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Everything posted by Generic_Bills_Fan

  1. This loss was a total team effort it just doesn’t make sense to me to single out one thing. The last few weeks any time the offense shows up the defense disappears and vice versa…special teams has rarely shown up either
  2. Only hope is they figure out these delayed blitzes and offense starts carrying the team but that is looking increasingly farfetched by the week lol
  3. I don’t understand it…they both deserve eachother lol we are playing the opposite of complementary football special teams has been bad too
  4. And Knox had a much easier shot at the same exact opportunity and couldn’t hang onto the ball 😂
  5. Kincaid is the only one on the team doing his job haha
  6. Don’t get me wrong I’m not trying to pin it all on the defense but they just can’t get anyone off the field and occasionally come up with a big turnover which i don’t think is sustainable and that shows up in moments like this. Pretty mediocre at best offenses have been marching up and down the field on this defense for weeks now. offense would’ve had to carry them with all the injuries and they haven’t even been remotely close to doing that. Bass is missing kicks too it’s just an absolute sh*tshow i had no confidence they’d keep the pats out of fg range on that final drive going into it and a td certainly wasn’t out of the question
  7. They need a lot more than 1 or 2 players unfortunately
  8. They’re obviously both struggling so it doesn’t make a lot of sense goin back and forth but it does seem like every time the bills punch in a big time momentum changing td the defense completely folds no matter what time in the game it is
  9. This play was actually nowhere near as bad as I thought it was on Murray’s part lol wow…kind of wish I didn’t see that
  10. All this talk of who’s more to blame offense or defense but wtf happened to bass man. We just can’t do anything right
  11. Refs got the calls backwards the last two weeks lol giants should’ve beaten us on that late pi and we should’ve at minimum gone to OT in this one
  12. I feel like physically they can be good in pass pro but they can not communicate on a freakin delayed blitz to save their life
  13. I’m so tired of people assuming any defense played in the fourth quarter is prevent 😂
  14. The hate for Dorsey this specific game is entirely off base lol I wish it was just the oc that was the issue because we could can him and bring someone else in but it is far from that simple
  15. Murray threw away a wide open td for Knox on an epic brain fart also
  16. He’s in the slot a bunch…what’s the difference at that point?
  17. Can’t imagine their dvoa was good in this one lol
  18. Kincaids lookin good to me…idk who’s at fault between qb or oline or what but these delayed blitzes are brutalizing us for three weeks now
  19. Murray was an idiot and leveled the db is why they called it on us…we’ve thrown a ton of points away this game lol
  20. Idk that that’s true here but in other games I’d agree…things have seemed much easier for the pats offense this game than ours
  21. Great second effort on that play though to get it into sneak range…not sure if you’re bein critical of Kincaid/josh here or not though 😂
  22. If we win this it’s because Dorsey bailed josh out ironically enough lol
  23. I’m gonna tell myself it’s wind but I could be lying 😂. Those deep shots get mistimed sometimes if the receiver gets caught up in traffic but that miss on second down was badddd
  24. They’re playing better this half it seems…josh just missin throws. We can’t have it all working at the same time clearly
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