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Everything posted by Meatloaf63

  1. I would agree with that, I do think 1 yard is too restrictive..,
  2. Because Daboll never understands the situation when it matters…
  3. I hear ya, I went to a soccer game in Atlanta in the Mercedes dome and people stood the whole game, I ended up sitting half the time and watching it in the scoreboard, so annoying…
  4. It’s very frustrating and disappointing I agree. Still think he needs to play better, make better decisions, protect the ball…
  5. Still not good enough, they let Wentz of the hook time and time again, and still aren’t getting sacks with regularity needed. Are you happy?
  6. The side view showed it hitting the grass as it entered his hands. That being said a terrible decision, especially with all his talk after not protecting the ball after Jacksonville disaster. He needs to do better.
  7. I think he’s easily fixable, but currently, he’s not taking what defenses give him and he’s not protecting the ball. He’s causing some of his own problems not finding the open man and forcing other throws. But play design is terrible and of course execution has been non existent.
  8. If you don’t think Allen isn’t partly to blame for our problems this year you are delusional. He’s had his share of mistakes, he played better last year, he doesn’t seem focused this year.
  9. Complained about this during GDT. The 3rd and 8 play after the 3rd and 3, every route was 10 + yards and long developing. No short crossing or slant nothing quick developing, it’s like Daboll completely removed those plays from the playbook this year.
  10. If he doesn’t start to learn to take what is given, his career is not going to be very good.
  11. Don’t bother arguing with him, waste of oxygen…
  12. Certainly not as bad as what the colts did on the interception…
  13. They had a little effect not calling the Offside and pass interference, but our suck has overshadowed the bad calls by far.
  14. I’m pretty much done with Moss, he’s not even a good back up…
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