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Everything posted by RobbRiddick

  1. Once again, good pass, first down run, second down run, 3rd and long. YAWN
  2. I don't care if it's 'safe', you cannot keep running on first down. It's so old fashioned and predictable. They get a decent pass play, into Bears territory, then come straight back on 1st down with a loss for McCoy. It's just pathetic, shows no balls and tells your offense you have zero faith in them.
  3. Good. As I said before, with Anderson playing the offense is just a snooze fest, at least with Nate in there it'll be like one of the films that's so bad it's good. Like the fourth Jaws film.
  4. Bradford has made a lot of money for a guy who's worked less days than Santa Claus
  5. But at least they were forward thinking enough to have one play QB
  6. Women coaches? The world's gone mad, we'll be letting them drive cars next!
  7. Come on Nate! Make this Sunday memorable! I either want 5 TDs and a win or more interceptions than there were guests at Vontae Davis' retirement party* (*6)
  8. I'll tell you what is foolish, even though I've followed this team since the early 80s and so should know better, there is still a tiny part of my brain that finds itself thinking "imagine if Peterman ended up good. Like if a light went on and he got lots of confidence and started to get some wins and ended up being the franchise QB". That's the point where I usually laugh at myself. But with a team this bad you're forced to make them good in your mind, hence the fantasies of them winning the SB in the final 2 minutes with no time outs, or beating the Pats in the championship game. It's like the loser kids at school who imagine having friends and being popular. The difference is, they get knocked back to reality with a coke bottle on the back of the head or "hey loser" at lunch, we get knocked back to reality every Sunday at 1.
  9. I wonder if he's contemplating getting out of the game by stabbing himself in the leg like the guy from Platoon. Peterman is the only player whose interceptions you could turn into a drinking game and actually have a hangover in the morning.
  10. Cool, a new weapon for Peterman. Watch him light up the Bears!
  11. I agree. Watching the team with Anderson playing is just zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. At least with Peterman there is plenty of comedy to fall back on when things get depressing
  12. When I watched Hard Knocks I thought the guy came across as a bit of a joke. The bit that stood out to me was when Coleman complained about being with the 2nd strings or 3rd team and Jackson said "talk to the offensive coordinator". Just struck me as a bit gutless, like he was more worried about his players liking him than respecting him.
  13. Does he want out because they're losing? If so, why the hell would he want to play for the Bills?
  14. Playing Peterman against Belichick would be like letting your children have a sleep over at Michael Jackson's house.
  15. Hmmmmm, the guy's wife was busy looking after the young child. He wanted some female attention but she's busy in mom mode, so he goes upstairs with the vacuum cleaner? Then just happened to have the tube in his hand when Chad came calling? I'm starting to see why the guy was so angry with Chad. It wasn't because he trespassed on his property, it's because he was forced to turn the vacuum cleaner off before he 'finished'.
  16. That would actually be so much fun. We could just run polls to see who we draft or sign in FA etc. I'd also convert Nate Peterman from QB to a human coat stand for my office
  17. I'd love to see the meeting room with crazy Chad and God-fearing Peterman. Chad: "Jesus, I'm looking forward to Sunday!" Nate: "Don't take the Lord's name in vain" Chad (laughing like Peter Griffin): "Dude, you said vein. I've got a vein in my dick"
  18. I did call up the ref and offer him a cool million to win us the game but he just laughed and said he's already been given more than twice that amount from Kraft. I hung up.
  19. Yesterday I was fortunate enough to win the Super Lottery - a cool 1.6 billion. In an effort to show I have bigger balls than the guy who bet 5k on the Bills to lose earlier in the season, I've put the whole lot on the Bills to beat the Patriots. If I win I will have enough money to buy Microsoft.
  20. It's nice to read this post by the KC fan but it's a bit like some hot girl saying you have a nice personality the day after she sleeps with your best friend.
  21. I would actually bring him in. I'd love to watch him play for us this season to see how good he is. Especially if Allen ends up being out longer than expected or gets hurt again. Christ, I need some entertainment this season and I ain't getting that watching Anderson play.
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