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Everything posted by Meatloaf63

  1. It would have been one damn gutsy call though 👍
  2. Thanks Hapless, this is a great response 👍
  3. Tired of talking about yesterdays debacle… Every summer the past few years Allen has worked with Palmer on some aspect of his game. Long passes short passes body and foot placement. After watching what Josh has become, what does he still need to work on this off season? Doesn’t seem there is much left to do, he hit long some passes but I guess there is still a little work there, some times he could go to the check down a little quicker, but really what is left to improve on?
  4. Exactly, and if they fair catch it, they are inside the 15 yard line or worse.
  5. Hill wasn’t out on that kick for a return. It should not have been a squib, but a high kick to the 10 yard line, the squib is not reliable to get far enough down field.
  6. My thought was being on the road didn’t seem to hurt us yesterday. We didn’t have a stellar home record this season either.
  7. Honest question, does that make a difference last night where the game is played?
  8. Thinking that remaining on the course that has proven to fail is the right thing to do. We just spent how many years being Tom Brady’s B word and now you are content continually losing to Mahomes without making a change in direction. That’s foolish, I know you can’t see that and it speaks volumes. We did the same thing last night that cost us a victory in Houston, same as last year. When it came down to it, McDermott coached scared, sat back and hoped for the best. Called two time outs and still blew the coverage. I’m glad you are happy with that and when it happens again next year we can all be really proud of a nice season and one or two play off victories. Or we could get new blood and a different view on how to handle people like Mahomes, Burroughs, Herbert. These qb’s are not going away and we need to get better if the goal is to win a Super Bowl instead of just being a nice team that’s fun to watch in the regular season. McDermot needs to given a wake up call, he doesn’t need to be fired, he needs to do better.
  9. then tackle him and give up 5 yards and eat clock.
  10. And you sound like a fool. The man underperformed at his job and his decisions directly affected the outcome and you don't think there should be any repercussions for that. Its your kind of foolish thinking that keeps a losing mentality going forward. Just keep doing the same thing going forward and maybe next time it will work out. Doesn't surprise me, your takes have been terrible for years so why would that change now? Just like hoping the Bills will improve by wishing for it instead of having a plan to do so.
  11. If Bean likes his job it would behove him to stress to McSackless that this was not acceptable and repercussions will be forthcoming if it happens again. But you are right, it's probably not going to happen.
  12. You are 100% correct. But I know they won't get rid of the HC so someone needs to pay for this debacle and maybe McSackless will learn something from this abortion performed last night.
  13. He needs a warning to upgrade his coordinators. Daboll flashed last week but went back to his not trusting Allen to get it done until he had to. The 3 & out with 3 runs when you have Allen at qb is inexcusable. A defensive Coorinator who doesn't have a clue how to close out 13 seconds is ridiculous. Changes need to be made, the players on D certainly can't trust Frasier to lead them to their best. Bean needs to do a better job with talent as well, stop being scared to trade late round picks. Von Miller could have been the difference last night, there were other players available that could have helped.
  14. We didn't blitz once that I could see, just once would have been nice to change things up. But not understanding that all you needed to do was mug their wide receivers and tight end with 13 seconds left shows a lack of understanding the game. Lets face it, these guys aren't that smart. it was the easiest victory to seal and they blew it.
  15. Squib kick was the wrong choice a very high kick to about the 10 yard line is what was needed. Make choose between a fair catch or giving up seconds.
  16. That’s why you drag them down at the line of scrimmage same result time wasted no progress up the field
  17. Regardless it’s a stupid rule no matter how you get to it.
  18. That’s why you high kick it to the ten, if they fair catch it they had 15 more yards to go if they don’t tyey eat up 5 seconds
  19. Apparently. After that they should’ve just been holding receivers and throwing them to the ground. So they get three plays and they get five yards a play off a penalty but the clock runs out. Pure stupidity, poor coaching, zero situational awareness.
  20. All you had to do was hold the receivers for 3 plays and it was game over. But instead the coaches had them back up 25 yards and let them have chunks of yards. They should have been grabbing them and throwing them to the ground, but we are to stupid for that strategy.
  21. Your full of crap, time doesn’t change the fact it went forward and the refs didn’t have the guts to make the right call.
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