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Everything posted by JDubya76

  1. As far as playing the quarterback position, Lamar Jackson is a really good running back.
  2. Quick fix.........Referee and QB shock collars. When the clock hits zero.....boom taser, they all fall down.
  3. Well you see, the play clock has to hit zero. The referee has to look at his watch to confirm the zero. He then has to look at the ball. Then he has to look back up at the play clock to make sure that the first zero wasn’t a mirage. Then back down to his watch to make sure there are no glitches in the Matrix. Then back up to the ball. If is still not snapped, he/she then the makes the call.
  4. Good ole Norman Esiason, who has hated Buffalo for decades, was shocked it wasn’t a fumble. No excuse for bad calls with the benefit of replay. Good teams persevere.
  5. His voice wasn’t grating enough
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