the 8 yard line, which likely wouldn't have happened had everything else been different. And it is "juvenile, ill-informed and unrealistic in historic proportions" because the retard rodeo is in full swing and I still would have bet anyone anything that no one would be dumb enough to just add three points to the final and say we would have won 20-19.



    The point I tried to make by adding the 3 points to get 20 was to show that this "go for the juggler and get 7" approach is total nonsense. It was a gamble we did not need to make given the situation.


    It turns out they only scored 19 on us, yes they might have had more if they needed it. I get your point and it is not fair or balanced.

  8. this is a crock of shiiit. going for it for 4th down is going for the jugular. thats putting the dagger into the heart of the patriots. down by 17? thats hard to come back from. Thats what jauron was trying to do. We had momentum, we had everything going our way. we wanted to finish them off.




    Your point is exactly why I hate this call. What juggler? What dagger? Why follow these cliches? Why is 17 any more of a dagger than 13? There was a lot of football left to play. We don't know if we win even if we got those 3 points any more than if you got 7.


    This call was a momentum killer.

  9. Ummm...


    Momentum was clearly on our side at that point. There was no doubt in my mind (or, it seemed, in the doubt of all the other Bill's fans at Busby's) that you go for it.


    Hell, you're not even Monday morning quarterbacking...you're Sunday evening quarterbacking.


    Besides, a lot of the chicken little's on this board talk about how conservative Jauran is, and now you complain when we don't convert? Give me a break.



    Well, I never said anything about Jauron being conservative did I? I think he is doing a good job.

  10. Fair point to say you would take the 13 point lead in that situation. And we may have won.


    To simply add three points to the final score and say we would have won 20-19 if we kicked it is foolish, juvenile, ill-informed and unrealistic in historic proportions.




    <_< It is oversimplifed ok, maybe even foolish. But it is not juvenile, ill-informed and unrealistic in historic proportions.

  11. How do you know that?  How exactly can the game play out the exact same way if the Bills kick those points?  Nothing that happens after that gets repeated if the Bills kick that FG, it's not like you can just add those points to the final score and say, "we would win 20-19".




    I agree. I don't know that and lots of plays would have been different. Just like no one else knows that getting 7 instead of the easy 3 is really "going for the juggler". That is my real point. Once we blew the 4th and 1 we lost all momentum. We did not get another first down.


    Three points adds to the lead and keeps the momentum on our side.

  12. Belichek ( Mr God !!) had a 2 point lead and oh my gosh went for it on 4th and 1 with a 2 pt lead.....was he admitting the lead was not safe? was that poor coaching???




    Completely different situation. Belichek did not give up points.


    I never said this was poor coaching either. I think this was one of the best coached Bills games since about 1995. I just think the call was wrong. There were easy points to put on the board and we squandered them.

  13. Holding a 10 point lead against the Patriots is not going to guarantee you a win, even a 13 point lead is still not a guarantee. They took a chance (and if they would have made it, everyone would be talking about how it was great) and it didn't work out. They still kept up with a very good team, and only lost by 2 points. Yet typical of Buffalo fans, they have to find a problem with something that should be positive




    I am not sure I am typical of Bills fans. I do know that we win 20-19 with those points.


    I would take a 13 point lead and the momentum.

  14. You know what would have showed a lot of confidence?  If on 4th and one, JP just kneeled down.  We don't need any points.  We were playing one of the best teams in football, on the road, with a penchant for late-game heroics.  You gotta go for the knockout if you have any faith in your running game, your offensive line, and your defense.



    Given the benefit of hindsight three points WAS the knockout.


    I take the 3 points.

  15. You didn't know it was 4th and one ? You thought it was 3rd and one ?


    Why say it out loud and ruin my day. I thought it was the little things that got the Bills beat. That is a pretty big one.


    You had two hours to figure out something to say, but that dribbles out.




    The worst part of it is that it should not have mattered.


    All that rhetoric he spouted this past week about playing hard ... hmmm :D

  16. My seats were in the end zone, so I can't give a lot of player evaluations since those of you watching on TV got better angles to view the plays with.


    1) Gillette Stadium is a really nice facility. Very clean, good sight lines, but there was a tremondous traffic jam of people waiting to get in which I've never seen at the Ralph. Most expensive tickets in the nation, and 2 Coors Lights cost 15 bucks!


    2) Patriots fans are pathetic, as we already knew. They were booing halfway through the first quarter and all through the second. This was the tamest end zone I've ever been in, and I've been in a lot of stadiums.


    3) Whether you agree with going for it on 4th and 1 instead of kicking the field goal or not, there is no question at all that at that moment, it was the turning point in the game. You could feel it in the stadium, if that makes any sense.


    4) The refs didn't lose this game for us, we were just outplayed when the chips were down in the trenches. The Pats sucked it up and got the hard yards on the ground and Buffalo's lines folded.


    5) Whitner and Ko Simpson can play. Moorman sucked, but the guy is allowed a bad game every now and then.


    6) Seeing a B2 stealth bomber fly low right over your head puts chills down your spine.


    7) The best halftime show I've ever seen. About 50 fresh NE national guardsmen taking their pledge to serve the country. That was classy.


    If you told me we'd be into the 4th quarter with 9 minutes to play tied at 17 (before the game) I would have taken that in a heartbeat.


    I'm encouraged by what I saw but disappointed in the results.






    Good post.

  17. You guys have to be kidding me...


    Dick Jauron was trying to teach a young team, that no one thinks can win, how to stick the dagger into the heart of an opponent  (one we were supposed to have NO CHANCE of beating) on the ground.  If it would have worked, it would have been brilliant.


    It did turn the tide; we had our chances to make it up, but Special Teams cost us a game (did I just say that?).




    ??? :D

  18. I expect to get a lot of grief but I believe that this is yet another game that we let get away. I am not just talking about the failed 4th and 1 attempt, there were lots of "non plays" in the second half.


    As for the 4th and 1 call --- DJ took a big gamble when just taking the points would have been enough. I am talking about precious points on the road. The Pats were reeling. There was no reason to "go for the jugular". I think you show confidence by taking those hard earned points and sending an inspired defense out there to get you the ball back. Even the old high octane Bills of the 90's would have taken 3. This was a call that resonated this message ... "we better get all the points we can, before we blow it". Guess what? They blew it anyway.


    Clements penalty on the Whitner interception is typical of the mistakes that plague this team. I don't know if the call was fair or not but I expect more from Clements.


    The worse part of the game was the second half collapse of both the OL and the DL. Especially the OL.


    There is no moral victory. The only way to turn this around is to win.

  19. BELICHICK used fast freddy just to get info on the Bills then cut him <24 before game time. what a jerk!!!!!!!!!!!






    Unbelievable! I figured that Freddy would not know much about the actual game plan to provide any help but he could at least have tied certain plays and tendencies to the different formations.


    Bellichek was quoted as saying they were trying to get Freddy ready to play and that he had much to learn. Hmmm. :lol:

  20. That's basically the point of every game, so I guess I agree?



    That is not the point of the game, it is the recipe for success in the NFL.


    Winning the coin toss means nothing if you do not do these things. Last year we won the coin toss an unbelievable amount of times .... it is practically meaningless over the course 16 games.

  21. I can't WAIT to see how Mike blows up the Miami game tonight, it'll be an awesome sight.




    There are 3 things that have to happen almost in a row to have success this weekend.


    1. Win the toss. Elect to kick.  Therefore we get the ball at half to start off the end, and you DO NOT want the Patriots to be on Defense while the crowd is blowing up after kick-off.


    2. Turnovers. Send Angelo in on pass plays to make Brady fear for his life, and have the Clemegeeboty take care of the rest.  A big turnover silences the crowd, swings momentum in a HUGE way to us.


    3. Score Early, Score often.  It's obvious, but I'm not talking about touchdown, touchdown, touchdown, I'm saying a touchdown and some quick field goals to get under Belicheks skin.


    It's going to be tough, we probably won't win, but seeing the heart this city and this team puts in to the game I'm praying they reap their rewards.




    Try this:


    1 - Run the ball and stop the run.

    2 - force turnovers, do not turn it over ourselves

    3 - limit penalties, play smart

    4 - play inspired special teams

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