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Everything posted by wnyguy

  1. Hey I heard the guy looked like Barry Sanders when they tried him out against our defense.
  2. Still arguing about quarterbacks? We have an inferior offensive line, we have no offensive identity, a defense that can not only not stop the run but can't keep an offense from picking up third and longs all day long. A blitzing, high pressure defensive scheme that just can't quite get that pressure all the way to the opposing quarterback. We have safetys that can't make tackles and linebackers who are almost always out of position. If we were losing solely because of the play of the QB I'd understand the debate but this team can lose a game on both sides of the ball.
  3. You said it. If Hortons number goes up simply because he died then Lafontaine and Gare and Hasek should be no brainers.
  4. In another amazing observation Burris also pointed out that Martins head always seems to stay between his shoulders. Where have they been keeping this guy?
  5. Well, the fact remains that we will never know until he plays.
  6. Rocketship 7 Twin Fair Loblaws Carols ( hamburger joint had a burger the size of a dinner plate ) Mary Hartman Mary Hartman
  7. Gotta go with you on that one. Watching a video of himself pretending he was a quarterback? That slayed me.
  8. Good choice. I have already wrote in a victory for that one, in ink even.
  9. That seems the wise choice. Hope the Bills win for you. What game are you going to?
  10. That might be a little close. I wouldn't take the chance unless you left the game a bit early.
  11. He should have been more careful where he dropped his load. Er.. I mean.. spilled his seed? That is...tossed his grain? You know what I'm trying to say, right?
  12. Good luck to you, man. Keep your head down and hurry back home soon.
  13. Good thinkin'. But I believe that is just the Bills games that they mess with the line, figuring us all for suckers and picking the Bills. Signed, A. Sucker
  14. I know, and after picking the Bills the last two weeks I'm staying right away from them the rest of the year.
  15. Did the kids buy endzone tickets to the game or bring themselves there? To me it would seem like adults are responsible for kids being there, and their well-being. If someone is that worried about their kids being exposed to that kinda stuff, either get tickets in the family zone or don't bring the kids. Its a football game not the freakin Lion King what do you expect? 456955[/snapback] How about the right to expect people to act like human beings, it's a football game not an adult strip club.
  16. My card is giving the Saints 3. Perhaps they missed the last two games?
  17. Has anyone been questioning the defensive gameplan against the Falcons? Too many blitzes that the Falcons burned with the run. Once you get through the initial wave of rushers the RB or Vick had smooth sailing for alot of yardage. Did the coaches see this after the first 12 times it happened and adjust their startegy? No, they just kept it up. In my opinion they should have gotten out of the blitz package played their base defense and just kept a spy on Vick.
  18. I'd be happy if he could just bust one run, see if his speed is there or not.
  19. The run defense gave up too much yardage on first downs. With Fletcher and without him there was too much yardage gained up the middle. Where was this much hailed 'elite' defense?
  20. Let me get this straight, you'd want us to throw Losman to the dogs after 2 starts in the NFL? Johnson had plenty of time to prove himself. The fact that he didn't is on him. Bledsoe needed to make just one or two plays a game and more often than not he couldn't. He had ample time to prove himself as well. If after two seasons it is apparent that Losman is unable to be a quality QB than I will have no problem throwing him out, but 2 games does not a career make.
  21. Those Pats are no-good rat bastards is all we're trying to say.
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