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Everything posted by CoudyBills

  1. That's where his helmet was? Hahahaha. I kid...
  2. Now the theater of morons trying to back up the words of OH and GO.
  3. My bad, you are correct. Not a trial. Political stunt. I mis-typed.
  4. There isn't one. That's the point. One side was not permitted to call fact witnesses during the lower house proceedings because the object was to get impeachment over the finish line. There was no fair trial. Therefore, the Senate should do the same thing. It's partisan BS. If you make a ***** sandwich then prepare to take a bite of a ***** sandwich. There is no fixing this mess. This was created to put some skid marks on the president's record.
  5. It's already been set. No witness, so no witnesses. Should have been witnesses from both sides in the house. Did I offend you earlier? Surely you know comments on this board are mainly said in jest, no? Now if you'll excuse me I need to get busy taking my billions.
  6. Difference in political beliefs, do we? I dont know. What I do know is you either can't or won't recognize that an even playing field is needed in this situation. Well...not cool man.
  7. Yeah, no. What's good for the goose is good for the democrats. Right, it is better to just say Gary...go ***** yourself.
  8. At this point I think it is pretty safe to simply dismiss democrats out of hand. At the very least until they can prove they can be rational.
  9. Wait a minute...morality exists apart from honesty? Serious question. This bored is full of smart people, educate me.
  10. @Tiberius did your bum hut collapse under the weight of the snow? Shouldn't you be in here ranting about orange man bad and states rights? Maybe racism? KKK rallies?
  11. My favorite part is how he typed IMHO. I've got much work to do, but I don't think that dude has a humble bone in his body.
  12. It is. It's rising everywhere. What a time to be alive man.
  13. I see. Not typically. I believe laws make a nation. At the same time I also believe there are certainly instances where I wouldn't blame anyone if they had enough and revolted. Otherwise you just end up with a nation full of slaves. Edit: I also have a bad habit of trolling politically charged conversations.
  14. My interaction with Azalin? I say all sorts of stuff. Just yesterday I had a conversation with Q Baby that didnt consist of actual words. I'm not really sure what you are trying to get at exactly. Don't know Joe, maybe he has a nice corner? Puerto Rican officials withheld aid that presumably led to an increased death toll for what appears to be purely political purposes. What would you call that? Maybe I just misused a term? Who can tell... Edit: where is friggin Tom when I need him. Edit 2: Oh! That. Yeah, citizens presumably run governments. There should be death penalty cases, this was murder. In reality there will be no punishment whatsoever, not even a caning unfortunately. The only way that changes is revolution. But, not me. I'm a pacifist.
  15. Viva la revolucion comrade. Simple rules really, operate like a banana republic suffer the consequences of a banana republic. Republic
  16. George Carlin was absolutely correct when he said that we can't expect politicians to be better than they are because they are us. They are a product of our society and our system of education. I see what you are saying and I understand it but I have to really work to supress my incredibly strong reaction to the question. I lean very much libertarian, but I'm not an anarchist, I believe we should be as free as is possible with as small a government as is practical to defend the homeland and regulate interstate commerce. Oh hell, I think I just started ranting about some other topic...sorry.
  17. Agree on the second sentence. Scoring in the first half would have been advantageous. Can't not show up like that.
  18. Big fine coming for #77 on that illegal block facing his own ez. ***** you Goddell.
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