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Everything posted by SirAndrew

  1. The defense is not all time elite, but is elite in relation to this season in the NFL. I don’t have low expectations for the offense, I have realistic ones. I don’t want Josh Allen throwing the ball 30 times at this point in his career. It hasn’t been successful. He was a different QB when we established the running game in the second half. Allen and the team both benefit from doing so. This offense is most dangerous with the running game being a key element. Coming out of the gate with Allen throwing the ball almost every down is not the best recipe for success at this point. He’s a second year QB, there is no reason to expect him to carry the team at this point. In the first half Daboll called the offense in a manner that forces Allen to carry the offense.
  2. Agree, Allen was always viewed as a raw prospect who needs time to develop. I simply like the idea of easing him into a more prominent role slowly over time. Leaning on the run game with an elite defense while Allen learns seems preferable to me. I’d say it’s better than the sink or swim method of throwing the ball on every down. This team can win with Allen as a game manager, and I can’t believe I’m advocating that after the Tyrod years. The difference is Allen’s arm strength, even in a game manager role, he can make throws that are game changing. He’s also a player than can lead a team back if they fall behind. However, give him time to learn, and lean on him when we need to. Let’s not try to run the Chiefs offense or something like that. Allen isn’t ready for it.
  3. Yeah, I’ve really never given it much thought. I’m sure the PA system could be better, but it’s never really mattered much to me when attending games. New Era is always quite loud, I guess I don’t expect to hear much because it’d need to be ridiculously loud to hear over the crowd noise. It’s not like hearing the PA at a minor league ball game on a Tuesday night.
  4. I hear you, that’s just not a spot where I’m testing Tre. Three points on the board might have won the game for the Phish. Fitz has always struggled with his arm strength getting the ball outside the numbers toward the sideline. Doing so against a guy like Tre is not something I’m doing in that spot if I have Fitz arm strength. Maybe I shouldn’t use the word “boneheaded”, but Fitz never seems to recognize his own physical limitations. He could play much smarter football if he did so, it just seems few people ever question his decision making because you know, he went to Harvard.
  5. Yeah, even when he plays great, he makes some boneheaded decision that loses the game. I truly believe the Phish win if Fitz doesn’t decide to test Tre along the sideline yesterday.
  6. Ironically, I’m one of those people complaining about not running the ball enough. I’m also someone who’s been complaining about our offense being outdated for the last decade. Right now Allen is a young quarterback who is learning on the job. Allen typically has a lot of hot and cold streaks during the course of a game. I just wish Daboll would recognize when Allen gets flustered, and slow the game down a for him by running the ball. Gore was breaking off ten yard runs against an historically poor opponent, there was no reason to run the offense like you have Rodgers or Brees back there. I’d prefer to let Allen learn before throwing so much responsibility on him. QB’s like Brady and Roethlisberger were not who they are today when they won their first titles. They played on teams that took advantage of having great defense while easing their young QB into a future role of carrying the team.
  7. The day of a big dominant play making number one WR being a necessity is over. There’s a variety of ways to put points on the board these days, and having a guy like Brown as the number one is more than good enough. With that said, the most important element in a modern offense is having more than one guy who can step up. Moving forward it’s going to be crucial for guys behind Brown and Beasley to make plays.
  8. There’s a quality throw. Allen looks much different when it’s not pass after pass in the spread offense. Tough break for Duke, and our offense.
  9. Allen’s not progressing, and I’m slightly concerned about that
  10. Keep running Gore, or Daboll needs walk back to Bama tomorrow.
  11. Yep, and I’m sure they’ll come out throwing.
  12. Nice play Tre, but he didn’t score. I don’t even want to watch Allen try to play QB while Daboll pretends to be an OC.
  13. Terrible coaching today all around. We look unprepared.
  14. Run the ball, Allen is clearly rattled, and against a team they should beat it’s best to slow the game down for the young QB. Daboll has no feel for the flow of a game.
  15. I’m just as frustrated that we’re slinging the ball all over the field, on a day when Allen clearly doesn’t have it.
  16. Agree, with that said, if the defense is what we say it is, they need to start shutting down the Fish now. Otherwise I’d consider them a bit of a fraud.
  17. Agree. The run game compliments elite defense, and Allen isn’t at a point in his career where I want him throwing 30 times a game. He needs more time to grow into that role.
  18. Gross, reminds me of the 2000’s Bills. Time for Allen to prove things are different by stepping up.
  19. Daboll tries too hard to be smart, and I think I post that every week during the game, but it’s growing tiresome.
  20. Yeah, he’s failing to establish an identity. Gore is breaking off ten yard runs, then we go into a spread offense. Run the clock and put 7 on the board against a team you should beat easily.
  21. Daboll has no direction as to what he wants this offense to be, that scares me. It should be coming together a little better at this point in the year.
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